Curtis Dahlgren
"GLOBAL WARMING 101" by R.U. Kiddingme (part 2)
By Curtis Dahlgren
January 22, 2014

"In my home state of Wisconsin, farmers could face more pests and widespread disease with higher humidity and warmer winter temperatures. Ice fisherman are already noticing fewer days they could be out on our ice-covered lakes. By 2055, winters in Wisconsin are expected to be seven to nine degrees warmer . . . " - Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis), 1/17/14

I LIVE ON THE WISCONSIN-MICHIGAN STATE LINE (in the "Banana Belt" of the U.P.) and it was almost 21 below zero this morning on January 21st. I'm sorry if the esteemed congressman from the great state of Wisconsin is "worried" about this, but c'mon – how out of touch! When is the last time you've been "home," Mr. Pocan? Ice fishermen may have to put extensions on their ice augurs this winter. We've had below zero or near zero every day since about December 6th.

Science policy czar John Holdren proposed "geo-engineering" in 2009 for stopping global warming. Mr. Holdren, please turn off the cooling machine! As I said two years ago, a new year is like waking up in the morning; the first thing you have to do is open your eyes. Then put your brain in gear! Every year I make one main new year resolution:

1(a): Beware peer pressure.

1(b): Beware conventional wisdom.

1(c): Beware "settled science."

Politicians, the news media, and the public schools treat us like we're ALL children (teachers think they're the smartest person in the room, and now they're even told to teach that all "right wing" groups are Fascists). That would include thousands of scientists who are climate change skeptics. Just to show you how dumb they think we are, take an article in the USA TODAY (8/29/13):

"Cooler Pacific Ocean waters level rise in global warming"

"The flattening over the past 15 years of a rise in the world's average surface temperature springs from a natural cooling pattern in the eastern Pacific, climate scientists reported Wednesday . . . Susan Solomon is more skeptical of the Pacific Ocean cooling as an explanation. 'Did the sea surface temperatures cool on their own, or were they forced to do so [by natural causes] . . or something else? This paper can't answer that question.'

"[But the above-quoted "scientists" said] 'Our results strongly confirm the role that (man-made) emissions are having on the climate,' says climate scientist Shang-Ping Xie, senior author on the
Nature journal study . . . a report in The Economist magazine questioned whether the hiatus (in global warming) points to overestimates in climate predictions."

And that reminds me: Brian Sussman reports that Randy Schekman, an American who recently won the Nobel prize for physiology or medicine, announced that his lab would no longer send research papers to the "top tier" journals
Nature, Cell, and Science:

"Schekman said pressure to publish in these 'luxury' journals encourages researchers to cut corners and pursue trendy fields of science instead of doing more important work.

"The problem was exacerbated, he said, by editors who were not active scientists but professionals who favoured studies that were likely to make a splash." [from (Dec. 10, 2013)]

Mr. Sussman also reported that the planet Earth achieved a new coldest-temperature-ever-recorded last year – minus 135.8 degrees, in eastern Antarctica. Mr. Holdren, TURN OFF YOUR COOLING MACHINE.

Seriously, it's important to note that 2013 was not notable for other kinds of extreme weather either. "The 2013 hurricane season just ended was one of the five quietest years since 1960." [from the N.Y. Post] You probably haven't heard that little factoid anywhere, but thank God for the New Media that can still spread the word to the highways and byways. The Old Media has a story and they're going to stick to it! They'll be back, talking about global warming somewhere around mid-summer, though Mr. Pocan should get the Chutzpah-of-the-year award for giving his little one-minute speech on the floor of the House in the middle of one of the coldest winters that can be recalled even by us old-timers (and I worked outside every year of my whole life).

P.S. Don't try to tell me you haven't heard of any expert climate change skeptics. Michael Barone wrote an article, October 24, 2011, entitled "Cult of Global Warming Losing Influence" in which he said:

"[Global warming alarmists] have an unshakeable faith that manmade carbon emissions will produce a hotter climate, causing natural disasters. Their insistence that we can be absolutely certain this will come to pass is based not on science – which is never fully settled, witness recent experiments that may undermine Albert Einstein's theory of relativity – but on something very much like religious faith.

"All the trappings of religion are there. Original sin [the fall of modern man] . . the need for atonement and repentance [and Indulgences – energy taxes and carbon credits]."

PPS: The Cancun conference on global "warming" was in fact opened with a prayer to the goddess Ixchel (since the x is silent in Spanish, I guess that rhymes with Michelle), but anyway, all I can say is:


© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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