Curtis Dahlgren
Tack sa mycket* for the memories, anti-Trumpsters
By Curtis Dahlgren
December 3, 2016

"We are not going to allow any redefining of words here. You are a bigot. That is not a media narrative or a fairy tale. That is an absolute truth." – Charles M. Blow ("Donald Does Detroit"; New York Times, Sept. 5, 2016"

TRUMP REEKS OF ROT AND SULFUR, said Mr. Blow. The Times pointed out that in the primary, Clinton got 127,680 votes in Detroit while Trump got 1,679. The "newspaper of record" is "fit" to be tied that Donald won Michigan and that black turnout in Detroit was down 26 percent from 2012.

Just for the record, I'm not "involved" or trying to "help" anyone; this column is just one man's record of the history of my time. And I enjoy the little things of life like irony and paradoxes. If Mr. Trump is a bigot, I wonder how many black jobs he saved in Indianapolis (not that Mr. Blow's mind is open to change). The first headline I saw today was "Trump Carrier Deal Raises Red Flags"! If he parted the Red Sea, that would probably raise red flags about the "bigot" too, eh?

Speaking of ironies, though, here's an overview of some highlights of the last few months:

- Oct. 19: Some UK gambling sites were already paying off Hillary bets (she had a double digit lead in some polls).

- Applications for asylum from Central Americans were up 900 percent.

- Oct. 20: Some Americans on social media were offended, deeply, by Don's "bad hombres" comment.

- Trump becomes the first Republican candidate in history to publicly diss Partial Birth Abortion.

- Oct. 26: Cost of ObamaCare up all over the country (110 percent in Arizona).

- The Left calls for United Nations poll watchers (but still upset about voter photo I.D.).

- Info babe on Fox predicts GOP will lose the Senate, and tells Newt to "work on your anger issues."

- Oct. 27: Michael Moore comes out for Trump and predicts victory.

- Associated Press says Hillary is up by 14 percentage points.

- Leaked e-mails reveal 65 journalists had dinner with her campaign manager, John Podesta.

- Oct. 28: Trump rallies with 17,000 people, or more, not even reported.

- FBI not smelling like a rose; Comey sends letter to Congress re Hillary.

- Nov. 1: NY Times calls Comey the J. Edgar Hoover of the 21st century.

- New York Fire Dept. prepares to help with Clinton's fireworks celebration.

- Nov. 2: Larry Sabato disses L.A. Times poll that shows Trump ahead.

- Berkeley professor's book , "Strangers In Their Own Land," on infiltrating the Tea party in rural Louisiana: Surprise! They are normal people.

- Nov. 3: Black vote 16 percent below 2012 turnout in North Carolina (the President, at Chapel Hill, had tried to say that on Day 1, Trump would stop Medicare, Medicaid, Pell grants, and grants to black colleges).

- Nov. 6: James Carville on Sunday show says that the KGB is working for Trump (not a parody).

- Nov. 7: Scheduled fireworks in NYC cancelled.

- Nov. 8 (D-Day): Dems pop champaign (misspelled?)corks in NYC; then refuse to admit defeat so as not to depress voters on the Left coast.

- Dominant "mainstream" media, after a period of silence, finally admit their defeat around midnight, eastern time (but Hillary unable, evidently, to make a normal concession speech); later joins Jill Stein recount efforts – after scolding Trump at third debate on the question "Will you accept the election results?)"

- Nov. 9: Laura Ingraham's show starts out with music – "Regrets? I've had a few, but I did it MY way."

- Lady Gaga protests outside Trump Tower.

- College snowflakes curl up in fetal position, seek grief counseling, and in at least one case, sign self into a mental hospital; colleges offer hot cocoa to students (it's no wonder they're still bawling if they thought they were going to get free tuition, or that Trump was going to end Medicare and Medicaid).

P.S. That reminds me of a joke. Three fishermen took a boat out into the middle of a lake. An angel appeared unto them and says "Is there anything I can do for you?"

One guy says, "I only have 6 months to live. Can you heal me?"

Poof! The guy is healed. Another guy says, "I'm going blind. Can you heal me?"

The angel tosses his thick glasses into the lake and the guy has 20-20 vision. He looks at the third fisherman and the guy says:

"Don't touch me! I'm on disability!"

Like the election, that's not the way you thought this column was going to end, I'll bet. But I have two corrections to make regarding last week's column. I misspelled Desmond Doss' name, of all names. And I misspelled the Swedish term* for "thank you" as I didn't have my Swedish book handy. I would also like to say "TUSEN TACK" for reading some of these columns. I think they are important – if I say so myself (a thousand thanks).

Also, "tack for uppmark samheten" (thanks for listening to my lecture).

More to come, if you will forward some of them!

Tack ska du ha. "You shall have my thanks."

© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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