Judie Brown
Catholic Campaign embraces Saul Alinsky legacy
By Judie Brown
November 11, 2010

Jesus taught us that whatever we do to our fellow human beings, we also do to Him. So it is only natural that, as we enter upon the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, we want to express our thankfulness for all of our blessings by giving a bit extra. It is at this time that a second basket is passed around at Mass, asking for donations to CCHD. Those unknowing may readily open their wallets — eager to help and try to make a difference by following Jesus' command about doing unto others. However, that money is not always going to organizations that adhere to Catholic teaching, and not everyone fully understands this. Today's commentary examines the CCHD and the programs it supports and warns of the dangers of contributing to organizations that do not uphold the standards of the Catholic faith.

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has issued a report with the curious title of "Review and Renewal." http://www.usccb.org/cchd/cchd-rar-nov2010.pdf

Its Executive Summary http://www.usccb.org/cchd/Executive-Summary-CCHD-RandR.pdf delineates the purpose of this report, stating that the goal is to, among other things, "Reaffirm and clearly articulate the fundamental scriptural mandates and Catholic social principles that are the foundations of CCHD." A further goal is to, "Address questions and concerns by examining carefully CCHD's current policies, practices, tools and relationships and taking specific steps to strengthen and improve CCHD's important work."

An examination of this report makes it clear that the leadership of the CCHD has already failed to make the promised changes. The Campaign to Reform CCHD Now issued a report following up on the CCHD document pointing out http://www.reformcchdnow.com/report_11_4_10_renewal.pdf concerns with one of the recipients of CCHD funds — the http://ciw-online.org Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW). CIW participated in the U.S. Social Forum 2010, which http://www.all.org/article.php?id=13078 "ran a collection of workshops, many of which were devoted to abortion rights, homosexual rights and Marxist Socialism."

No wonder long-time Catholic activist Mary Ann Kreitzer pointed out to readers, http://lesfemmes-thetruth.blogspot.com/2010/11/nothings-changed-at-catholic-campaign.html "CCHD is still the same group as it began — formed to pick the pockets of Catholics in the pew http://www.catholicmediacoalition.org/picking_pockets.htm to pass it to radical groups some of which work for abortion, contraception, and the election of liberal politicians like Barack Obama who advance socialism."

The type of analysis that she and the Reform CCHD Coalition have documented makes it quite clear that the CCHD is totally committed to Saul Alinsky's principles — principles that are anything but Catholic.

Catholic writer and editor, Stephanie Block, recently opined, http://www.catholiccitizens.org/press/contentview.asp?c=52320 "The new, improved CCHD is still all about funding Alinskyian organizing (organizing based on the organizational theories of the late, great Saul Alinsky)....which is still all about progressive politics...which is still all about killing babies."

Block then went on to write, http://www.catholiccitizens.org/press/contentview.asp?c=52320

    While it [the CCHD] has verbally distanced itself from groups that are also indirectly engaged in activities that violate Church teachings, the money pours from Catholics, who think their donations are "for the poor," straight into progressive coffers. So while CCHD states it "will not fund groups that are members of coalitions which have as part of their organizational purpose or coalition agenda, positions or actions that contradict fundamental Catholic moral and social teaching," it continues to fund the Alinskyian organizing networks and their affiliates. The two "model" grantees give us a very nice picture of how this plays.

Block then sets forth the problematic nature of two recipients of CCHD support, namely the Communities Organized for Public Service (COPS) http://www.industrialareasfoundation.org/locate_sw_wc.html which is an affiliate of Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation http://www.industrialareasfoundation.org/ and Federation of Congregations United to Service (FOCUS) http://www.focusorlando.org/ which is affiliated with a second Alinsky clone, PICO http://www.piconetwork.org/ .

Rob Gasper of the Bellarmine Veritas Ministry http://bellarmineveritasministry.org/ exposed the seditious tactics of these organizations late last year.

It is possible that this is still occurring because far too many in the Catholic social service network have come to a point where they sincerely believe that Catholic teaching on social justice is really nothing more than imitating Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. http://www.amazon.com/dp/0679721134/?tag=mh0b-20&hvadid=59435120&ref=pd_sl_6t6p4hc12_e

The Catholic Church has never, and does not now, equate social justice with such skewed Alinskyian political agendas, but rather equates genuine social justice with respect for the dignity of the human person. http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/p3s1c2a3.htm#1928 This means of course that there would be no acceptance of any sinful action such as abortion, contraception and homosexuality.

Obviously faithful Catholics must step up and just say "no" to financially supporting the CCHD. Until CCHD truly reforms and renews within the context of Catholic social teaching, it is not deserving of funding, but rather should receive our prayers and our supplications to God that this scandal end.


  1. Contact the Reform CCHD Now coalition and become a member www.reformcchdnow.com.

  2. Let your bishop know how disgusted you are with the malevolent nature of what the CCHD perceives as "reform and renewal" http://www.usccb.org/directory.shtml.

  3. Insert a note in your parish envelope on CCHD Sunday stating that you cannot in good conscience support an entity within the USCCB that has an agenda contrary to Catholic teaching.

© Judie Brown


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Judie Brown

Judie Brown is president and co-founder of American Life League, the nation's largest grassroots pro-life educational organization... (more)


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