Madeline Crabb
Christianity, the Constitution, courts and control
By Madeline Crabb
September 23, 2020

How is it that the death of one woman, one of at least two million government employees, can cause such a maelstrom in this country, with the potential of causing a civil war?

For anyone awake and aware, it is not news that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died last week. Her demise is not a surprise to anyone who knew she has been battling cancer for two decades. But for those on the radical left, or the socialists/communists who are trying to overthrow our constitutional government, this is an early “October Surprise” they were not expecting.

Ironically, it is usually the party of the leftists who unleash some awful kind of dirt upon the Republican Party from which recovery is not possible. It is a strategy that allows no time to properly refute accusations. Then considering nearly all media sources constitute the public relations arm of the Democrat Party, all accusations are taken as fact, never investigated by said media. However, this time it was not a political party unleashing havoc upon the electoral process, but God. Why do I say this? It is not because He is necessarily trying to influence an election. No, it is simple fact that God alone has final say in matters of life and death. It was her time. Period.

Some of what I am going to say will upset many people who worship at the altar of liberalism and despise/ridicule Christianity. While I understand Ginsburg was a learned person who feverishly worked in promoting her causes, and that it was quite an achievement to reach the bench of the highest court in our nation, I disagreed with her political ideology which, in my opinion, did affect her work in the Court, caused great harm to our constitution, and even contributed to further dividing our country. We will discuss this more in a bit. Despite my personal feelings about this woman, I have prayed for her throughout her illness, and for the comfort of her family who mourn her death.

Additionally, I prayed for her salvation, because most of her life and legal career she was devoted to causes that are contrary to God’s Word, for which she was not ignorant. Jews may reject the New Testament but respect the Old Testament. Both give a basic understanding that God is holy and has standards for how we are to live and treat others. One particular scripture comes to mind that applies to all of us, maybe more so for judges: “He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” (Mic. 6:8 KJV) I submit that while Justice Ginsburg seemed like a quiet, humble person, her actions in the political realm provide contrary evidence.

She is partially responsible for advocating the overturning of God’s Law regarding marriage; for promoting a multiple choice gender list that undermines the fact God created only two sexes, male and female; and for endorsing instead of condemning the violation of at least the sixth of the Ten Commandments that tells us “You shall not murder.” Therefore, referring to the above scripture, I submit she showed no mercy, except to those desiring to thwart God’s will and mock His Word, that she did not act justly, and that instead of walking humbly with God, she instead joined with those mocking Him and presuming to be a god unto herself. How so? Let us examine those who are most upset with her passing.

The following groups are almost distraught by her death: The American Civil Liberties Union, Planned Parenthood, the Center for Reproductive Rights, National Abortion Federation, and the entire LGBT community—just to mention a few. Oh, I almost forgot all the socialists/communists in our government—both elected, and deep state operators. All these groups consistently work to undermine the U.S. Constitution, and marginalize, even criminalize Christianity.

For example, the ACLU has been labeled as the Anti-Christian Civil Liberties Union. If you do not think so, then ask yourself when you last heard of them standing in support of any Christian individual or group practicing their constitutional right to the “free exercise” of their religion? I submit anyone will be hard-pressed to find such a case. By the way, Ginsburg was the founding director of the ACLU’s Women’s Rights Project, and then later became General Counsel for the ACLU.

Then there is Planned Parenthood, the founder being eugenicist Margaret Sanger. This organization has existed since 1916 under different names, the first being the American Birth Control League, which was not about liberating women or women’s rights. Sanger believed that through abortion, birth control, and forced sterilization, society could “assist the [human] race in the elimination of the unfit.” ( In a story about Hillary Clinton praising Sanger, the Federalist stated that Sanger “was a vile racist and eugenicist who dedicated her life to ridding the world of poor black babies, who she deemed “degenerate and defective.” She was a featured guest of the Ku Klux Klan and a huge proponent of the forced sterilization program of the Nazi regime in the 1930s.

That brings us back to Ginsburg, who is almost idolized for her work for women’s rights (abortion). While I can find no evidence of her having personally worked for Planned Parenthood, she was a vigorous proponent of abortion. In 2000, she was part of the 5-4 majority striking down Nebraska’s partial-birth abortion law that outlawed the procedure. Seven years later, the Court ruled in yet another 5-4 decision, but this time in favor of a federal partial-birth abortion ban, with Ginsburg in the minority. In her dissent she wrote that it was “irrational” to ban the procedure.

Apparently, Planned Parenthood adored RBG. The Internet is filled with scores of stories praising and honoring her, vigils in her honor, and concerns over what will happen to women’s rights without her on the Court. For the record, as of January 2020, the number of babies killed by abortion is 61,628,584, according to Life News. Who is concerned for their rights?

As for the LGBT community, Gay City News spoke of Ginsburg’s “consistent support for equal rights advances achieved by the community in decisions dating back to 1996, when the high court struck down a Colorado voter initiative that barred the state or localities from enacting gay and lesbian rights protections. She would go on to vote with the majority in the 2003 decision striking down sodomy laws, the 2013 decision which threw out the Defense of Marriage Act, the 2015 decision guaranteeing marriage equality nationwide, and this year’s ruling finding that employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is barred by the sex discrimination provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act’s Title VII.”

Now as a society we can boast how America elevates and celebrates an act that all societies, since the beginning of recorded history, have condemned as a sin against nature, and God. Then we promote it to the rest of the world and wonder why some nations condemn us for our immorality.

As for the last group who are so upset with Ginsburg’s death, the socialists/communists comprising the new Democrat Party, we will have to discuss in the next installment of this series. There is too much information for today’s discussion.

The groups we just discussed are seemingly coming unglued after losing their hero and idol, RBG. The pro-abortion community is frantic about one thing: Roe vs. Wade being overturned now that Ginsburg is gone. For the homosexual community, Kevin Jennings of Lambda Legal said that she was an “irreplaceable giant,” both “an advocate and a justice,” and “longstanding ally” to his community, “both on and off the bench.” (

So back to the original question: How is it that the death of one woman, one of at least two million government employees, can cause such a maelstrom in this country, with the potential of causing a civil war?

Could it be that she was a huge part of the dismantling of our Constitution, the destruction of Christianity, the ever-growing actions of the courts to write new law instead of interpreting law according to the constitution, and the general control of government over the people from all these actions? The answer is yes. Is there a problem with judges’ personal ideology affecting their decisions? This appears to be the case but cannot be blamed on just one person. Ginsburg may have been exceedingly talented at persuasion, particularly for her pet causes. However, is this appropriate?

For the past decade or so, every ruling from the Supreme Court is now called the Law of the Land. Does not this suggest a ruling cannot be overturned? None of the nine justices on this court, including idol Ginsburg, are God. We must return to selecting judges who honor our constitution, and fear God. To anyone willing to hear….

© Madeline Crabb


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Madeline Crabb

Madeline Crabb is a Christian, a Constitutional Conservative, and a patriot. Holding a degree in journalism and public relations, and training from the Leadership Institute, she has been a columnist since 2000, and has written for various Christian newspapers around the country. As a “watchwoman” on the wall (Is.62:67), Madeline calls all citizens to awaken, arise, and act in restoring one nation under God.


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