Madeline Crabb
Has America finally sealed her fate? (Part Two)
By Madeline Crabb
April 26, 2012

Congratulations, America! The US national debt has now surpassed our Gross Domestic Product. Why should this bother us?

The amount of debt we collectively owe as a nation is staggering and sobering. Today, the national debt stands at over $15.7 trillion. This figure is constantly rising to the tune of billions a day. By this day 2016, the debt is estimated to be over $22 trillion. So how does this affect individuals?

Today's national debt means every citizen — man, woman, and child — in America owes over $50,000. The burden to We the Taxpayers is over $138,000 per person. Nothing shows love for our children like saddling them with a $50K tax burden! By this day 2016, the burden will be $67,000 and $177,000 respectively. By the way...this debt is over and above our personal debt. Hello! Is anyone paying attention?! These figures come from the US National Debt clock that shows our real time debt.

All citizens and lawmakers should study this clock on a daily basis, but probably not just before bedtime. It provides a reality check. Further, it might also remind us that just as individuals and families shouldn't spend more than they earn, neither should governments.

Taxpayers (the makers) are probably wondering just how we can tolerate having even one more dollar ripped from our wallets. Wages have been frozen by many of our employers. Cost of living increases stopped several years ago for many as well, but the price of essentials like food and gasoline skyrocket. Furthermore, we wonder why one group should pay almost three times more in taxes just because they have worked harder or longer? Yes, we are all created equal, but that doesn't mean there will be equal outcomes. Right?

The other group, the takers, is concerned about keeping their handouts, and hopefully seeing them increase when their savior is re-elected in November. Most of us remember the Black Obama supporter gushing that because President Obama had been elected, she would no longer have to worry about paying her house payment or putting gas in the car. She's right. The Welfare State is growing, and the makers who provide the Welfare State operating budget are suffering.

Like addicts, takers have required increasingly more handouts to satisfy their habit of being victims. Also like addicts, there will never ever be enough to satisfy their unquenchable desire. One of these days, the federal government will take the very last dollar of the very last hard-working citizen. Then, who will provide for the addicted masses? A bumper sticker reads: That big check won't do you any good when it bounces.

Considering just a portion of America's massive welfare program, the Heritage Foundation reports:
    The number of Americans on food stamps is higher than ever before, according to a new Congressional Budget Office report. Since 2007, rolls have grown by 70 percent. And participation rates are expected to increase over the next two years.

    While some of the growth can be attributed to the recession, participation rates were steadily climbing prior to the recession. Since 2000, the number of Americans on food stamps has jumped by roughly 260 percent from 17.2 million to 44.7 million in 2011.

    Naturally, government spending on food stamps has also jumped, from approximately $20 billion in 2000 to a whopping $78 billion last year, a nearly 400 percent increase.

Heritage also states that 21.8 percent, or one of five citizens (excluding federal employees), receive some form of assistance from the government.

For all intents and purposes, America is bankrupt. Without taxpayers, America can't even pay the interest on her debt. And again, as previously discussed, the Buffet plan to make the rich pay their "fair share" is totally ludicrous, but Mr. Obama can't stop talking about it. (What's the Socialist saying? A lie told often enough becomes the truth.)

According to the National Taxpayers Union: Congressional Budget Office projections for 'Effective Federal Tax Rates' show that when including all federal taxes, the top 50% of taxpayers are carrying a rounded 90% of the federal tax burden year in and year out. Even relative to their share of total earnings, the top percentages pay more in taxes, beyond what one would consider a 'fair share.' Remember, the CBO is a non-partisan, non-biased, governmental agency.

Benjamin Franklin once said, "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, this will herald the end of the republic." There is a growing group of people that have found they can vote themselves money through the large group of legislators and politicians that are happy to accommodate them. Handouts, giveaways, entitlements, and all other pork buys lawmakers power, notoriety, prestige, and re-election (job security). Taxpayers carry the burden — that is, the 50 percent of American citizens who pay taxes. Why aren't our lawmakers ashamed? Too bad they can't be made to pay for the horrendous mess they've made.

At the very least, we have to DEMAND that our current legislators stop all unnecessary spending. We also need to demand a balanced budget. Oops, that's right...There hasn't been a budget of any kind in three years. Kind of makes one wonder if there are any current guidelines on spending.

Dear fellow citizens, it has taken decades to get to our precarious economic situation. The American ideals of liberty and self-reliance, faith in God, and constitutional principles have been simultaneously eroding. Instead of looking to God as the supplier of all our needs, we have turned to the government. But since governments are run by imperfect men, we must select carefully. Scripture says that without wise leadership, a nation falls, but with many counselors, there is safety.

America is close to falling off the proverbial cliff. Next stop — collapsed government. Yes, it can happen. Our fate is indeed sealed unless wise actions are taken soon. There are a few ideas we can discuss next time. But until then, we must fervently pray that God will have mercy on us, and give us another chance to correct our mistakes. Then since we are in the middle of primary elections, we must pray for those people God wants to be our elected officials — and then vote for them. Remember, we've already tried doing things our way...perhaps we should now try God's way. Know that some tough love will be required, along with sacrifice by all in order to fix this problem. Dear fellow American, are you up to the task at hand? To anyone willing to hear....

© Madeline Crabb


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Madeline Crabb

Madeline Crabb is a Christian, a Constitutional Conservative, and a patriot. Holding a degree in journalism and public relations, and training from the Leadership Institute, she has been a columnist since 2000, and has written for various Christian newspapers around the country. As a “watchwoman” on the wall (Is.62:67), Madeline calls all citizens to awaken, arise, and act in restoring one nation under God.


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