Matt C. Abbott
January 31, 2005
Catholic gay activist needs "courage"
By Matt C. Abbott

In a recent e-mail exchange with pro-life/pro-family activist Arlene Sawicki, Chicago's very own Catholic homosexual activist, Rick Garcia, political director of Equality Illinois (, had this to say:

I will type slowly so that maybe you might be able to understand this. Religious institutions enjoy special rights and special privileges under the US Constitution, our state constitution, and local ordinances. The recent amendment to the Illinois Human Rights Act does not and cannot abridge these rights and privileges.

Sixteen jurisdictions in Illinois include sexual orientation in local civil rights code and no religious institution has been harmed in any of those jurisdictions. Also, all of the major mainstream Protestant churches, rabbinical councils and a dozen religious orders of nuns in Illinois endorsed the bill.

Arlene, the jig is up.

Your outrage over the passage of SB 3186 has nothing to do with a concern for religious institutions' rights. Your outrage is based not on deeply held religious beliefs or your fidelity to the Church. It is based on animosity toward gay people.

When, dear, was the last time we heard you condemn the death penalty, question the war in Iraq, speak out about the rights of immigrants or speak out for economic justice? Never. Even though our Holy Father and our Church have been clear about all of those issues. You are obsessed with gay people's genitals and what they do or don't do with them and you can't see beyond their crotches. You cloak your anti-gay sentiment in the name of religion.

Arlene, bigotry is always vile, but it is especially vile when it masquerades as virtue. I pray to God that you are just uninformed and clueless, but frankly, I get the impression that you are just a bitter, miserable, obsessed woman. I do take comfort in the fact that Almighty God will have mercy on you.

Interestingly, Garcia does not mention that the Catholic Conference of Illinois ( opposed the bill. Not that it matters to him. Garcia, of course, knows the authentic teaching of the Catholic Church in regard to homosexual activity; he just doesn't seem to agree with it. And it's unfortunate — though not at all surprising — that those who oppose such a bill on moral grounds are labeled "bigots" and "homophobes" by homosexual activists.

Garcia would do well to look into Courage (, a Catholic apostolate that "ministers to those with same-sex attractions and their loved ones... From our website you will learn about homosexuality and how by developing an interior life of chastity, the universal call to all Christians, one can move beyond the confines of the homosexual identity to a more complete one in Christ...."

Courage is waiting for you, Rick.

Meanwhile, it seems a critic (or critics) of the Petersburg, Ill.-based Roman Catholic Faithful, headed by Stephen Brady, has started a campaign of sorts to "get" Brady. To wit: "The Investigation Committee" has sent a somewhat threatening letter to Brady — with copies to other parties, apparently — saying:

"...Our investigation has brought many to conclude that you yourself are a homosexual, as are members of your family... We want you to know that our investigation of you, your background, your sources of income, your family and much, much more is only the beginning. Everyday we learn more and more incredible facts about you. You will hear so much more from us, and so will countless others. It's not important that you know who we are. You may learn that in time. But, be assured, we know who you are — and are learning more about you by the minute. Watch for us! We are watching you!"

In an open-letter response, Brady retorts: "I read with delight your attempt to frighten me into silence. 'Shooting the messenger' has a long and pathetic history. If you think that revealing my alleged past faults and sins will bother me, you could not be more mistaken... As for me being homosexual, ask my wife and kids...."

The full correspondence can be seen on Roman Catholic Faithful's website,

Stay tuned...

© Matt C. Abbott


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Matt C. Abbott

Matt C. Abbott is a Catholic commentator with a Bachelor of Arts degree in communication, media and theatre from Northeastern Illinois University. He's been interviewed on MSNBC, NPR, WLS-TV (ABC) in Chicago, WMTV (NBC) in Madison, Wis., and has been quoted in The New York Times and the Chicago Tribune. He can be reached at

(Note: I welcome thoughtful feedback from readers. If you want our correspondence to remain confidential, please specify as such in your initial email to me. However, I reserve the right to forward and/or publish emails – complete with email addresses – that are accusatory, insulting or threatening in nature, even if those emails are marked confidential. Also, please be aware that RenewAmerica is not my website; RA's president and editor is Stephen Stone, who can be reached here. I'm just one of RA's columnists, for which I'm very grateful. I don't speak for the other RA columnists, so please don't email me to complain about what someone else has written. Thank you and God bless!)


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