Michael Bresciani
Want to be politically correct, how about -- 'The Washington Snakeskins'?
By Michael Bresciani
October 27, 2013

Halloween, noted for its Gaelic and Welch influences is essentially a Christianized pagan observance that is based on remembering the dead. It has no purpose in the Christian faith and is generally thought to be wrong because it honors witches, goblins and ghosts. It is indirectly honoring the dead and the spirits of demons and devils, even in the seemingly innocuous practice of trick or treating and costume parties.

We will not waste a moment of anyone's time trying to defend this celebration, but it is impossible to miss the absurdity of those with a fully liberal mindset concerning the celebration of this yearly observance.

PC practitioners have decided, this year, that all costumes that point toward some ethnicity should be strictly avoided. No Indian outfits because we may offend Native Americans, no cowboy get- ups because that might require a toy six shooter and it also may offend the Native Americans, whom the cowboys will no doubt shoot, if given the chance. We can only imagine the riot that might ensue if a football fan brought his little cowboy or Indian to a Washington Redskins game.

In an effort to curb the possibility of offending minorities, or producing racial or cultural stereotypes the University of Colorado has instructed the little darlings of the sensitive generation to 'forego' or avoid any costume that might offend a minority or just about anyone.

It is hard to imagine students who drink themselves into comas and wander through co-ed dorms looking for sex partners being offended with an Indian costume but we must protect the mentally handicapped and socially challenged in this nation – who would believe that would include our college students.

Little wonder Jesus said, "Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel." (Mt 23: 24)

Everyone has heard the common retort that the Church is 'full of hypocrites' so why would anyone consider joining it. After a lifetime of dealing with church people I can safely say that this saying is largely false. Conversely, what I discovered is that if you want to find big hypocrisy you have to take an honest look at the secular world. Leading the way in today's world of niceness and feigned civility is the PC crowd.

In New Orleans area, my home, we not only have the laid back air of the 'Big Easy' as a backdrop for partying and debauch but there is Mardi Gras, and of late, the new Southern Decadence celebrations of the gay community.

I can hardly describe what takes place in these celebrations or what sights and sounds are to be experienced without bordering the area of journalistic porn. Men are all but totally naked, gyrating together with overtones of everything sexual. Butts are hanging out everywhere and discretion is all but banned even in the presence of children and seniors.

Haven't seen any Indian costumes among the corrupted but if it occurs we will be sure to put in an emergency call to the PC Police for some action. This is the place where the hypocrisy rears its massive abhorrent head and besmirches the twisted push for PC perfected persons in this generation, and the call to just say the right things, and now, wear the right Halloween costumes.

It is hard to fight off the inclination to address all PC nonsense with the 'Gumpian' expression, "Stupid is – as stupid does." When considering the source of evil (Satan) it would be too simple.

The god of this world not only offers pathways to evil lifestyles but he actually has found a way to paint them as gentle and nice, inoffensive and civil. If you are going to live backwards, you can make it look like you are playing it forward. Will someone please look up the definition of perverted?

No, all men are not born stupid, but the arch enemy of the Almighty God is perfectly willing to lead them into a life of complete stupidity if he finds a willing heart. He is not only equipped to provide success in an evil lifestyle but he produces justifications, attractive diversions and a generally acceptable appearance to it all, all for one single, but not so low price – everything, including your soul.

When tempted by Satan, Jesus was shown the cities of the world and all the attractions they offered and was told they could be his if he would worship Satan. Christ rebuked the old bird but what is amazing is Satan's admission that all that is cosmopolitan and desirable to most men is directly under his control. He also is in complete charge of who gets what, and when. To wit:

"And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it." (Lu 4: 5, 6)

Today's PC is a pharisaical public effort to polish poop, but it is always betrayed by the lingering odor which reveals its true nature – it is hypocrisy. It is cleaning the outside without regard to the germ infested inner parts.

Jesus addressed the PC promulgators of his day; the rebuke stands until this day, to wit:

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also." (Mt 23: 25, 26)

The worst part of the great push for PC is that those who practice overt sin but act and look 'nice' are not just deceived, but they are enslaved.

"Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?" (Ro 6: 16)

Those who put all their stock in appearances are caught up in slavery and to the great delight of the arch deceiver – they don't even know it!

After rebuking the PC crowd of his day Christ proceeded to describe them in extremely unflattering terms. The language he used would quickly come under condemnation in today's climate of PC hypocrisy.

To the PC'ers of his day, Christ said, "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?" (Mt 23: 33)

Taking a cue from Jesus perhaps the PC'ers of today would be satisfied if Washington called its football team the 'Washington Snakeskins.'

Maybe those under strict PC rules could go to the costume party this year as vipers, although they would probably not take the chance of getting stepped on as they slithered along the floor.

Finally, why bother buying the traditional skeleton costume when you can continue in the hypocrisy of today's PC and let your inner bones show?

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness." (Mt 23: 27)

Political correctness is not just the tripe of the trolled, but it is the slop being fed to slaves who are totally convinced they are free.

Wake up America, it isn't just about what you don't say or what you wear – it is what you are made of.

© Michael Bresciani


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