Chris Adamo
Did America really want this?
By Chris Adamo
July 2, 2009

Throughout most of the two hundred and thirty three years since that first Independence Day, a significant number of Americans have indulged in the luxury of ignoring the entire political scene, caring not whether the particular administration in power leans left or right. This was mainly due to the forethought of the founders, who in their wisdom established binding limits on the actions of government through the Constitution. Therefore, regardless of who held the reins of power, deviations in the direction of the country would probably remain within safe perimeters.

Unfortunately, this relative safety inherent in American life eventually led to ignorance and complacency, which made it inevitable that eventually a leader would emerge who held the nation's founding principles, along with the entire concept of limited government, in total contempt. If one were to ignore the lies and fraud perpetrated by the Obama Administration over the past year, and only consider the evidence of this past week, it would still be impossible to escape the conclusion that Barack Obama hates everything good about America, its former standing in the world, and the ideals of morality and freedom for which it once stood.

His propaganda arm, known as the "mainstream media" can chant its platitudinous accolades with all the shrillness it can muster. Yet the reality remains. The policy decisions of Barack Obama are in complete harmony with the bile and venom of the anti-American left, and his sinister intentions for the country are increasingly being brought to bear, with no quarter given to his opposition.

Was this what the country rallied to last November? Did average Americans really want to see their great engines of freedom and capitalism swallowed up by a federal leviathan, or their daily excursions and exchanges brought under the dispassionate scrutiny of the state?

While many on the right and in the middle were understandably fed up with the lackluster campaign of Senator John McCain, and his willingness to accept far too much of the Democrat political philosophy, it is absurd to contend that the nation had intentionally lurched so far to the left that it knowingly embraced the radicalism of the Obama machine. Yet such is the liberal monster that has since been unleashed. Its actions are deliberate and malignant. And in every area that it intrudes, grave damage is done, not only to the national fabric, but also to the delicate structure of international politics.

Within only the last few days, a crushing tax bill offered under the discredited premise of "saving the environment," has passed its initial vote in the House. If enacted, it would devastate manufacturing and business enterprises across America. It would ensure a mad dash of otherwise viable corporations to offshore locations. And it would drive the price of new homes off the charts, sending that market into an abyss.

Yet Obama, exuding all of the allure of a snake charmer, stands in front of the cameras and extols the House vote as a great boon to the people of the country. Meanwhile, global temperatures will take their cue not from the exorbitant levels of taxation intended to crush a once-great people, but from the activity of the sun, just as it has been throughout history. Meanwhile, a credible report from the Environmental Protection Agency, disputing the whole concept of man-made global warming, is suppressed. Hard evidence is systematically censored if it does not advance the interests of the liberal state.

Nevertheless, even an onerous tax, built on this obvious hoax, could be rescinded with relative ease, if the nation awakens from its stupor, recognizes the fraud that has been foisted on it, and cleans house inside the Beltway. But among other nations of the world, such mindless damage as is being projected from Washington may take decades to correct, if ever.

Iran is a striking, and increasingly tragic example of just this. It was through the inane and unfounded arrogance of Jimmy Carter, the interminably lame-duck president from 1977 to 1981, that Iran morphed into its current malignant condition. After thirty years of being a menace to every civilized nation, its downtrodden people have attempted to raise themselves against the flagrant tyranny under which they suffered for so long. In response, Obama's America offered callous indifference, inarguably giving a green light to Iran's murderous Ayatollahs who have since used brute force to crush the popular uprising.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the ruling madman, remains in power with Obama's help. The despotism continues, and the entirety of western civilization, exhibits complete impotence in response. Clearly, Obama regards Ahmadinejad and his fellow Islamists as kindred. Yet the picture gets worse still.

In Honduras, the people rejected the obsessive ambitions of their president Manuel Zelaya, who had hoped to establish himself as an unaccountable monarch for life. So they ousted the wayward leader and installed a successor who promises to return the government to its constitutional operation. Joining such noted luminaries of liberty and justice as Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega, and Hugo Chavez, Barack Obama has condemned this popular uprising of the people. Unlike his response to Iran, he has no problem interfering in this situation in an effort to restore the Marxist Zelaya as that nation's uncontested ruler.

On the other hand, it is necessary to consider the magnitude of what is being accomplished in Honduras. A tinhorn Marxist dictator is being thrown out, and a nation is restoring the primacy of its constitution, thus reclaiming the right to determine its future. It is wholly understandable why Chavez, Castro, and even Obama would recoil at the ramifications of such a prospect.

Few could have conceived that an American "leader" might ever be found in such a mix., or that this nation could sink this far, and this fast. Communist banana-republic thugs and Islamist kooks are embraced and supported by this administration. Huddled masses yearning to breathe free on their own soil are ignored and oppressed. And increasingly, the laws and institutions of the United States are remolded to enforce "right thinking" according to those in power. This is not the America we knew.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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