Curtis Dahlgren
One Giant Leap of "faith": Another memo from
By Curtis Dahlgren
July 20, 2009

"We know we spend a huge amount of money that last year of life. More and more people are gonna say, I don't want people poking tubes, and, you know, uh, doing all sorts of . . stuff. The most important thing we can do on end-of-life care right now, to encourage people to look at hospices as a legitimate option."
- President Obama [quoted by Laura Ingraham]


HillaryCare: "Put a little ice on it."

ObamaCare1: "It might be smarter just to take a pain killer."

ObamaCare2: "Buy your own pain killer if you voted for McCain" [all decisions are "final" with the "Medical Advisory Council and Board of Review on Ethics" (MACABRE)].

KervorkianCare: "Free at last! You're free at last!"

Jim Jones version: "Let them eat pancakes. And don't forget to drink the Kool-Aid."

I kid you not. We tried Nazis at Nuremburg for some of the same things being planned behind closed doors nowadays in Washington DC — things like the Netherlands' involuntary euthanasia ("We are the last developed nation to have a European-style medical system,' they say).

"Politics and religion" are still considered off-limits topics for public conversation. Almost as controversial as the weather (I had to wear my longjohns to bed last night up here; even Liberal, Kansas has been setting record lows this summer). But anyway, just because you are "not interested" in politics does not mean that "politics" won't take an interest in YOU (or the "cost" of your — supposedly — "last year of life," to paraphrase Pericles).

If you think it can't happen here, just talk to any survivor of the Holocaust on how it all began (a new attitude on the value of human life in the universities in the 1920s). As a geezer, I could write a book on the public relations campaigns that have brought about "change" — and the media SPIN to explain away the failures. Government-run schools in Germany in the 1930s asked math questions such as: "How many homes for the poor could be built with the money wasted on useless eaters?"

I'm not even talking money here, but I could — the President claims that giving free health insurance to "40 million people" is going to SAVE money even. HOW is the question (see opening lines above). In his new book, Common Sense, Glenn Beck says that our "best and brightest" politicians have already committed future generations to $99 trillion in debt for already existing Social Security and Medicare promises. And the Congressional Budget Office keeps warning them about the costs of new "entitlements."

I was born in 1942, so technically I lived through most of WWII, but thankfully unaware of the "stuff" going on in Europe. It was bad enough living through the 1960s with Woodstock and the cities burning. I could write a book about all the highly-acclaimed government programs that had cost explosions, "counter-intuitive consequences," and utter failure. And I have written a couple of books that ought to be required reading in the schools.

I was going to entitle this column a "Memo from," but it all goes ultimately back to education and the lack of it. Teachers' unions excuse poor student performance as "bad parenting," but (excuse me) didn't the public schools "teach" those parents TOO? Evidently the union teachers didn't instill much "civic responsibility" in the last 2 or 3 generations. Over the past 20 years, American turn-out for elections averaged about 50 percent, meaning that most adults in 2008 did NOT vote for the massive spending "changes" that Congress is railroading through without reading.


"Most people are bothered by those passages of Scripture they do not understand, but the passages that bother me are those I do understand."

Of course Bible literacy in the public schools has gone the way of all the other literacy, including writers who were commonly read by the "Common" people two centuries ago. The name "Cicero" is big around the city of Chicago, but here's what Cicero said:

"A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gate is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those rustling through the alleys within the gate freely, his sly whispers heard in the very halls of government itself, for the traitor appears not a traitor. He speaks in accents familiar to his victims . . [and ] appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men . . . He infects the body politic so it can no longer resist." [quoted from "The Enemy Within" by Michael Savage]

On February 5, 2008 Barack Obama said:

"What began as a whisper has now swelled to a chorus that cannot be ignored, that will not be deterred, that will ring out across this land as a hymn that will heal this nation, repair this world and make this time different than all the rest."

IT'S BEGINNING TO LOOK "DIFFERENT" ALRIGHT! I just heard that the monthly economic stats are being withheld for a couple of weeks. As FOX says, I report — you decide — but I agree with Mark Twain totally — the Scriptures that bother me are the ones that I DO UNDERSTAND!

There's so much more to say about our establishment educational system in this country, but I'm trying to write shorter columns — just written more often — so:

More to come.

© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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