Curtis Dahlgren
May 11, 2008
A Day of Prayer for our mothers, our nation, and two Border Patrol agents
By Curtis Dahlgren

"A wise son makes a glad father; but a foolish man despises his mother. Folly is a joy to him who is destitute of wisdom." — Solomon (Proverbs 15:20-21)

WHEN MOTHERS USED TO PROTECT THE MORAL HIGH GROUND, they "had our backside" and they used to prevent Satan from coming in the back doors of our homes and schools. When big brothers used to pay attention to the behavior of their little sisters, they would do anything it took to keep scoundrels clear out of the neighborhood.

THESE DAYS, BEHAVIORAL STANDARDS AND MORES ARE SET BY HIGHLY-PAID UNIVERSITY "PROFESSORS," and Big Brother throws Border Patrol agents into solitary confinement for guarding our southern border (while "Thanksgiving turkeys" get pardoned)! To top things off, the churches abandon the Law of "Nature's God" and preach a "social gospel," and I'm so mad right now I could spit NAILS.


The New England Journal of Medicine says that "professor" Peter Singer has had "more success in effecting changes in acceptable behavior" than any philosopher since Bertrand Russell ("change in behavior" being equated with "progress" now). The New Yorker called him the "most influential" philosopher alive. Marvin Olasky interviewed him recently "over lunch" and when asked about such practices as baby farms for spare body parts, infanticide, bestiality, necrophilia, and polyandry (group sex of unlimited size), Singer essentially gave his "blessings" to all of them ("nothing morally wrong with them"). Some lunch!

The intellectually incestuous relationship between the dominant news media and Academia in general, and professors such as Peter Singer in particular, are reason #1 why the 2004 election results shouldn't have left "retros" with any sense of overconfidence. By incestuous, I mean: one does not become "teacher's pet" in Journalism 101, for instance, by writing a conservative column for a conservative student newspaper, or by questioning the latest PC theory in the "humanities."

It's "NO WONDER" that Liberals outnumber Conservative professors — in ratios ranging from 30-to-1 in anthropology, to 3-to-1in economics. The latter statistic shows that conservatives believe more in the relevance of what happened in the last century in business than in the "irrelevance" of what may or may NOT have happened "billions and billions of years ago" (as in biology and anthropology). Nevertheless, as Rodney Dangerfield would put it, the retros just "don't get no respect" from the high-and-mighty "metros."

According to the gospel of the newly redefined "academic freedom," it may be a crime to hand out copies of the Declaration of Independence to middle-school students, but it's just fine for a teacher to hand out "free flavored condoms." To add insult to injury to insult, a fifth grade teacher recently handed out computer print-outs that described us "Retros" as greedy, selfish, mean fundamentalist extremists [you forgot "geezers," "moss-backs," and "overly simplistic," Witch!].

You say you want to see some "respect"? I'll show you some respect — IN THE DICTIONARY! Our highly-paid academicians don't have a clue as to the meaning of the word respect [the "Koran" gets more respect than what used to be our own "holy Book"].

The "word-for-the-day," boys and girls, is "respect." In The Dictionary of Word Origins, Ayto says that "respect" and "respite" are ultimately the same word. Both go back to respectus ("look back at"). An earlier borrowing of Latin 'respectus' into Old French produced respit or "refuge"'!

There's a lesson in there somewhere: "looking back at" our roots produces a refuge, a respite. And obviously, a cousin to "respectus" is the word RETROSPECT (as in "Retro Americans"). There's a whole lot more to "retro-spect" than mere nostalgia ("blue" America, metro America, thinks that we're just trying to "turn back the clock" to an impossibility — "Ozzie and Harriet America").

No, we're talking about history and the lessons of history, ala Edward Gibbon. Webster says that the noun retrospect, is a "survey of past events. The adjective "retrospective" means "applicable to past events; of laws and rules having force as if authorized at an earlier day . . " [like say, the Ten Commandments, for example]!

And which part of this is too hard for the academic "metrosexuals" to understand? The real challenge for Academia is not to persuade the captive audiences in their classrooms, but the American people at large — the whole American culture — and we're just not buying it!


The Ivy Leaguers and the rest of the academic "community" are undaunted. They are confident of eventually having their way with us, because for that task they rely on the popular culture and their incestuous "news journalists."

Today's eggheads have egg all over their faces, because their agenda is so transparent. They know, as the Communists knew long ago, that the quickest way to bring down a nation is to corrupt the morals of the young people.

And you know you're really corrupt when corruption is no longer considered "corrupt" but "progressive."

A nightmare for a leftist must be dreaming that there is a God.
I'll bet that happens a lot. I had a mini-nightmare recently in which I was driving a car and when I turned the steering wheel to the right the car went left, and vice versa. It's like my columns; the more I write about "right" (versus wrong), the more the nation heads in the wrong direction. Wish I were a better "salesman."

I think that's what Moses was saying to God when he said that he stuttered: "I'm the world's worst salesman, and you want me to do WHAT?"

Alas, the intellectual class in journalism, government, and the colleges and universities is trying to change Left into "right," down into up, black into white, and defeat into victory. Up until 2008, their scheme was working like a charm.

"What can a man do?" I'm not even a father, and these days one must be silent about parenting concepts unless one is a parent. One is just expected to shut up about the academic Establishment unless one has 2 or 3 degrees from said Establishment (how conveniently convenient for them).

Thankfully, I'm not a lone voice crying in the wilderness; I'm not ALONE, and we will soon find out if America is still a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people — or whether it is just a nation "of the eggheads, by the eggheads, and FOR the eggheads."

The USA has been ruled by Ivy League graduates ever since President Reagan went back to the ranch. Just one more time, I'd like to see an Administration not perverted by Ivy League professors.

Thankfully, even Harvard and Washington, Illinois, and Cambridge, Wisconsin (etc.)have a voice in the matter
still! Maybe even us Yoopers, STILL!

GO AND LET YOUR VOICES BE HEARD! It's time we got some "respect" [we don't even have to win every "debate"; simply standing up and speaking out is, in and of itself, a significant, small, victory. And it annoys the pants off the Educrats!].

Back to the present [August 2007]; in news-of-the-week, we learned that the attackers of the Border Patrol agent in the Yazoo, Mississippi federal prison have not been charged with any wrongdoing for the attack that left Nacho Ramos seriously injured. In fact, he is now in solitary confinement, and his attackers are NOT!

Meanwhile back in El Paso [as in "free passes" for the invaders], U.S. Attorney Sutton and the wounded drug mule came to a plea agreement that allows Sutton to keep sealed valuable evidence that would be relevant to an appeal of the Ramos and Compean convictions (by the way, whatever is happening to that appeal?).

PPS: When America used to respect our ROOTS, "wise sons made glad fathers" out of their OWN sons and grandsons. And "wise daughters" made "glad mothers" out of their own daughters and granddaughters. May God have mercy on America today (20-some people were killed again by storms in the South). Any dumb farmer could have told you that we reap what we sow, and we are reaping a whirlwind.

In reflecting on my own mother's family, ever since the matriarch died (Gramma Greenberg, who had 13 fine kids and approximately 56 grandchildren), the old family tree has been slowly rotting away. Every succeeding generation has more tragedies and more social problems — due to the fact that, under the influence of our public schools, they are sowing more and more wild oats.

In Harvard's back yard, Boston is celebrating "Gay youth pride weekend" — with public funding from the taxpayers of Massachusetts. It's time to saw off the East Coast and let it float out to sea (as Barry Goldwater suggested).

Some of us "turn-back-the-clock" fundamentalist extremists are celebrating this weekend as MOTHER'S DAY (remember that one?). We are also spending time on our knees praying for the two Border Patrol agents who are spending another "day in paradise" serving 11 and 12-year federal prison terms - and praying for the mothers of their children on this "proud" day for America!

Best wishes to the President's daughter and her new husband, but I hope they have a better life than the life being lived by families of Ramos and Compean — thanks to the "father of the bride." SOME WEEKEND, EH?

© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in the frozen tundra of Michigan's U.P., and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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