Curtis Dahlgren
And the winner is - "Honey, I Shrunk the Constitution" (part 1)
By Curtis Dahlgren
March 2, 2014

"Education is critical if we are to avoid taking educated people [too] seriously." – author unknown

DECEMBER CAME IN LIKE A LION AND WENT OUT LIKE A LION. January came in like a lion and went out like a lion. February came in like a lion and went out like a lion (-35 in the U.P.). You can tell where this is going, can't you? RIGHT – Global Warming is going to kill us all!

How do we know that?
Because the "experts" on government grants or university payrolls have told us so. Eggheads love us, that I know; because some consensus – somewhere – told me so. However, nine out of ten doctors would probably tell you that 9 out of 10 "studies" are either "unnecessary" or worthless. When it comes to health, we've spent tens of billions on research and we're still dying in our 70s – like King David 3,000 years ago.

Speaking of weather, climate morphologist specialists have had negative results from their predictions, not positive at all. The co-founder of Green Peace quit the movement because, he says, the so-called science has become politicized. What does this all have to do with the Constitution of the United States? Everything!

of Climate Change is being used to force "regulation" on us (much of it from the White House branch and bureaucrats, not Congress). That's bad enough already, but the ultimate goal of the enviro-mental wackos is some system of extra-national taxes, which would be essentially the first step toward a One World Government (two steps forward, one step back; then repeat).

Last week I said that the "biggest outrage of the year" was another IRS scandal, the one related to ObomaCare and the silencing of free speech of employers who may go from 101 employees to less than 100 (they can't SAY that they had to do it on account of the ACA; that would be bad P.R. for the so-called "Affordable" care act).

The very next day, of course, a new and even bigger outrage was revealed: The FCC had voted to put "monitors" in radio studios and newspaper newsrooms to 'study' (haha) the process of news dissemination (it's a back-door attack on Fox and Rush Limbaugh). It was sort of a trial balloon, but they will still do it if they can get away with it. The FCC chairman's feint at walking it back is temporary. The whole revelation was an incremental warming of the pot full of frogs (US).

I was admitted to the U. of Wisconsin twice; it's one of my two "almamaters," but last week wasn't "a shining moment in Badger history." I'm talking about it's involvement in the FCC scandal. See below how the UW tried to cover its tracks, or fingerprints, on the so-called "Critical Information Needs" project.

Even as "mass communications" professors have become more cunning, the J-school grads become "dumbed down" to the point where they can relate to the low-info voters. One J-school grad asked Pres. Clinton "Boxers or briefs." Another "J-skul" grad asked Pres. O'Bama "What's the coolest thing about being President?" And he answered the stupid question!

If Ronald Reagan had been asked what the coolest thing about being President is, he would have said:

"Well, it's not answering questions such as that! And before I refuse to answer your questions, I have a statement to make." [And he would laugh.]

I just started reading a book, "Architects of the Republic," by Frank Kingdon (Alliance Pub. Co., 1947). It was discarded by the Milwaukee Public Library, like many other great books. Just one excerpt from the first two pages (here's a word-picture for you!):

"When [Washington] entered a room where ladies were present, every female heart fluttered . He was all man . . . He never did anything by halves. He . . drank the glass of destiny to the dregs, prayed with absolute devotion . . the best horseman of his day . . . tilled his fields with minute care . . and drove every power he had to serve every cause he admired until it achieved the full success he desired for it."

That reminds me: One day I went to my dictionary so as to be able to explain in a future column the difference between inequality and inequity (there IS a difference). On the way, I stumbled on three words under the letter "E":
    "emancipate, emasculate, embalm"
"Priceless," I said to myself. "Are these not the three life-stages of a Constitutional Republic?"

Our Founders emancipated us, but somewhere along the way it became COOL to be mellow, meek, and metrosexual! And we are going to ready to be embalmed as a nation soon unless we do a 180 degree "Turnagain" el pronto. This is just a teaser for next week's column.


On Wednesday, 2/26, Senator Harry Reid went on a rant about ads featuring women who have lost their coverage and medicine and stuff on account of ObomaCare. He's still defending the latter and calling the women LIARS. Not a very nice thing for a metrosexual to do.



On Monday, the University of Wisconsin's School of Journalism and Mass Communication issued a statement regarding the role of the Center for Communication and Democracy and a controversial FCC study that examined the practices of newsrooms and story selection.

In response to questions about the university's role in the controversy, UW issued a statement reads in part:
    Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor Lewis Friedland, director of the center, is the lead author of a 2012 study commissioned by the FCC whose full title is "Review of the Literature Regarding Critical Information Needs of the American Public."

    Its co-authors also include Carola Weil of the USC Annenberg School, Ernest Wilson (now at American University), Phil Napoli of Rutgers, and Katya Ogyanova, a USC grad student at the time.

    It was an examination of roughly 1,000 pieces of literature in the fields of communication, urban planning, economics, health, the environment, political science and other allied fields concerning the information needs of Americans. . . .

    The study concluded that the rapidly changing information environment in the U.S. opens new opportunities but also creates potential new problems and barriers in the meeting of local community information needs. It recommended a broader study of local community "information environments."

    [FYI – THE FCC doesn't have a smidgeon of authority over print or Internet media, let alone any authority to look over the shoulders of radio or TV station owners or employees! It's hard to decide what's been the outrage-of-the-21st century, so far, but this is right up there in the top 3 or 4.]
PPS: Southern California may fall into the Pacific Ocean one inch at a time, like the rain. The story may upstage the Oscars. Rush Limbaugh said, half facetiously, maybe the weather gods are ticked. A Milwaukee radio morning guy said, "Ye gods, make it stop!" He was talking about the cold, but there's more of that coming too.

And we can talk more about the weather next week.

© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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