James Atticus Bowden
The scarlet 'R'
By James Atticus Bowden
July 25, 2010

Adultery was the worst sin in early colonial New England. Adultery sows seeds of mistrust, betrayal and lust which beget division, rage, and murder. Villages in frontier New England needed social order. Villagers needed one another to survive the hard yielding soil, merciless Indians, and harsh winters — without sexual competition. Marking adulterers with the public scorn and shame of the scarlet letter — the bright red 'A'- deterred enough to keep control and peace in the community.

Racism is the worst evil in politically-correct post-Christian America. Racism drives the crimes of the greatest villains in the liberal hierarchy of evil. The Human Secularists and their sissy Christian lackeys need their "doublethink" racism to promote the right racial divisions and proper racial rewards. Puritan Liberals tar political enemies as racists to intimidate them into silence, to denigrate their ideas, and marginalize their power. To gain control of speech and thought across the country.

Racism is far worse than adultery in today's public opinion. This popular culture denies that sin even exists, but endows enemies with evil to demonize them. It's a natural religious bigotry for those who reject the authority of the God of the Christians and Jews in daily life. They worship the small god of self and a Liberal trinity of race, class and gender(s). Constant references to racism must be made, like sacrificing children to Baal, to keep the idea that race, like any other false god, is real. Keeping racism the supreme evil is vital to the high priests of political correctness. It is the means to real political power — and wealth.

Yet, Nathanial Hawthorne had Hester Prynne embrace her Scarlet Letter. She lived a meaningful and virtuous life wearing her badge of shame as a badge of honor. Because her scarlet 'A' was a sham — and the moral authority of the town, the minister of religion was the greatest hypocrite of all.

It's time for the rising majority of Americans to embrace the new Scarlet Letter. Wear the scarlett 'R' as a sham because the moral authority of the media, the ruling elites, and politicians is the most foul hypocrisy of all.

Let them call us racists. Let's call ourselves racists — and greedy and homophobes — until the words are as meaningless as any other wooden idol.

Here is how to start:

Racist Idea #1. Proclaim love for God with all your heart, mind, strength and soul. Not Allah, Buddha, Rama and friends, spirits or spirituality, self, green Gaia, or anything else but the one, true, only, living God of the Holy Bible.

Racist Idea #2. Show love by thought, word and deed for others, as you love yourself. Love the barbarians who want to conquer the world for Islam as we fight them. Love the illegal immigrant as we stop them at our border. Love the people who mock you for being a believing Christian or Jew. Love the folks who need to obey all the laws — under the Rule of Law — just like you do.

Racist Principle for All Racial Policies. Judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. And accept people in colleges, promote them in jobs, award them contracts based on their accomplishments, not the color of their skin. Acknowledge no hyphen before "American" and no position that has an ethnicity in its name.

Racist Plan for Government. Restructure government to conform to the U.S. Constitution (1787) as written — in English. Forward the Constitution for another great century.

Racist Rationale for International Affairs. Apologize for nothing to foreigners, unless you, personally, do something wrong. Let the world know that protecting the vital and national interests of the United States America is the foreign policy of the United States Government.

Racist Distribution of Wealth. If you earn money, you keep it, except for the lightest fee on capital — the lowest flat taxes. You tithe, share, spend, save or invest it as you like. If you need help for anything and you can't provide for yourself, then you go to your family first, your communities of church, neighbors, co-workers, and local community. You go to the government as the last resort — with the lowest expectations.

Let the accusations of racism about the Tea Party abound. Label Tea Party signs with the Scarlet R. Wear a big red 'R' proudly at public events.

Laugh at every accusation of racism. Reply to their invective bile with words of lovingkindness. Firmness and strength filled with agape love and Grace.

© James Atticus Bowden


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James Atticus Bowden

James Atticus Bowden is a military 'futurist.' His novel, Rosetta 6.2, is available at www.rosettasixpointtwo.com. A retired United States Army Infantry Officer, he is a 1972 graduate of the United States Military Academy... (more)

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