Michael Bresciani
Mock prophecy at your own risk -- America is not exempt
By Michael Bresciani
October 28, 2015

The late Harold Camping made his apologies before his death about forecasting the end of the world. Some false prophets don't apologize for their mistakes because they were sent by an enemy to weaken and obfuscate the real message of prophecy. The desired effect is to turn hearts away from giving full credence to true biblical prophecy and sending the unwary glibly down the path to their own destruction.

We may fight, deny and decry true prophecy, but like everything else in our world, prophecy has its day.

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." (Ec 3: 1)

Americans are people who eschew negative thinking, in fact, they are far more likely to accept a positive lie than a negative severe and upsetting truth, and it is human nature.

We tend to latch on to the guy with the positive message appendaged with a shiny new plan to bring it all to pass.

One candidate for Governor in Louisiana recently said Louisiana's best days are ahead of us. Along comes Marco Rubio expanding the positive puffery with the idea that America is now entering its greatest "century."

No one can trump Trump, who has promised he will "make America great again." How can we lose? Anyone who has perfected his own economic welfare to the tune of ten billion should inspire us at the very least.

For some it is a clarion call to follow the Donald to hell and back, but then, we are reminded of the words of Paul-Henri Spaak a Belgian Socialist who was the first president of the United Nations General Assembly. He envisioned a leader who would sweep aside all impediments to riches and solve economic problems throughout the entire world.

It is alleged that in 1957 Paul-Henri Spaak said, "We do not need another committee. We have too many already. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people, and lift us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man and be he god or devil, we will receive him."

In a similar statement Jesus Christ made which is an obvious allusion to the coming of the antichrist, Jesus warned that in the last days people will be ready, yet once again, in spite of the former lessons of Hitler, Mao, and Stalin, to receive the last and worst with open arms. To wit:

"I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive." (Jn 5: 43)

I am an advocate of both hope and perseverance; I believe America could come out of her fall only if she fights to return to her former glory. How are we doing in the fight?

Because the Obama administration is still in place most of the President's agenda is still creating shock waves among all who have traditional and conservative aspirations for our nation.

We are reeling from the recent high court's ruling on same sex marriage, but it seems there is more to come. Now the LGBT is seeking to put forth what will be known as "The Equality Act."

The EA is a proposal that would completely overhaul the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and would force the nation to accept a person's "sexual identity" on the same basis as their ethnicity. This would result in discrimination charges, arrests and full prosecution against anyone who so much as mentions homosexuality in a negative way. Churches will not be excluded.

If these kinds of proposals are any indicator of how the fight is going, only a bit of reality is needed to see that at the moment, we are taking a brutal beating.

I have had to push back against those who are jumping onboard the Donald Trump's train to "making America great again' and I may seem like the biggest party pooper in partisan politics to come along in a long time. It is here I must say that seeing America regain her greatness is number one on my list.

My problem is twofold; first the message I have been declaring for over ten years now is that America is about to see a total economic collapse. That would seem like more of a humbling rather than – a return to "greatness."

In fact, a collapse is a totally humbling experience and it is apparent that it may be just what the doctor ordered – let's examine this idea.

Since Barack Obama took office with his promise to "change America" in hand he has managed to do a lot of changing. While some stood on the sidelines warning that he was leading us into communism, socialism, or even worse, into Islamism, nothing like that has actually happened. He has softened us on these possibilities, but we so far have retained most of our basic identity.

What has happened is that while we were looking at ideologies it was an undercurrent of immoralities that was taking root and spread like tares among the wheat.

Who could have seen a time when a sexual identity would overtake a national identity?

But before we dismiss the messages of God's prophets who very carefully predicted the fall into all that is prurient, perverted and in the case of abortion, quite loveless, we must see one important fact.

The fact is true prophecy is never disengaged from true theology.

Since, the rise of Obama a single verse of the Bible has been extracted and presented in more books and articles than any other Old Testament passage. Only a quick perusal of this verse presents a simple fact, which is, that God has not called us or any failing nation throughout history to make itself "great" again. Giving greatness to nations is God's business. Our business is to humble ourselves before God – nothing more.

The principle of humility according to the Bible is this, we will humble ourselves or God will do it for us. The path to greatness has not changed since the beginning of time.

See it for yourself!
    "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (2 Ch 7: 14)
If you think America needs a healing then you now can see that a decision to make ourselves "great" again is hardly the means to this end.

Big armies, economic jangling, pushing back against our enemies is all so attractive to a people who have been humbled by a community organizer who singlehandedly knocked America off its Bible based beginnings and its Constitutional underpinnings. But leaving millions of unborn children dead, "marrying" same sex couples and continuing down the path to the great American party are exactly why the spider will eventually sting us in the posterior when we least expect it.

We are indeed the people who are busy sweeping out the cobwebs (big new leaders in office), but leaving the spider alive and well in the corner of the room.

Make no mistake – leaving the LGBT agenda, abortion and other perversions in place will produce no "greatness" in America.

© Michael Bresciani


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