Madeline Crabb
Reaping what we sow--Part One
America: Land of liberty and home of the free. But for how long?
By Madeline Crabb
September 24, 2009

In November 2008, by a margin of ten million votes, Barack Hussein Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States. There was plenty of evidence to prove he was one of the most liberal members in both state and federal legislatures, despite what media and the "talking heads" tried to tell us. Voting records cannot lie. There also was ample evidence of Marxist and Communist influences throughout his life — one doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to discover this information.

And then, of course, the president likes to tell us that we can determine how he thinks, and his philosophy of governing, by studying those who surround him. Some of us have been studying. Glenn Beck, who's not a journalist but a talk show host, has done a great job of exposing Obama's closest cronies (czars).

Michelle Malkin's done a superb job of investigative journalism in her new book, Culture of Corruption. Her research has uncovered some frightening information about Obama's advisors and mentors. But perhaps the most telling information we get about Obama's character, political philosophy, and feelings towards America come from his own speech and actions. Here's a warning for freedom-loving Americans who are beginning to "get it": Be afraid, be very afraid.

Indeed there are many who disapprove of the president and his policies. Hey, it is America, and we are still allowed our personal opinions. However, the fact remains that God alone selects whom he wants to lead a nation. He has his reasons for each person he allows to be chosen. Has he given us what we asked for, what we deserve?

There was a time in the Old Testament when Israel wanted a king. They kept badgering the prophet Samuel about giving them a king, while Samuel kept telling them they reeeaaallly didn't want a king. But no, stubborn and stiff-necked as they were, they kept demanding they needed a king like the surrounding nations. (Sound familiar? We just want to be like everyone else...please, please, please.) So God finally said they could have their king. This king was Saul. Students of the Bible are familiar with what happened, and it wasn't good. Why? Because it wasn't God's will. But the people forced the issue and therefore reaped the consequences.

Americans have such short memories, so let's go back in our own recent history. Remember the eight-year presidential term that was the most scandal-ridden in the history of our nation? That president brought a plethora of problems, scandals, and immorality with him from his previous job as governor of a southern state. (Somebody said character doesn't matter. Uh huh.) It was well known that this man was a womanizer, having had countless affairs while serving as governor. He even brought his lovers to the Governor's Mansion.

Despite all the cover-up of his manipulative, power-hungry wife, and media's lack of reporting the news to Americans so they could make proper, informed decisions, the truth had a way of trickling out. Nonetheless, this man was a smooth-talker, a charmer (sound familiar?), and the American people voted to make him president. Then after one scandal upon another, again despite media negligence and the First Lady's massive cover-up campaign, the real truth of the man surfaced. And yet, Americans still gave him a second term (Hey, we want what we want.)

It was proven and miraculously reported, although not to the extent it should have been, that this man was and is a liar, thief, womanizer, sexual predator, and rapist. He and his wife did despicable, unbelievable things while in office. People who tried to report what they knew or expose the underhanded, illegal dealings, ended-up dead; were imprisoned; disappeared; were slimed, shamed, and mocked; investigated by the FBI (the First Lady's personal "hit men"); and audited by the IRS (more from the First Lady's "hit men" squads). Yes, all of this is true. There are mountains of f-a-c-t-s that confirm this information. They lied, cheated, stole, and only God knows what else they did, to the American people.

When the facts were so overwhelming that action was demanded by the public, Congress impeached this man, although it was a lame attempt that didn't address the bulk of the problems. But the U.S. Senate didn't have the intestinal fortitude or integrity to remove this shameful man from office — a man who truly disgraced the office of the president before his fellow citizens, those he was supposed to serve, and before the eyes of the entire world. (By the way, media outside the U.S. often reports the news much more accurately and aggressively than our own media. The truth was known.)

How did this happen? This man told the people what they wanted to hear. He "made nice" well (Sound familiar?). He was able to "seduce" people (particularly women). But he and his wife were and remain manipulators, schemers, and power-hungry plotters. The reward: His wife miraculously became a senator from one of the largest states in America, one she had recently decided to call her home. And then, of course, she became the secretary of state. And he is almost idolized as a rock star. Amazing.

Americans were seduced then, again in 2008, and are still being seduced. And God is allowing it, because we are reaping what we have sown. But there is an even worse seduction coming in perhaps the very near future. Our response will determine our personal and corporate future, which we will discuss in part two of this message. To anyone willing to hear....

© Madeline Crabb


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Madeline Crabb

Madeline Crabb is a Christian, a Constitutional Conservative, and a patriot. Holding a degree in journalism and public relations, and training from the Leadership Institute, she has been a columnist since 2000, and has written for various Christian newspapers around the country. As a “watchwoman” on the wall (Is.62:67), Madeline calls all citizens to awaken, arise, and act in restoring one nation under God.


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