Michael Bresciani
Demanding justice but showing no mercy–The obvious hypocrisy of the protests
By Michael Bresciani
September 1, 2020

Without resorting to entire theological treatise to explain it, and it being most likely that a secular mind would hardly care, much less understand it, one single Bible verse will do fine.

“He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” (Mic 6:8)

The equation is blindingly obvious. The cops need to do justly when dealing with our black citizens. We see that in some cases they are not. For the black community the call is to be merciful. We see that black on black crime and abortions of black children clearly indicate, they are showing little mercy to their own.

It is apparent that what looks like righteous indignation may just be blind rage after all. At worst it is a politicized demonic influence over people, by a disgruntled and disenfranchised political party, namely the democrats.

Since the days of the Obama administration to the present the democrats have planted, endorsed, and empowered the racist America narrative. At present, it has finally taken on a life of its own – a life that is producing an awful lot of death.

More than a dozen deaths resulted from the George Floyd protests and many more since. They include police, protestors and innocent bystander and children.

But black on black deaths and black abortions have far out paced any deaths due to protests. In fact, almost 900 black children are aborted each and every day in the United States. Hypocrisy – is most certainly the best word to describe the BLM protests in the light of this fact.

As a young believer in my early twenties I once asked my pastor if he would help me to pray for justice in a certain problem I was facing. His answer was a warning. He said, you should always pray for mercy first, because if we got justice we may not fare so well.

Again, I don’t expect the secular mind to ask what “substitutionary atonement” means, but in the plainest English, it means that someone else took your sentence, your punishment, for your misdeeds, thus providing you with mercy. If you carried your own guilt you would pay full price for your own sins or misdeeds.

While thousands of protestors gather to demand justice, will they ever come to the realization of how much mercy they all actually need.

Don’t hold your breath!

Here is what we know for sure.

While every child that is aborted and every child that dies from stray bullets may not ever be given a platform and a voice from which to demand justice – someone does and has already spoken for them. He will speak once again at the day of judgment.

In the meantime, go with this, take it to heart, and be warned – skip the protests they are a glorified hyperbolic blast of nonsense residing only in your mind. More death is never the answer to death.

To wit:

    “These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood…” – Proverbs 6: 16-17

George Floyd was a very real tragedy, but 900 black children killed every day is a merciless racial genocide. Don’t protest over a few bad cops, but do pray for mercy for the killing of 900 innocent blacks every time the sun sets on the United States.

© Michael Bresciani


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