A.J. Castellitto
July 17, 2015
If I Were A Killer...
By A.J. Castellitto

This is just a hypothetical story
Of someone, let's just say it's me
I'd gain acceptance for my murderous ways
By stalking a defenseless prey...

What a wretched society we've become – the blood of pre-born innocents is on our hands.

Too many individuals, both within the church and on the outside, have completely disregarded the Biblical, traditional belief that the act of sexual intercourse is a special, sacred union between husband and wife. Such a standard is now mocked and ridiculed as outdated, old-fashioned, and unrealistic.

A correct, scriptural understanding of the precious gifts bestowed by our Creator exalts the sanctity of a life born of a loving union as one of the most essential and miraculous events in all of human experience. Regrettably, the sacred is tainted by the secular. The purposeful termination of life in the womb – most commonly referred to as abortion – vividly reflects the emotionally damaging and spiritually damning consequence of a demonic social standard intent on devouring our youth.

Supreme Court would agree to hear my case
And find me innocent of crime
Holding public rallies to incite sympathy
Creative actuality

In 1973, the tragic verdict was reached in the Roe vs. Wade case, which established the legality of pregnancy termination via medical procedure (abortion). This was a devastating verdict that set a sweeping death precedent. The 'wisdom' applied by a few court justices have sealed the fate of over 50 MILLION unborn lives over the past four decades.

Supporters for the sanctity of life lamented the shocking decision,

"The sweeping judgment of the U.S. Supreme Court...is a flagrant rejection of the unborn child's right to life. The Court has chosen to ignore the scientific evidence regarding the unborn child's human growth and development during the first six months of life...the Court has failed to justify its opinion on theological, historical or scientific grounds. ...no Court opinion can change the law of God prohibiting the taking of innocent human life." -Statement of the Committee for Pro- Life Affairs (NCBB) January 24, 1973

If I were a killer
I'd smile just like the boy next door
If I were a killer
I'd say I do it for the poor
If I were a killer
You'd bring me victims more and more

One of the most appalling developments related to this shameless abortion horror are advocacy efforts that promote carrying out this dreadful procedure on a live baby outside the womb. The pro-choice camp has expanded their bloody crusade by endorsing the infanticide option for cases in which babies are born alive after botched abortions.

It was right on the heels of the Kermit Gosnell trial, that Alisa LaPolt Snow, a lobby for the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, actually testified against proposed legislation (H.B. 1129 – Infants Born Alive Act) that would grant abortion survivors the same legal rights and protections as other children. Snow lamented that such a bill 'inserts politics where it doesn't belong' and 'attempts to interfere with a woman's ability to make her own personal medical decisions.'

If I were a killer
I'd hide behind a doctor's door
If I were a killer
I'd scrape you off my office floor *

When the life of a defenseless newborn hangs in the balance, should a physician have the freedom to play judge, jury, and executioner?

The envelope continues to be pushed as rational conservatives, alongside society as a whole, repeatedly come up on the losing end.

Thankfully, more and more have awakened to see the atrocity of abortion for what it really is. Ryan T. Anderson of the Heritage Foundation has repeatedly cited AP and Gallup polls to confirm how the national tide continues to gradually turn in the pro-life direction,

"Women, independents, youth, and Latinos all favor moving policy in a pro-life direction. 59 percent of men and 57 percent of women say that they believe that abortion should be illegal in all or most cases. Meanwhile, young voters are the most pro-life generation ever. The May 2013 Gallup poll showed that Millennials (ages 18-34) support making abortion illegal in all or most cases by a margin of 57 percent to 41 percent...Only 29 percent of Millennials support the Democratic Party's position on abortion.

Among Independents in the Gallup poll, 59 percent say that abortion should be illegal in all or most cases compared to 38 percent who say that abortion should be legal in all or most cases, a 21 point pro-life advantage."

We are on the right side of this issue, both in God's eyes and a majority of the American people. Let's continue to make a bold stand for life!

* Words in italics by Ben Huggins of Galactic Cowboys as featured on their anti-abortion track, "If I Were A Killer," which was released in 1993 (Geffen).

*America Lost by AJ Castellitto – Now Available!

© A.J. Castellitto


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A.J. Castellitto

A.J. Castellitto is a freelance writer who resides in NJ with his wife and five children. He holds a B.S. in Counseling and Human Services from the University of Scranton and his writings have been published at The Center for Western Journalism, The Christian Post, Intellectual Conservative and Reformed Perspective Magazine.

Tweets: @AmericaLost2014


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