Curtis Dahlgren
Odds and ends in the news (nearly unnoticed, oddly enough)!
By Curtis Dahlgren
May 8, 2013

HERE ARE SOME HEADLINES from over the years:

- "Jackie Robinson breaks the color barrier"

- "Chuck Yaeger breaks the sound barrier"

- "Collins breaks the NBA gay barrier" [4-30-13 (what barrier?)]

- "Jay Carney breaks the sound barrier fast-talking about Benghazi, bin Laden, and Ben Gay"

I MADE UP THE LAST ONE, but low-information voters wouldn't know the difference. Quantitative Easing on slick talk has blurred the line between fact and fiction. I can't wait for Jay's follow-up to today's hearings about the Libyan "optics." He has the Opie look and the Opie voice down pat ("What I tell you three times is true."), but Aunt Bea must be wanting to wash his mouth out with soap. Take off his glasses and Jay is totally naked behind the podium. Even Bob Schieffer is beginning to hint that the White House threads may not be made of 24 karat gold.

Some people say that the media's protective bubble around the White House is showing signs of cracking up. If that PC bubble ever bursts, it'll take more than Jay's thumb to plug the dike. Never miud Maggie Thatcher or Aunt Bea; I wish we could bring Martha Mitchell back to the Cabinet.

Trivia question for the low-info voter: Which President told the Speaker of the House "We don't have a spending problem. The only reason we had a spending problem was on account of health care costs, and I fixed that!"? If he actually believes stuff like that, we need to pray for him.

A funny thing happened on the way to Utopia. Liberals couldn't fix a pig race at the county fair, let alone health care. Watch that first step, Nancy; it's a doozie. The devil is in the details, once we finally find out what they are!

In other news this week, the Prez 44 was campaigning all the way from Columbus to Mexico City, and Bill Ayres returned to Kent State, literally! The President doesn't want to re-fight Vietnam; he wants to re-fight the Mexican-American war, and we can't tell which side he's on. During the Civil War, he would have voted "present." Sort of like Benghazi.

His friend Cass Sunstein once said that people are human and have a lot of Homer Simpson in them, so there's "a lot we can do to manipulate them." Even the White House correspondents are seen as Homer Simpsons (but don't tell them that).

P.S. All kidding aside, a week ago Monday I was on the radio in Escanaba talking about my book and America's serious problems. I said we may be at the point Germany was at in 1930 under President Hindenburg. Beside economic problems, they also had the philosophy of "human life devoid of value.' That came out of academe in the early 1920s. Obviously we are following suit. How do you think Uncle Sam is going to "cut health care costs" without the "life devoid of value" philosophy?

Speaking of academe, did you hear the story about the Dutch 'social psychologist' who used government research money to fake over fifty "research papers"? Rush broke the story the same day I was on the radio. The story is nearly two years old, but went unnoticed by the American media. Can you say "global warming" boys and girls? Rush says these are probably just the tips of the icebergs (no pun intended). Science magazine first broke the story, and it was written up in the New York Times Magazine (Sunday, April 28). I happened to buy that issue. I buy the Times about once a year just for shivers and grins. Shucks – those New Yorkers take themselves so seriously that it's hilarious to us Yoopers. We may never be able to take so-called science seriously anymore!

"Diedrik Stapel, a Dutch social psychologist, perpetrated an audacious academic fraud by making up studies that told the world what it wanted to hear about human nature." – N.Y. Times

PPS: In two words, that's the tyranny of Political Correctness that Robert Griffin III was talking about (and up with which even Democrats are getting fed). Fed up!

Well, I'm out of time for this week and the stupid computer is stuck on bold italics. But there's more to come later.

"Finally, pray. God bless America. It has been nice knowing you. Only when you are gone will the world realize how much it misses you, and – paradoxically – how much it owes you." – Lord Monkton


© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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