Tim Dunkin
March 14, 2015
Bake us a cake or we'll murder your children
By Tim Dunkin

Modern liberalism is fundamentally illiberal. The evidences for this can be clearly seen all around us. There are hardly any basic areas of the liberty of the individual which today's progressives – in both parties – haven't trampled in their on-going efforts to destroy America That Was and replace it with a progressive utopian version in which individual rights are completely submerged and washed away in a flood of "social justice." Free speech, to the Left, should only cover saying things they agree with. Nobody needs to be secure in the privacy of their own homes (and indeed, privacy is a little bit suspicious) – so we don't need that ol' 4th amendment. Guns and individual self-defense? They're aghast at the thought. And so it also is with freedom of religion, the right of the individual to hold to deeply held religious convictions and to put them into practice.

That the radical Left, and especially its Gaystapo faction, hates freedom of religion has been shown once again by their response to an effort by an Oklahoma legislator to secure enduring religious liberty in that state. State Senator Joseph Silk authored a bill which would allow businesses in the state to reserve the right to do business with whoever they please. As a result of this, homosexualist activists have issued death threats against his children. Not just against him, but his children. This stems from an interview of Silk by the New York Times in which the Times (unsurprisingly) partially quoted a statement he had made. The Times quoted him as saying,

"... homosexuals do not have the right to be served in every store..."

Now, what Silk actually said in its full context was this,

"Yes I did say that homosexuals do not have the right to be served in every store, just as I do not believe that I, my family, or anyone else have the right to be served in every private business."

As the Times reported it, it makes it sound as if Silk is targeting homosexuals specifically with the bill – not that this would justify threatening to murder his children, of course. Based on the entirety of what he actually said, it is clear that his intention with this bill is to protect the First Amendment liberties of business owners, both in the realm of the freedom of religion, but also in the realm of the freedom of association in general. He readily admits that if a store owner doesn't want to serve him and his family, then so be it. And that's the way it ought to be.

Silk's bill is clearly designed with recent events in mind. There have been a number of high profile cases in Washington, New Mexico, and elsewhere in which Christian business owners have been sued, fined, and threatened with jail for refusing to provide cakes, flower arrangements, and other accoutrements for gay "weddings." Keep in mind that these don't even involve refusing to serve homosexual customers per se, merely refusing to positively participate in an event with which they disagree. It'd be the same sort of situation as if a Jewish baker was forced to make a cake for a Neo-Nazi rally, or if an African-American owned catering company was required by law, upon pain of punishment, to provide service to a Klan rally. The bill authored by Silk is designed to prevent these sorts of things from happening – and extends to everyone, not just to Christians and homosexuals.

Yet, radical homosexualist activists apparently have the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be free to run their own business as they see fit.

The death threats against Silk and his family are the most despicable recent examples of the way left-wingers conduct themselves when opposed, though certainly not the only ones. The Left's modus operandi is not reasoned discussion, but crowdsourced violence, as the Eric Holder-inspired shooting of two police officers in Ferguson, Missouri this week testifies. There is a reason why whenever left-wingers get into power, from the Jacobins to the Nazis and Communists, blood flows copiously in the streets. If America's Left wing had the power (and if normal Americans weren't so well-armed), they would do the same thing here.

Since they can't kill us, the next best thing is to use the force of lawless government to try to strip us of our God-given liberties affirmed by our Constitution. Two of these liberties are the freedom of religion and the freedom of assembly (we might say "association" today). Both are affirmed in the First Amendment, and are among the most fundamental rights that an individual human being can have. What can be more basic a liberty than the freedom to hold to the deeply held spiritual convictions (or lack thereof) about which you, in your inner most being, have been brought to a studied conviction? And what can be next unto it but the decision, based upon your own choice as an individual, with whom you will associate yourself and how you will use your own property and livelihood? Indeed, these are what Thomas Jefferson was referring to when he wrote in the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom,

"That to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical..."

Religious freedom is SPECIFICALLY what he was talking about here. Jefferson was saying that it is a grand affront to the most basic decency of liberty to force someone to support with their substance (i.e. a business owner whose business is their property) with which they disagree on grounds of religious conviction (i.e. gay "marriage"). For all those gays and other left-wingers who think Jefferson would be on your side in this discussion, well, I have news for you: he unequivocally wouldn't be.

The fundamental character of the American Left, and especially the gay lobby, is shown in that their response to all of this is to threaten to murder a man's children because he doesn't think people should be forced to bake cakes for them. That's really what it all boils down to. "Do what we want, or we will punish you" – which if you think about it, is pretty much always the credo of statists such as those on the Left.

Those of us in Normal America, the America that doesn't want to kill other people for disagreeing with us, need to get serious about banding together to defend ourselves. Hopefully we won't have to do so using our guns (though, just to be on the safe side, you'd better stock up on 5.56mm, since the ATF now wants to come after ALL of it). But we'd better think about organizing ourselves for political and social action, and that jolly well soon, and better than we have been to date. Our liberty, and even our lives, may be at stake.

© Tim Dunkin


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Tim Dunkin

Tim Dunkin is a pharmaceutical chemist by day, and a freelance author by night, writing about a wide range of topics on religion and politics. He is the author of an online book about Islam entitled Ten Myths About Islam. He is a born-again Christian, and a member of a local, New Testament Baptist church in North Carolina. Follow him on Twitter at @tqcincinnatus and check out his occasional blogging at Meditate in Thy Precepts. He can be contacted at tqcincinnatus@yahoo.com. All emails may be monitored by the NSA for quality assurance purposes.


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