Michael Bresciani
Misuse of science and social pressure pushing America into "strong delusion"
By Michael Bresciani
February 13, 2017

"And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie." (2Th 2: 11)

This warning and promise of scripture is given to those who live in the days just prior to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. It, along with many other passages speak to a time when "knowledge will be increased" (Dan 12: 4), but spiritual blindness will also be at a peak. The world will be as spiritually dumbed down as it will ever get.

God does not willfully trap people in this delusion, but because they want to live outside of his will, he lets them pursue it to the point of reprobation. (Ro 1: 28) Reprobation is a ticket to the interventional judgment of the Living God. It is to be – judged already!

The crowd that falls into this category has two things in common. The first is that they are the largest group on the planet earth and second, they are perfectly sure they are on the correct path.

Those who walk with God have God as their reward. The secular minded have only what the god of this world gives them as a reward – and they are perfectly satisfied with it.

The ruler of the cosmos (Satan) is delighted to give them what they want to keep them under the strong delusion, to wit:

"And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it." (Lu 4: 5-6)

The "whomsoever" in this verse is us, it is Gov. Cuomo and anyone else who will buy into secularisms last day's justifications for our worst behaviors.

They would insist that they are too educated, advanced and brilliant to fall down to a demonic entity or an idol as did the uneducated ancient civilizations. Their worship today is indirect and more subtle, but it is just as prominent today as it ever was.

For a case in point consider just one of today's headlines.

In an article published by Slate a picture of a smiling Gov. Cuomo of New York and a brimming Nancy Pelosi in the background is a title that read; "What's the Purpose of a State Constitutional Amendment Enshrining Roe v. Wade?"

The word "enshrine" is as near to the idea of worship as it gets.

We may pride ourselves for not repeating the silly superstitious ways of our forebears who ignorantly offered their children in sacrifice to the idol Moloch – but we are exactly like them.

Enshrining the continued murder of un-born babies after 44 years and nearly 60 million already wasted is indeed worship of the Devil.

What's worse is that it is done in the name of another false god moderns worship called science.

But let's put up our necessary disclaimer for those who think we are just Bible thumpers making a fuss.

Science is both useful and a wonderful pursuit of modernity until it is misused and or misapplied to create the kind of secularism that dismisses God and makes fools of men. Empiricism is not imperial, it can uncover truth but it cannot create truth.

Having dispensed with that, now let's look at the goofy application of good science that Cuomo and every other abortionist in the world uses to justify slaughtering their own kind.

From the eighth grade and beyond every student of science knows that when the DNA of male and female join to form the DNA of a new human being in the womb, the creation of a new human being has begun.

We don't need to use the phrase "Abortion stops a beating heart" to make our case. Stopping this process is to kill a human being as sure as smashing the larvae eliminates the butterfly.

Similarly, no matter what gender humans decide they are, or what length they go to change their gender, the DNA will not lie for them. It is human, it is gender specific, and only social pressure from a PC indoctrinated world would ask science to tell such a whopping lie for them.

Ignoring the moral teachings of scripture is bad enough, but denying the very science the world so vigorously defends and depends upon is what constitutes the best definition of the phrase "strong delusion."

The practice and promotion of abortion gives full definition to this verse taken from Proverbs.

"There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." (Pr 16: 25)

What seems right to modern man turns out to be all wrong for modern babies, in fact, it is murder!

As for homo-inclinations and transgenderism it is clear that we have capitulated into the dark realm where we cannot differentiate between diversity and perversity.

This kind of national insanity will lead us to hard times which will spring upon us without warning.

You can take this as a warning.

© Michael Bresciani


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