Bryan Fischer
The Bible: The U.S. has every right to shut down its border
By Bryan Fischer
June 7, 2019

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"
Host of "Focal Point" on American Family Radio, 1:05 pm CT, M-F

Even hardcore liberals are beginning to agree with the president that we have a crisis on our southern border. It's simply undeniable. Estimates are that over one million illegal aliens will flood our country this year, one million people who have no legal right to set foot on sovereign U.S. soil. Scattered among them are rapists, drug runners, violent gang members, sex traffickers, and kidnappers of children. The latest surge of trespassers have come all the way from Africa.

Our immigration facilities are simply overrun, with facilities designed for 125 illegals swamped with over 900 illegals. It's standing room only because there is no place for them to sit.

Activist tinpot judges with absolutely zero constitutional authority over immigration issues are dictating policy to the president, who is meekly complying.

Congress refuses to address hopelessly outdated immigration policies that require illegals be released into the interior of the United States as soon as they are apprehended, in the vain hope that they one day, years in the future, will return for an asylum hearing. Things are so bad that the governor of New Mexico loaded up a caravan of illegal aliens herself and dumped them in Colorado.

Deprived of every other option by a spineless Congress and a tyrannical judiciary, the president has resorted to the use of tariffs to get Mexico's attention. What the president has realized is that there is simply no way to control illegal immigration without making it Mexico's problem instead of ours.

At this point, the U.S. is carrying all the burden and Mexico is reaping all the benefits. Some of those we take in are the dregs of their society. We feed them, house them, clothe them, and educate them though they pay no taxes. At the same time the remittances they send back to Mexico comprise the biggest single component of the Mexican economy, surpassing even oil revenue. The entire state of affairs is intolerable and unsustainable.

Eighty-percent of everything Mexico produces for export is sent to the U.S., which means that an increase in tariffs will sting and sting hard. President Trump has plans to impose escalating tariffs until he gets Mexico's attention. Tellingly, the mere threat of tariff increases seems to seems to be working. Mexico sent negotiators to the U.S. so fast it'd make your eyes water, and the newly created Mexican National Guard intercepted a caravan from Guatemala at Mexico's southern border this week and sent it back from whence it came.

Regressive evangelicals can be fooled just like anyone when it comes to what the Bible teaches about illegal immigration. To hear many evangelical leaders tell it, God is all for open borders and anybody who thinks otherwise is a bad Christian.

But that's not what we discover when we take a closer look at what the Bible actually says rather than what we want it to say. When Israel approached the Promised Land in its journey through the wilderness, Moses asked the kings of Edom and Moab for permission to pass through their territory on the way to Canaan, and was denied – twice.

The king of Edom "would not listen" and the king of Moab "would not consent" (Judges 11:17). What did Moses do? Did he invade their land or sneak across their borders? No – the Bible says in Judges 11:18 he "went around the land of Moab and the land of Edom." In other words, he honored their borders and would not enter their sovereign territory without their permission.

The Bible teaches us here and in any many other places that borders around countries are God's idea, not man's, and must be respected. When we protect our sovereign borders from an invasion of illegal aliens who enter without our permission, we are simply following the template laid down by God himself in his Word.

There is nothing wrong and everything right about insisting that the people of other nations honor and respect our borders. And the sooner we do it the better.

© Bryan Fischer


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