Michael Bresciani
Pot at the polls, tea in the bay, and destiny at the door
By Michael Bresciani
October 29, 2010

November 2nd holds the promise that Barack Obama made two years ago open once again. The midterm elections in the United States will be a referendum on how Americans view the "change" that Obama promised and the part they have seen so far.

In spite of Attorney General Eric Holder's stern warning that even if Proposition 19 is passed in California that federal drug laws will still be enforced, the question yet remains on the ballot. DEA chiefs have asked Holder to weigh in on Prop 19 and the Obama administration seems to be behind Holder's response.

Reaction across the nation is one of "disbelief." After a generation long battle against the influx of controlled substances in the nation now the most populus state in the union wants to throw in the towel and let it all hang out. To a majority of Americans it is somewhere between giving up and giving in and few have made reference to the dismal failure that followed the legalization of drugs in the Denmark.

Cannabis copious Copenhagen is the best example in the world of what follows a Prop 19 type of change. The majesty of this once great city has given way to a side show of novelty, circus like atmosphere and a drug induced stupor that reeks of human dissipation. Will the proud Golden State with all her promise of what's best in America go this way?

Doomsayers throughout the years have cast up predictions of great earthquakes and crumbling coastline for California but, Prop 19 to the rest of America is proof that there is more than one way for a state to fall off into the ocean. All it takes to make this nightmare a reality is to cast up a yes vote, visions of Copenhagen notwithstanding.

November 2nd will also prove whether the Tea Act of 1773 the British imposed on their colonists can still fire the ire in America as it once did. The first Tea Party came to protest taxation without representation. Today's Tea Party action is on the other end of the spectrum and represents America's disdain with not only taxes but the wasteful spending by representatives who seem to see the collected taxes as their own personal windfall.

Trying to paint the Tea Party movement as a wandering band of tinkers, malcontents and rabble has seriously failed and now it is known that they are exactly what there forbears were, a vast majority of ordinary Americans, all with a craw full of indignation for those who are spending their money faster than they can earn it. Translated into common vernacular that means many of today's politicians and legislators will be sent home for the duration.

Only three short years after the Tea Party Rebellion the British were sent packing as America claimed her independence. Will history repeat itself? Will the administration that has spent more in two years than the last three administrations' combined be given its walking papers in only two years from now? November 2nd will certainly be the bellwether for that outcome.

Most Americans seem to understand that November 2nd is going to be either a signal that it is time to reset or a time to buckle up for a date with destiny. I am loathe to repeat the warning once again that we so often appendage our documentaries and lectures with, especially as it pertains to matters like the holocaust or Joseph Stalin's purge of Russia.

We remind ourselves that any nation that forgets the mistakes of the past is doomed to repeat them. Unfortunately the Holocaust and the Russian purging were not part of our history, it happened "over there." In a world rapidly shrinking under the power of international, communications, freedom to travel and global influences it may be time to admit that the holocaust and Stalin's purge is everyone's history.

After sending 50 million unborn babies to the grave we have set our eyes on the stars and believe that is where our destiny lies. To millions of Americans the combined dreams and visions of Arthur C. Clarke, Carl Sagan and Gene Roddenberry do little to offset the nightmare that Roe V. Wade has produced. Living happily ever after on M-class planets is just another farfetched fairy tale to those who still believe that all human life is sanctified on this planet smack in the middle of the here and now.

Opening the doors of every depraved imagination a human mind can conger and making it all available on the internet may seem like the shiny new brass ring of the brave new world but it is only the same old bondage of immorality and human depravity masquerading as freedom. It is a freedom too dumb to know it is only license even as the most educated generation in history may be missing this point as well.

One danger that only a few voices are sounding is that we may be placing more stock in a political shift than it deserves. Can a return to conservatism heal the nation? The answer is quite simply no, but it is a step in the right direction. It is the proverbial journey of a thousand miles that begins with the first step.

Politics cannot supplant moral fortitude, fiscal responsibility does not insure future solvency and conservatism is not a substitute for spirituality. This nation's perpetuity is now and always will be dependent on her spirituality. We may shout our will at the polls but it is the quiet and private time we spend seeking our Creator that will establish our moral and spiritual fiber and our future. It is the time we spend seeking God and listening to him that will determine our destiny. But what would he say? Look at it again or, for the first time.

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (2Chronicles 7:14)

© Michael Bresciani


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