Michael Bresciani
Why is America running away from the protection of the living God?
By Michael Bresciani
June 2, 2023

In the Canada Free Press, writer Milt Harris asks the question, “Is a liberal strain Of 'Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy' responsible for the transgender social contagion?”

Harris says, “Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy or Munchausen By Proxy (MSP) is a psychological disorder characterized by attention-seeking behavior from parents or care givers by using their children or those who are in their care.”

The short explanation for the transgender attack on America’s youth is that demons are running rampant. But Harris makes a good case for the spread of the grooming of our kids because of the disease now known as Munchausen by Proxy.

In either case, the trend cannot be divorced from the concomitant warning that any preacher worth his salt is repeatedly quoting today. To wit:

    “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Mt. 18:6)

Hurry, America—send someone out to ride the fences

Most western and mid-western folk know what the phrase “riding fences “ means, but for those who do not, check out Quora’s Sid Kemp who perfectly explains the practice.

    “Riding fences is part of the job of a cowboy or shepherd, once the land has been fenced in. Fences cover vast distances compared, to say, farmyards. It can take days to 'ride the fence' in the sense of making a circuit of the whole boundary of the property. One looks for breaks in the fence where one’s herd could escape or dangerous animals or poachers might enter. One looks for rot or damage that could break before the next inspection. They would look for trees that might fall, and signs of sabotage. This is not merely observation. The cowman or shepherd riding fences brings tools and what supplies he can and makes repairs. If a large break is found, he makes note of the location and a return trip—possibly with a team—is arranged.

    Riding fences can take days. Many jobs on a ranch, or a ranch-farm, garden combination, can be done in a day. One is home each night. One is likely to pack lunch for the field, but he or she is with family and co-workers for breakfast and dinner.

    This leads to the most significant metaphorical meaning I know. The phrase is 'out riding fences,' and it is found in the song 'Desperado' by the Eagles.”

In the Old Testament, Job is said to have a fence or a hedge around him, and when Satan argued with God about Job’s faithfulness, God said he would drop the fence for a while so Satan would see that Job would be faithful even without the full protection of God. This story is widely told, and even people who practice no religion at all are familiar with this ancient bit of wisdom.

Satan’s challenge to God is as clear as a bell.

    “Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land. But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face” (Job 1:10-11).

People are not as familiar with the teaching that says that God has put fences or hedges around entire nations that choose to honor God and keep his commandments.

The 80th and the 89th Psalms speak of ancient Israel as God’s own vineyard, hedged and protected by him.

But after repeatedly ignoring God’s prophets, who tried to wake Israel up to the fact that they had crossed the line and began to follow the crooked ways of the surrounding nations, God finally let anyone and everyone break down the hedges to take what they wanted and wreak havoc with the stability of the tiny nation of Israel.

From without, nations like China are raking in our wealth for themselves, while from within, socialism, leftism, and perverted sex activism are pulling down the fences—even while going after our children.

We expect our preachers, prophets, statesmen, and those who hold high public office to warn us and protect us from breaks in the fence. But today, from the entire Biden administration to the apostate preachers of the church, the fences are broken, and no one is riding them.

How long do we expect this will last?

Two great oceans cannot keep out hypersonic missiles or a barrage of demons from Hell

Until WWII, America had the great buffer zones called the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans to protect her. Those days are long behind us.

Even the recently commissioned aircraft carrier the USS Gerald R. Ford cannot be safe from China’s DF-ZF glide missile, DF-17 and DG-41 hypersonic missiles, and the Starry Sky–2 ballistic missile. Traveling above Mach 12, these missiles can circumnavigate the globe, and as yet have little to no deterrence against them from the U.S. or any other nation.

Militarily, the hedge is now broken.

The moral fence is broken to pieces

At the New American Prophet website, there is a category called “Moral Decline” where over 215 articles are displayed to warn and inform the nation of the costly decline of our morals. Most of those articles have to do with sexual perversions and general immorality in governance and daily life.

While it may seem like harping to a lot of Americans, it is a tune we should all be listening to, because it will soon fade away and the results of the great fall will be felt from coast to coast.

Christ gave a similar warning that is timeless.

    “They are like unto children sitting in the marketplace, and calling one to another, and saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned to you, and ye have not wept.” (Luke 7:32)

As we approach the fullness of nations also known in the Bible as the end of the “time of the gentiles” (Luke 21:4), there is to be a release of millions of devils or demons that will spread across the world teaching the doctrine of devils to young and old alike.

    “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” (1Tim. 4:1)

But do not let the word “doctrine” fool you, it may sound religious, but all it means is teaching. Yes, the garbage we tell each other about LGBTQ+, transitioning, equity, and the whole list of liberal nonsense is being taught by demons.

They are walking, climbing, and flying over the fences or hedges God once used to keep us from their attacks.

Nations do not just fall—they break up their own defenses with evil activity and leave themselves vulnerable to destruction.

Breaking our own fences is obviously counterproductive, but when someone is crazed, productivity is the last thing on their minds. The very idea of telling the gays, transgenders, and corrupt politicians, educators, and influencers that they are destroying their own country will be rejected out of hand.

Unfortunately, that will have no bearing on the inevitable. We actually have entered the doom that results from repeating the history of all nations, yet once again.

Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner offers a beautiful prayer that individuals can offer for a failing nation. While the words say it all, the heart must be in a state of repentance for it to have any real meaning.

Here is that prayer:

    “Forgive us, O Lord, that our hearts might return to your truth.

    Loving God, our healer, restorer, and deliverer, we seek your mercy and forgiveness for the sins of our nation and the people called by your name, that you might withhold your wrath and heal our land. In your mighty name, we pray, Lord God. Amen.”


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Photo: Pinterest

To read more articles by Michael Bresciani click here.

© Michael Bresciani


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