Curtis Dahlgren
Elections 2010: Kudos to America's conservative momma grizzlies (a "best of")
By Curtis Dahlgren
June 14, 2010

"Reaganism and masculinity go together. In this course we will examine the relationships between popular conceptions of masculinity and [take a breath] neoconservatism in order to assess and critique the importance of gender difference in contemporary culture [take a breath]. We will draw heavily on feminist theory and cultural studies in order to consider masculinity in the context of ongoing social inequalities."
— Brown University catalog description of "The Remasculiniziation of America," an actual college course, cited by a Wm. F. Buckley column (September 9, 1991), "McCarthy had nothing on academic world"

BUCKLEY WROTE: "If that course were the subject of 15 minutes of fun on 'Late Night With David Letterman,' all would be right in this world. But it and a thousand similarly chaotic exercises are being taught in contemporary America . . . If you read about such things in National Lampoon, we'd be a healthier nation. Instead, we talk about the awful things McCarthy did to the academic world in the 1950s such as what?"

Yes, some 600 colleges and universities have scheduled "The Vagina Monologues" for this school year, and we're supposed to take them SERIOUSLY? What is wrong with this picture? Where is the "social equality" in this picture? If any "awful things" are being done to the academic world, "they" are doing it to themselves!

LET'S GET SERIOUS: Pat Buchanan was spot-on in 1992 when he said that there's an ongoing Culture War in this country. Despite all the catch phrases and "good" intentions, this War does not end prettily. The "mild idealists" would be the first ones on the lists of the brutal realists who turn "social revolutions" into executions.

Very early in my writing career, I wrote a column "Dedicated to Dutch: The Reasons they hate Reagan" in which I cited a few of the reasons, but didn't get around to mentioning the most obvious one: Reagan was a role model for young boys regarding masculinity (just as Nancy was a wonderful role model for young girls).

In 1919, a file was discovered with a document listing nine Communist goals. To be precise:

  1. Corrupt the young: get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial; destroy their ruggedness.

  2. Get control of all means of publicity. Get peoples' minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books, plays and other trivialities.

  3. Divide people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance.

  4. Destroy the peoples' faith in their natural leaders by holding the latter up to contempt, ridicule . . .

  5. Always preach true democracy; but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible.

  6. By encouraging government extravagance, destroy its credit; produce fear of inflation, rising prices and general discontent.

  7. Foment strikes in vital industries; encourage civil disorders and foster a lenient and soft attitude on the part of government toward these disorders.

  8. By special argument cause a breakdown of the old moral virtues; honesty, sobriety, continence, faith in the pledged word, ruggedness.

  9. Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext with a view of confiscation of them and leaving the population helpless.

Exactly whom these goals were authored by I'm not certain, but they are undeniably in agreement with the goals of the Nihilists in Russia in the "sixties" (1860s), as detailed in my January 29, 2006 column:

"[T]hey conceived the idea that Russia had outlived the religious and metaphysical stages of human development, and was ready to enter on the positivist stage . . . Among the antiquated institutions which had to be abolished as obstructions to real progress, were religion, family life, private property, and [etc.]. . . the males allowing their hair to grow long and the female adepts cutting it short, and adding sometimes the additional badge of blue spectacles" [just as the Beatles and their followers had to wear a certain "uniform"]!

It is no accident that the Feminist movement followed obediently 10 paces behind the Nihilism of the 1960s, nor that the blurring of the sexes was (and still is) promoted in the name of "social equality." Make no mistake about it: McCarthy alleged, and KGB documents seized after the fall of the Soviet Union substantiate, that money from the Communist Party USSR was directly given to the promotion of these goals in the U.S. — starting well before the hippie movement "blossomed" here.

And make no mistake about one other thing: there is still a Communist government in place in China, so we can only surmise the amount of money still being funneled into our "Social Revolutions"! Therefore, the abolition of such things as religion and "ruggedness" cannot help but be on the agenda. One way to accomplish this goal is to put all potential future male leaders on Ritalin at an early age in the public schools.

Even as the world recently witnessed the death of Betty Friedan, a Washington Post story on Friday [] says that a new report recommends a warning box be placed on Ritalin containers, partly because of deaths of Ritalin patients and partly due to "over-use."

The author Shankar Vedantam writes that the report says, "What is also interesting is [that] this condition [ADHD] is not really recognized in other countries . . . You wonder what we are treating. I'm sure there are patients who need these drugs, but it is not 10 percent of all 10-year-old boys" [my emphasis]!

Then why are they being so doped? My best guess is that educators have so slowed down the curriculum for everybody that the brightest ten percent are the ones who are restless and "squirming in their seats"; thus, they are "controlled" by drugs from Nurse Ratchet. They are essentially being NEUTERED.

My last two columns have dealt with the "American castroti" situation, and the case in which a judge gladly gave a boy the right to overrule his school "dress" code by wearing a dress to school. The Left in this country, following obediently 10 paces behind the Nihilists in Russia, are more than happy to have more boys such as that in school rather than the kind who go out and (yuk) fight to defend the Republic, or even worse, challenge liberal politicians in Congress.

The majority of the graduates of our schools of "Higher Learning" are now female, and a vast majority of the public school teachers are female. How convenient. Thus they can say that anyone who proposes improving education are not only bashing teachers but are "male chauvinists" or "anti-female."

WHAT A PARADOX! We encourage role models such as Nancy Reagan and Harriet Nelson and Margaret Thatcher, and for this we are categorized as "angry white males" and chauvinistic? That's okay — there's a growing multitude of traditional females who are rising up to challenge the Academe variety.

CONCLUSION (in the words of Rudyard Kipling):

    When the Hymalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride,
    He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside.
    But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail
    For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.



We conservative American males have too often been pushovers, but when you fully awaken our female counterparts — you liberals will be sorry you ever put on that "cap and gown"!

© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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