Tom DeWeese
'Today’s special offer will not last'
By Tom DeWeese
December 30, 2022

Written by Kat Stansell, an associate of Tom DeWeese

I despise 99% of everything on television today. Yet, I watch, not frequently, but I do. I admit to it. I can’t seem to quit.

Why? I’ve found that it is more than habit. Television is telling us what’s coming. It is an eye to a dystopian future.

Decades ago, my dad called it the “boob tube”, and we laughed as a family, but we watched. Not frequently, but enough, to know it was different then.

Once upon a time, we caught a favorite program or two just to be entertained. They were family oriented, funny and harmless, or educational, adventuresome or enriching. If a cowboy show had too much violence, Mom or Dad or Grandma would just turn to another channel or turn it off and grab a book to read. If I was bored by a concert my folks were listening to, I crawled up on the couch and fell asleep in somebody’s lap. No harm, and nothing was foul. Today, it is very different.

Last night, I fell asleep while watching somebody cook an impossibly fancy dish in an incredibly short period of time. I woke up hours later, to the end of a commercial which was warning, “Today’s special offer will not last.” I was instantly awake!

THAT was the message I needed to share.

For a long time, I’d been analyzing screen content – commercials, movies, even cartoons – for what they were REALLY trying to sell us. What I have been seeing for years is that everything in our culture is being turned upside down, and we are expected to accept a new reality. Traditional values are no more, we are told.

If you watch TV, you understand this, whether or not you have put it into words. If you are not a TV-watcher, good for you, but please read on to know what others are being fed while just trying for a little entertainment.

Whether from the “romantic” schmaltz on Hallmark Channel, or commercials on any channel, or commentary from talking heads in the news and special reports, we can see what they are really selling. It’s not the product on display, or the couple in love, or the family situation portrayed. We are being taught to accept the complete disappearance of our moral standards which have served us well for hundreds of years. The bedrock of our society is being crumbled. Two examples stand out. One is the treatment of our older citizens, and the other is a new, dystopian moral structure.

For example, once older generations were revered for their knowledge born of years of experience, and loved for what they mean to us. No longer. Today’s media suggests they be ridiculed and shunted aside.

First, the ridicule, courtesy of a commercial for insurance.

Progressive Insurance (owned by George Soros, for those of you who know him…if you don’t, he is Evil’s central banker) has long been preaching the disrespect for parents and the older generation.

“Progressive can’t prevent you from becoming your parents”, says the announcer, “but we can get you good insurance.” The spiel is accompanied by middle aged and older people, dressed in sloppy attire, acting “stupidly”. Stupidly is then defined and denigrated – ridiculed – while we watch the actors doing just normal things. Or, heaven forbid, not being up on the workings of the latest electronic gadget. Shame on them, says Progressive.

Rely on us, not those old folks, and you will be fine. This message has been playing on television for years. MY first reaction to it was, “you should be so lucky as to become your parents.” But, that’s just me.

Then, the shunting aside of our elderly who once had a place in the home.

Caring for aging parents and family members is another rewrite of our morals and values which is being featured on TV by all those commercials for senior living centers and caregivers.

Let’s put mommy or dad in the local senior home so that “we can go back to being his/her real family again.” Whaaa? Domecile aging parents away from their homes? If they want that, fine, but if not, too bad. It is recommended by incessant brainwashing. Yes, this is the new trend.

Once in a while, an overriding medical condition might require this, OR, the preference of the aging person(s), but mostly, it is because those old folks just take up too much of your time and/or space. Perhaps the family has moved far apart from one another. That can most likely be remedied.

Most of those same parents gave their lives FOR their families, (and/or their country) and built their every day around caring for their offspring and probably an older relative, as well. If the family home was large enough in size, everyone lived together. If not, seniors were helped to stay in their homes as long as humanly possible. Most of this assistance, if memory serves, was rendered by family members, not hired hands. Special needs excepted again, of course. Perhaps, the parents should be consulted, instead of a TV commercial, ingested. OK. Maybe that’s my take, too. I resemble that generation.

Today’s economy, purposefully ruined as it is, does make everything more difficult. I’m not oblivious to the financial struggles people today are experiencing. Also, there are thousands who don’t even know both parents. What this says about our degrading morals and values is left for another discussion, but you understand…. This, too, I realize.

The point I make though, is that the removal of the older generation from our lives is done today as almost rote, and perpetrated by messaging from that “boob tube”.

Did you know that colleges and universities teach actual courses in the new societal view of the “aging”? How they (we!) just don’t know enough about electronics, computers, etc., to have any relevancy in a life so full of that stuff? What about all the other life lessons? Are the rules of the computerized world the only ones in play? What happened to the reverence and respect thing? As we all know, there is SO much more to succeeding in life than knowing what keys to push or algorithms to analyze.

Then, too, there is the crumbling of our moral bedrock – as if disrespect for our elders weren’t enough!

There are scads of story lines in commercials and movies and even home-renovating shows which feature this. Non-traditional marriages, LBGTQXYZ (whatever) people (whom I call gender dysphorics), and kids with sloppy behaviors. (Yeah, yeah, I know, it’s all relative, but the screen is frequently filled with slobs. If Progressive Insurance can ridicule people for wearing “uncool” stuff, I can, too. I like my own definition of “cool”)

Whomever someone loves is NOT – and should never be – the subject of public scrutiny. As to choices of genders and pronouns, here is MY message back at ’em: The “nature” you now ignore, which gave us TWO genders, male and female, is the SAME nature, the world is being depopulated to protect! You can’t have it both ways, kids. I’ll take reason and science, After all, CO2 is the stuff of life, NOT something to get rid of. It’s what trees and plants breathe IN to produce oxygen for US. They’d know that if they’d had good old-fashioned science in school.

Then, there are the messages, endless messages, about drugs, drugs, and more drugs. Every twitch of an eyebrow or flake on the skin is categorized as a “symptom” for which the viewer is counseled to immediately request medication. We are learning the hard way that the purpose of many, if not most. prescription drugs is profit for the medical community, rather than a CURE for us. Just listen to the rapidly listed side effects of your drug choices. Cure dry eye, but cause cancer! No thanks!

I could go into all of this in great detail, but I’ll spare you for now. Just please understand that ALL of what we see on TV today is a message that our moral guideposts are missing. We are told – by subtle and not so subtle images on the screen – that we must normalize and accept it all. Forget church, forget family, forget what your kids are learning in school, forget what YOU’VE learned along the way. DO as the media message tells you. Accept it all. You are not to have reaction or opinion. Then you may go get some popcorn to watch the next show.

* * *

What woke me up this morning – really woke me up after having watched all the messages that are trying to cancel our culture – was this one:


The media mind-benders have accidentally reminded us that we still have something to use to turn this around.

The special offer we have, is that we are still the majority in America, and we DO still know right from wrong. We DO have time to turn things around, little by little, starting in our own homes and communities. Although mind control has been a part of America, since WWII, there are still enough of us around to fight it. Awareness of what is happening is the key. I’ve tried to introduce a little of it here today.

Those days when we can effect change are waning, however. If we allow America to be overtaken completely by the forces who want to end our Republic, we will have lost that chance. Nations that fall to totalitarianism are no longer allowed the hope of religion, or the direction of our own lives by our own standards.

We are not there. YET. But we will be, soon, if we just sit back and drink the commercial kool-aid of the Cancel Culture movement. Don’t join them; fight them.


Whether you and yours celebrate the birth of Jesus, or a re- dedication with a festival of lights, you have had the privilege to worship as you choose, and gain strength from it . We must use that strength before we lose the freedom to do so.

Start an awareness group among your neighbors, then convert that into action with what you have learned. Even a book club – old fashioned though they may be! – where the information comes from some of the fabulous writers of the day, and the subjects they cover. There are many who have done the research and know what is happening and can be done. Take your new knowledge and friendships to town. Literally. Attend public meetings of boards and councils. You may be shocked to learn what they’re up to. Write and publish a scorecard on the actions of each, by name.

My holiday wish to you is that you find peace in action. Your neighbors, your family and Lady Liberty need you desperately.

Do everything in your power to dilute the poison messages that would take us down. There is a role for each and every one of us to play, whatever your age and stage in life.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and God bless us all.


Kat Stansell is the Grassroots Outreach Director for the American Policy Center. A native of Cincinnati Ohio, and graduate of Denison University, Kat served the Village of Mettawa, IL, as treasurer and chair of the Planning Commission, where she got a good look at the process of civic vs. corporate interaction. She has been a local activist, working for several candidates and organizations. She has also written for newspapers and websites, and organized events highlighting issues of the day.


Phone: (540) 341-8911

© Tom DeWeese


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Tom DeWeese

Tom DeWeese is one of the nation's leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education, and American sovereignty and independence... (more)


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