Madeline Crabb
Revolution 2016: Trump & silent majority vs. permanent political class & fourth estate
Part Two
By Madeline Crabb
January 31, 2016

There is indeed a revolution happening in America. The Silent Majority that lives in the heartland of America has finally had enough of being lied to, ridiculed, and used by the Permanent Political Class and the Fourth Estate. We have had enough of being used as pawns in the power game of the PPC. We are tired of being servants to a tyrannical government instead of the government being servants to us.

So now what happens? As we've been thinking ahead to the 2016 presidential elections, the usual political process has been buzzing right along – until Donald Trump declared his candidacy. And while all the arrogant among the PPC mocked the seriousness of the New York billionaire, Trump has been speaking things the disgruntled, forgotten masses have been thinking and voicing for years – to no avail. When those we elected in the 2014 mid-term elections turned against us, all seemed lost. But then we began listening to this most seemingly illogical of presidential candidates.

Now, in January of 2016, Trump has been leading the pack of GOP candidates for many months. Why? Because his message resonates with Americans. However, the PPC and Fourth Estate, for the most part, show total disrespect for Trump and his followers. Worse, even though Trump has a huge following by Christians, many church leaders mock and ridicule both this candidate and his followers. Why?

The hypocrisy of Americans is mind-boggling!

For seven years, America has suffered through the presidency of an anti-American, Christian-mocking, pro-Islamic, pro-homosexual, perversion-embracing, race-baiting president named Barack Hussein Obama. American media, the Fourth Estate, failed to do their job in vetting this man. Instead, they behaved more like a bunch of swooning teenagers at a Justin Bieber concert. These media "professionals" printed or broadcast whatever the Obama machine told them. Of course there was little to research since the Obamas' history was pretty much erased. Nonetheless, we are reaping what we've sown from our negligence. Perhaps, as many have said, we have actually gotten the president we deserve.

So, America, we are at a critical decision time. We have a two-party political system in America. The Democrat Party is basically socialist/communist, which means it is also anti-God.

Furthermore, simply look at the two Democrat "frontrunners." While already $19 trillion in debt, these presidential candidates want to spend even more money for more programs. They also will bring more people from other nations into our country that will in turn go into an already overwhelmed welfare system. And they intend to leave open our borders where illegal aliens will continue to flood through to get their share of Uncle Sam's handouts. By the way, has anyone wondered why there are only three Democrats vying for the presidency? Am I the only one who thinks this is highly unusual? Is the fix already in? But I digress...

As for the Republicans...pretty much, it's more of the same. We hear a lot of promises, the same ones they've all been muttering for decades. The sad part is that most of them can't be believed any longer. Some tell us to check their records, but they pretty much assume we won't. After all, they know we didn't really check into Obama's background. Oh, again, we couldn't even if we wanted to. They know we elected a man with no leadership abilities except as a community organizer, which should have been a clue he was bad news. But then, far too many Americans are content with their "bread and circuses" to bother doing a little research on someone who will influence the course of our nation. But most of the time, we will find our candidates' records aren't exactly what they claim. There are a few exceptions. But they are willing to gamble, to dare us to look. (Honestly, dear friends, how many of us have the time or inclination to do so?)

So then, why is it that people from outside the usual political "family" decide to run for office that they are dismissed as being unqualified? In Trump's case, he has actually been a leader, and not of a communist activist group. (Yes, community organizing was conceived by communist – and first community organizer – Saul Alinsky.) He has actually built buildings, golf courses, and resorts around the world, and employs thousands of people in his hugely successful business. Because he is an "outsider," and NOT a politician, he hasn't grown accustomed to and comfortable with the Washington good old boys' club. He is a man of vision who started his business with a loan of under $1 million from his father, a business that is now worth over $10 billion. Most people would consider this feat a success.

Now, consider the "record" of our current politicians, yes, even those wanting to sit in the Oval Office. While America is already deeply in debt, congress passed yet another utterly outrageous spending bill of $1.8 trillion this past December. That's a pretty bad mark on the resumes of any of those who currently hold positions within the federal government. And they want us to hire them? Perhaps they need to take lessons from a successful businessman who knows there are serious consequences when budgets are exceeded, or debt is accrued.

Yes, Trump has had some setbacks over the years, and a few business ventures that failed. (Anyone who has been in business can relate.) He paid the price, and came back stronger. You see, in the private sector, people have to live within budget constraints, and pay their bills. The consequences of not being able to pay the bills can lead to losing the business, and going bankrupt. If America were a business, she would be considered bankrupt. Hello!

Donald Trump is an outsider. We the People need someone from outside the Permanent Political Class to address our serious, nation-ending problems. Further, don't we need someone who actually has a resume of accomplishments in the "real world" where it takes tenacity, vision, and hard work to be successful?

Dear friends, have you considered that God is allowing Donald Trump to have favor among Americans? Or that God is the One who allowed him to be so successful?

In business, a leader must also be able to communicate and inspire all employees. Trump can relate to the janitors in his buildings, but also deals with heads of state in other countries. It's all part of his job. Frankly, the people we've been sending to "represent us" in Washington can no longer relate to the little people, the taxpayers – we simply aren't important enough. And as for relating to leaders in other countries, well, I'll just say this: John Kerry and Iran.

There are a lot of questions about Donald Trump's character. People, we have had some real scoundrels in our federal government, and in the White House. We should tread very lightly here. What's the old phrase about glass houses and throwing stones?

While Trump has indeed been divorced twice, we should at least consider the success he's had in raising his children. His three oldest children are fine examples of good parenting. Ivanka, Eric, and Don, Jr. are all highly successful adults and parents. They are intelligent, gracious, soft-spoken, and executives within the Trump organization. But, each of them will explain that they had to work from the time they were little kids. Nothing was given to them. Hard work and fair play were instilled in them. To this day, they all agree that if they don't perform, they, too, can be fired. Further, none of them smoke, drink, or do drugs. Hmmm...What do you think this says about the man?

Perhaps the biggest complaint from the PPC is that he isn't politically correct. Wow! That is such a positive for We the People. Political correctness is destroying America. It is a sledgehammer used to silence free speech, dissent, and truth, things the PPC and Fourth Estate seem to be afraid of. Why is that?

In closing, could it be that Donald Trump does have the skills needed to lead our country through our increasingly difficult times? Is it possible that he does have the experience needed to begin to fix our economy? Remember, we didn't get to our state overnight, so it can't be fixed overnight. Since we're currently going backwards, can he right our course? Can his management skills be used to make the government more efficient and even cost effective?

In politics, it's important to surround yourself with cronies and people who raised money for you. For businessmen, it's important to work with and hire experts in their various fields. Cronyism would mean doom to a business. Oh yeah, it appears it means the same to a government. With four decades of business building, isn't it possible that Trump actually knows the right people to hire for fixing our broken government?

If we are serious about trying to save our nation from total destruction, shouldn't we be seriously considering ALL of our options? As I mentioned earlier, many Christian leaders are mocking and ridiculing Trump because he can't necessarily quote scriptures on the fly. Neither can millions of other Americans. Within the Christian community, we are taught to prefer Christians when we make decisions of this magnitude. But what if God has a plan out of the ordinary? Scripture says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD." (Is. 55: 8 NIV)

We've been repeatedly making the same mistakes for decades, and are reaping terrible consequences. The Permanent Political Class now has all the power, and the Fourth Estate is complicit in allowing it to happen. We have serious choices to make, but they can't be done out of emotion. Let's do our due diligence, and also seek God's will – even if we don't like the answer. Right now, the revolution is civil, but that doesn't mean it will remain so. To anyone willing to hear....

© Madeline Crabb


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Madeline Crabb

Madeline Crabb is a Christian, a Constitutional Conservative, and a patriot. Holding a degree in journalism and public relations, and training from the Leadership Institute, she has been a columnist since 2000, and has written for various Christian newspapers around the country. As a “watchwoman” on the wall (Is.62:67), Madeline calls all citizens to awaken, arise, and act in restoring one nation under God.


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