Bryan Fischer
Sharia-compliant Obama pays jizya tax
By Bryan Fischer
August 6, 2016

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"

Host of "Focal Point" on American Family Radio, 1-3pm CT, M-F

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." ~ Qur'an 9:29

Islam has always given the infidels – that's us – three and only three choices. These have been the only three options presented to the targets of Islam's wrath since the days of Muhammad.

The choices are simple: convert, submit, or die. Unlike Christianity, which down through history has advanced through persuasion and prayer, Islam has always advanced at the point of the sword.

If an infidel will not convert, he can pay protection money to his Muslim overlords in the form of a tax, called jizya. It is a sign of submission to Muslim authority. It's a poll tax intended to remind the infidel of his inferior status.

Everyone by now is aware that the United States shipped $400 million in Swiss francs, euros, and other assorted currencies to Iran the very same day (January 17) four hostages were released.

The Obama administration wants us to believe this is pure coincidence and happenstance. Sure, settling an issue that has been sitting around for 35 years on exactly the same day we want our people out of Islamic bondage is just a fluke, just a once-in-a-lifetime accidental confluence of events. Nobody's buying it, not even the low-information, in-the-tank-for-Obama media.

Our president has not only painted a target on the back of every American, he has now stamped a dollar sign on every forehead. If you want to get rich, he's telling the Muslim world, just kidnap Americans and hold them for ransom. We're buying them back at $100 million a pop. Since the payment of the ransom, Iran has taken three more Americans hostage. Ka-ching.

While the focus has been on the words "ransom" and "hostages" – which is accurate, since even Iranian authorities are calling this a ransom-for-hostages deal – what no one is talking about is the larger and more sinister reality that this payment was in effect the payment of the submission tax Muslim nations demand from subservient infidels.

Our Sharia-compliant president, who bows before Saudi princes, thinks the Muslim call to prayer is the prettiest sound on earth, and speaks glowingly of Islam every chance he gets while disparaging Christianity at every opportunity, has paid jizya to our new would-be Muslim overlords.

And this is just the down payment on our jizya obligations. Obama will cough up another $1.4 billion in jizya before these misbegotten and shameful transactions are completed, money that will be used to fund terrorism and ramp up Iran's nuclear program. The administration even openly admits that the protection money already paid may very well have been used for "nefarious" purposes and additional payoffs will result in additional sinister expenditures.

This groveling and dangerous obsequiousness from a leader of a Christian nation is nauseating and infuriating, especially when Muslims are knifing American tourists to death on the streets of London. But it is just what one would expect from a Muslim sympathizer who believes that Christianity and the United States are the source of all evil in the world.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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