James Atticus Bowden
February 7, 2008
The XIIth Commandent
By James Atticus Bowden

Ronald Reagan gave Republicans the eleventh Commandment, "Republicans shall not criticize Republicans." It's a commandment of convenience used when it serves a politician's purposes. Now, today, in the Year of Our Lord, 2008, a new twelfth Commandment is revealed. "Conservatives shall NOT lie to Conservatives."

This Commandment means one can not make a false Conservative candidate. Nor, worship the false Conservatives as god-like, or even Reagan-like, Conservatives. Furthermore, it means Conservatives must call candidates what they are. Like, "Republican." "Moderate Republican." "Flip-flopping Conservative" or "Situational Conservative." "Partially Conservative" or "Politician Conservative." Or, use the appropriate label for most elected officials, "Establishment Republican."

Establishment Republicans call themselves "Conservative" during election season. They don't govern as Conservatives. At best, they promote a few Conservative issues on one hand and betray Conservatism at its core with the other hand. Establishment Republicans talk a lot about big tents and being practical. They preach against partisanship until they have to scream, "Liberal, Liberal, Liberal!" to motivate partisans to vote. They fear monger the scariest anti-Conservatives as their money-raising, get out the vote boogey monster. Establishment Republicans hate the word "RINO." Establishment Republicans look at the lesser of two evils in the mirror. They will win elections at any cost and govern by any means.

The roster of remaining Republican presidential candidates is all Establishment Republicans, except for Ron Paul. He is a troubled Libertarian, not a Conservative. Therefore, it is a violation of the XIIth Commandment for any Conservative to call these candidates Conservative. Verily, so. Thou Shalt Not Call Moe, Curly, Larry and Larry Conservatives. Even when one of them wins the Republican nomination as our candidate for President of the United States, Thou Shalt Not Call Them Conservative. For they believe not and act not.

The Republican Party is both home and hammer for Conservatives. Yet, in this election it is important that Conservatives speak the truth to themselves, to Libertarians, to Independents and the remaining Conservative Democrats on life support. Speak the truth to The People, the press, and the power that is the Establishment Republicans.

"Please vote for our Republican candidate is Conservative on issue X." Or, "Our Republican candidate has been Conservative on issue Y for over a month now." And, the inevitable, "Our Republican candidate isn't the Democrat candidate — this Republican won't surrender to the Islamists or institute socialism as fast." Finally, "Just hold your nose with one hand and vote for the Republican...wash your hands afterwards."

The Republicans who break the XIIth Commandment and call an Establishment Republican a Conservative, serve the dark forces of Liberal Human Secularism. Speaking such blurs the truth on what is Conservative and who is Conservative. It confuses people to deny them a clear choice. It is the most damaging when the times are the most dangerous to not know the difference between Conservative and Liberal.

Liberals are the stalking horses of socialism, the appeasers of Islamists, and the implacable enemies of Bible-believing Christians and Jews.

Conservatives serve the ideas that Patriots believed when they founded "The Glorious Cause of America" in 1776. Conservative ideas provide hope for free people. Conservative ideas still are ascending. Conservative ideas embrace the changes that matter the most, succeed the best and address the challenges of our new times.

There is a Conservative vision of change that is right for America and best for the World. America has a Munificent Destiny. We just need some leaders to get us there. We need to call these leaders "Republican Conservatives."

A Republican Conservative is a Conservative who is a Republican — at this time. As such, Republican Conservatives (RC) must not be confused with Establishment Republicans (ER). Republican Conservatives can name and explain the conservative principles of fiscal, defense, and social Conservative ideas. Republican Conservatives must obey the XIIth Commandment.

Conservatives, don't call McCain, Romney, Huckabee or Paul "Conservative." Don't lie to yourselves. Don't lie to the voters. Don't let the ERs lie to The People. You can still work to get them elected, but don't lie about them along the way.

Fred Thompson is a Republican Conservative. Newt Gingrich is a Republican Conservative. And there are others.

Conservatives, keep this XIIth Commandment.

© James Atticus Bowden


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James Atticus Bowden

James Atticus Bowden is a military 'futurist.' His novel, Rosetta 6.2, is available at www.rosettasixpointtwo.com. A retired United States Army Infantry Officer, he is a 1972 graduate of the United States Military Academy... (more)

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