Madeline Crabb
July 8, 2007
Voting and Christian responsibility
By Madeline Crabb

The United States was founded by godly men, and on Christian principles. The Founding Fathers pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to acquire independence from a tyrannical government. Many lost both fortune and life fighting for freedom, and would be saddened to know how much of our godly heritage has been squandered away since our founding. Christian apathy is responsible for many of our rights and freedoms being legislated away by Congress, or ruled away by out-of-control judges. For far too long, Christians have been uneducated, uninformed, and uninterested in political/public policy issues. Therefore, we either don't vote, or vote for the wrong people.

David Crowe, Executive Director of Restore America, reports that while 52 million Christians were eligible to vote in 2000, only 27 million voted. In 2004, 33 million voted. But in 2006, only 20 million Christians voted. If Christians don't vote, then people who don't fear God are deciding the fate of all Americans. If Christians don't vote for godly people, then pagans will vote for fellow pagans. If Christians don't vote, we can't affect positive change.

Back in 1881, President James Garfield, who was also a Christian minister, warned that if we "went to sleep," our government would become corrupt and tyrannical, and American citizens would become nothing more than political slaves. He also said:

    Now, more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature.

Unfortunately many of our leaders are ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, but then, look at our society. And if society fails to be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is largely because the Church has failed to stand up to its obligation of being salt and light to America. Garfield explained that if America was not found to be a great nation in the next centennial, it would be because "those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces." We aid in controlling the political forces by being educated, informed, and actively involved in politics/public policy. But in a representative republic like ours, the real power citizens hold is in their vote.

Scripture says we can't serve two masters, so we either serve an ungodly, worldly master, or serve The Master. Consequently, before voting, Christians must first decide whom we serve, and exactly what our master wants us to do. This will affect our voting and other participation in preserving what's left of our Christian heritage, and determining the destiny of our nation.

As Christians, we are the caretakers of America for ourselves and our posterity. Informed voting is one of the most serious of our obligations to both God and country. Therefore, isn't it time for Christians, America's largest voting bloc, to become educated, informed, and interested citizens who demand and vote for intelligent, brave, and pure leaders? Our Founding Fathers would expect nothing less. Neither would The Father. To anyone willing to hear....

© Madeline Crabb


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Madeline Crabb

Madeline Crabb is a Christian, a Constitutional Conservative, and a patriot. Holding a degree in journalism and public relations, and training from the Leadership Institute, she has been a columnist since 2000, and has written for various Christian newspapers around the country. As a “watchwoman” on the wall (Is.62:67), Madeline calls all citizens to awaken, arise, and act in restoring one nation under God.


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