Tim Dunkin
June 10, 2015
Lying liars and the dupes who believe them
By Tim Dunkin

If you are a person who still believes even some of what you hear and see from the mainstream media and its lackeys on the "alternative" Left, then you deserve everything you get from them. If you are not, then you are probably as disgusted as I am with the outright lying that goes on in the name of "news reporting" from the cultural Marxists and other elements of the radical Left.

Two recent stories in particular highlight the blatant dishonesty of the Left in its efforts at pushing its agenda.

The first of these is the recent "tweaking" of climatological data by "scientists" at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). See, one of the most difficult "anomalies" for global warmists to explain in their quasi-religious belief in man-made global warming has been the presence of a 17-year (not 15-year) hiatus in warming, beginning in the late 1990s and continuing to the present day. The warmists spent years tying themselves in knots about this. First they tried to deny that the hiatus even existed. Then, when it became so apparent that it could not be denied, they then tried finding ways to explain it away while still hanging onto the overall "warming" narrative. This attempt failed as well. However, instead of simply admitting their theory is wrong, "scientists" at the NOAA hit upon a new way to deal with the hiatus – change the data so that the hiatus goes away!

That this is exceedingly poor science ought to be obvious even to non-scientists. Everything you learned in school said that the scientific method involved developing a hypothesis, putting it to the test by experimentation, gathering the data, and then judging the strength of the hypothesis by the results. This is, indeed, the way science is supposed to be done.

But it's not how "progressive" science is done. Instead, progressives "do science" by framing a hypothesis demanded by their overarching political narrative, gathering data only from sources considered likely to support that hypothesis, and then changing or selectively winnowing the data until it says what they want it to say. That's what we're seeing here with the NOAA "reinterpretation" of the temperature data in question. Data didn't support the narrative, so the data needs to change. Because Neil DeGrasse Tyson or something.

Unfortunately, that's the way most things work with people on the Left.

Sadly, this isn't the first time that climate "scientists" have manipulated, and even straight up lied, about the data they use to substantiate global warming. A few years ago, hackers broke into the email accounts of several climate "scientists" at the University of Sussex and released them to the public, revealing that they had been colluding with other "researchers" all over the world to basically cook the data so as to make it support the argument for global warming. At around the same time, the famous "hockey stick" that supposedly pointed to a dramatic upswing in temperatures worldwide in recent decades, thus showing the industrial revolution's devastating effect on our environment, was also thoroughly debunked by the revelation that it was built off of cherry-picked data, and often from data that was simply invented out of whole cloth.

If these guys worked in the pharmaceutical industry, they would be in jail by now, and their names would be at the top of the FDA's debarment list of people who are not allowed to work in that industry for, among other reasons, manipulating data and lying to the public.

And yet, they still lie about all of this, as if simply repeating the lies often enough will result in their becoming reality. For many people – the dupes – the lies ARE reality, since they don't know about better. They hear "global warming" over and over and over again, and are convinced by it. That's the whole point to the progressive "science." It's not to arrive at what is true or correct. It is to convince people to believe what is politically expedient for the Left.

The second recent story, in a completely different realm, is that of former Olympian and currently extremely confused pervert, Bruce Jenner. As the reader may be aware, Bruce, being unhappy with the gender he was born with, decided he wanted to become "Caitlyn," and is in the process of having the series of hormonal treatments and surgical procedures which he thinks will make this happen. But it won't. Bruce will always be Bruce, even when he has himself formally neutered, and even though he calls himself "Caitlyn" a thousand times a day. Ten years from now, once Bruce has thoroughly discombobulated himself with the surgeries and the hormones and is happily walking around pretending to be an ugly woman in a dress, he will still be a male. If little grey aliens abducted him and performed all sorts of genetic tests on him, they would surely be confused – "This Earth creature gives the outward appearance of being a female of the species, yet its genes quite clearly say it is a male. Maybe our rectal probe is malfunctioning."

In reality, transgenderism is a mental illness, classified as a type of body dysmorphia, in many ways related to anorexia and bulimia – all of them conditions in which the belief of the one suffering from them differs from the reality of their actual condition. An anorexic believes his or herself to be fat, even when they may be very thin. Likewise, a transgendered person mistakenly believes they are of the opposite gender, even though physical and genetic reality obviously says otherwise. As such, transgenderism should be treated with psychotherapy, not with surgery and hormones.

And yet, they lie about all of this. For the media – especially for the oh-so-vacuous entertainment media – the Narrative must be upheld, and so against all reason, against all common sense, against all logic, we must now all pretend to believe that Bruce Jenner is really Caitlyn Jenner and that he/she/it/whatever is completely normal. Indeed, he/she/it/whatever is the "New Normal," since gender is just a "sociological construct" completely unrelated to the parts you had installed when you came off the baby assembly line.

Left-wing bloggers screech at Fox News for "misgendering" Bruce for calling him "Bruce." ESPN gave Bruce its ESPY Courage Award for his "courage" in coming out as a man/woman/whatever. Vanity Fair magazine put Jenner on its cover and foisted off the ridiculous assertion that he/she/it/whatever deserves our adulation. Spike TV, supposedly the manliest channel on television, is even censoring Clint Eastwood for making a slight depreciating remark about Jenner's gender pseudo-conversion. They just don't make men like they used to, I guess. Or women, for that matter, if "Caitlyn" is any indication.

You can take this to the bank – whenever the liberals, the progressives, the left-wingers adamantly assert something as true, it is assuredly false, and they know it.

When they tout how well the economy is doing because of Obama's outstanding financial wizardry, you know the economy is going down the tubes. And it is. REAL unemployment – the kind that actually involves people who are out of work, rather than the selectively winnowed subset that the government uses to make its numbers look better – is nearing 15% and climbing. It's even higher in the African-American community, thanks to the open borders. Real wage growth is stagnant. The value of our money is collapsing. The economy is actually contracting – as in shrinking – in absolute terms. ObamaCare insurance premiums are skyrocketing, and the deductibles are so high that many who are signed up for ObamaCare can't even afford to use it when they're sick.

We constantly hear about the "rape culture" on American college campuses. Yet, there is no "rape culture." In fact, statistics tell us that women on campus are slightly safer, in terms of sexual assault victimization, than are women in the general public. Indeed, the commonly asserted statistic that "one in five women on a college campus will be sexually assault during her four years there" appears to be based on nothing more than the wishful thinking of feminists trying to gin up more reasons to punish male students on campus through guilt-by-association. But this didn't stop Rolling Stone magazine from running with a completely invented, made-for-feminism "news" story about a horrible gang rape of a girl by a fraternity on the campus of UVA.

The examples of left-wing dishonesty are endless. Gays and lesbians routinely invent "hate crimes" against themselves to gin up sympathy for their cause. Down in McKinney, Texas, we see yet another story of "racist police" harassing and harming "innocent" African-Americans – except now it appears that the "pool party" in question was being held illegally on private property and the "teens" involved were acting aggressively towards the actual owners of the property upon which they were trespassing. We all know about how the radical Left lied about the events of the Trayvon Martin shooting, and the Michael Brown shooting, and the Freddy Grey shooting...on and on it goes.

Here's the kicker in all of this – the lefties at the top of the heap know that all of the things they say are false. They know the economy is in the dumpster. They know that Bruce Jenner will never be a woman, no matter how much he plays with knives. They know global warming is just so much hocus-pocus. The thing is – they don't care. They repeat these lies, not because they think they are true, but because they think they are convenient. They know that there are hordes of low-information types out there who get their "news" from Jon Stewart or MTV or MSNBC or wherever else. These dupes will believe it, and these dupes will vote accordingly.

The whole point to the left-wing Narrative is to induce the ill-informed and often cognitively-challenged majority in this country to believe and vote for things that they probably would not, if they had access to ALL of the facts and arguments. Which is why the Left desperately wants to withhold those facts and arguments from them. The Left is a knowledge-control cult. It wants people to only hear and see a subset of the information that is out there, so that ill-informed people will make ill-informed decisions and support ill-informed political and social positions.

No reasonable person with access to all the facts and arguments believes in global warming or supports gay "marriage" or believes that someone can wave a magic scalpel and change genders at will. These are not things that would naturally occur to someone in possession of all the facts about these issues. That's why the liberals don't want you to have possession of all the facts. The less you know, the more you depend on them for the selectively sifted tidbits they want you to have. They want the people of this nation to be their dupes. Dupes can be trained to believe that gender is just a figment of your imagination. Dupes can be taught to cut their own throats economically via appeals to "sustainable living" and "global warming." Dupes can be tricked into believing that the economy is going great guns to glory, even as businesses fail and infrastructure falls apart all around us.

In short, dupes can be made to see things that aren't there, and to not see the things that are.

What can we do about it? Really, the only way is to get active about engaging the dupes one on one, to try to break through the walls of disinformation and help them to see the light. They're not likely to search for outside sources of information themselves – they've also been duped (as is common with those trapped in cults) into believing that any sources aside from the left-wing sources they rely upon are "evil." Hence, we've got to do the heavy lifting of breaking through the shell ourselves. We all have friends or relatives or co-workers who are among the duped. Let's bring them over to the side of the informed and counter the media's influence at the personal level.

© Tim Dunkin


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Tim Dunkin

Tim Dunkin is a pharmaceutical chemist by day, and a freelance author by night, writing about a wide range of topics on religion and politics. He is the author of an online book about Islam entitled Ten Myths About Islam. He is a born-again Christian, and a member of a local, New Testament Baptist church in North Carolina. He can be contacted at patriot_tim@yahoo.com. All emails may be monitored by the NSA for quality assurance purposes.


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