Bryan Fischer
The strange, strange story of the gay fascists
By Bryan Fischer
October 21, 2012

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"

In her interview with me last week on CNN about the Southern Poverty Law Center, Carol Costello brought up the connection between homosexuality and Nazi Germany. I find it in instructive in the extreme that as soon as Ms. Costello started talking about the SPLC, she was reminded of Adolf Hitler. I'll let her explain that to her vanishing viewing audience on CNN, The Collapsing News Network.

What's fascinating about all this is a piece that was posted on October 21, 2008, in the Huffington Post, of all places, making exactly the same assertion about homosexuality and the Nazis that I did.

In other words, if you've got a problem with the gay-Nazi nexus, your problem is with the Huffington Post, not me.

The title of the piece is the title I have borrowed for this column: The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists. (You might want to click on the link right now before the Huffington Post scrubs it. Note to HuffPo: don't bother. I've got the screenshot.)

The piece is written by Johann Hari, a self-admitted homosexual who describes himself as "a gay left-wing man."

Remarkably, Hari says the connection between homosexuality and fascism is attested beyond any shadow of doubt. Says Hari, "The twisted truth is that gay men have been at the heart of every major fascist movement that ever was — including the gay-gassing, homo-cidal Third Reich." Read that quote again if you dare.

So, Ms. Costello and other Big Gay bullies, put that in your pipe and smoke it. Here is a homosexual who says in the third paragraph of his 3,480 word article that "gay men" were "at the heart...of the...Third Reich." Hey, don't blame me, I'm just quoting here.

Hari, by the way, uses the term "Gaystapo," which I will freely borrow from him with attribution for the rest of my life.

It only gets worse from there.

The "icon to revere" for the Gaystapo is the flamboyantly gay Ernst Rohm. Hari calls him, along with Adolf Hitler, "the founding father of Nazism." Hey, he said it, not me.

Hari claims that Rohm, during WWI, was "nurtured by and obsessed with the homoerotic myth of the trenches — heroic, beautiful boys prepared to die for their brothers and their country," like the 150 homosexual pairings of gay lovers immortalized by Hollywood as the 300 soldiers who defended the pass at Thermopylae. Rohm referred often to the ancient Greek traditions about sending homosexuals into battle, convinced that "they were believed to be the most ferocious fighters."

Rohm was the first one to spot the demagogic potential in Hitler, and introduced him to politicians and military leaders. Hitler, in fact, was known for many years as "Rohm's boy," and Hari goes so far as to describe Hitler as "Rohm's protege."

According to Hari, Rohm "believed that gay people were superior to straights, and saw homosexuality as a key principle of his proposed Brave New Fascist Order." Gulp.

Here's the money quote: "As historian Louis Snyder explains, Rohm 'projected a social order in which homosexuality would be regarded as a human behaviour pattern of high repute... He flaunted his homosexuality in public and insisted his cronies do the same. He believed straight people weren't as adept at bullying and aggression as homosexuals, so homosexuality was given a high premium in the SA.'"

So this noted historian said quite matter of factly that in the Nazis' view, straights weren't as adept at "bullying and aggression as homosexuals," which explains why virtually all the officers in the SA were homoseuxals.

Where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah, on my radio program, in my columns and when Carol Costello was quoting me on CNN.

So to the bully bigots of Big Gay: your problem is not with me, it's with Louis Snyder, the author of 60 books, whom the New York Times described as "an authority on the rise and fall of Nazi Germany."

Snyder also said the Nazis condemned "hysterical women of both sexes," which touches on the historical truth that the Nazis did persecute some homosexuals — not the hypermasculine types they idolized, but the femmes, the effeminate gays who were the very opposite of what they believed to be the Nazi ideal.

Thus, says Hari, "In its early years, the SA — Hitler and Rohm's underground army — was seen as predominantly gay."

He quotes homosexual art historian Christian Isermayer, a contemporary of Rohm and Hitler: "I got to know people in the SA. They used to throw riotous parties even in 1933... I once attended one. It was quite well-behaved but thoroughly gay. But then, in those days, the SA was ultra-gay."

Hari also refers to the work of German historian Lothar Machtan, the mention of whose name sent Carol Costello into such a wigged-out frenzy. Machtan is hardly a member of the religious right, serving as he does as Professor of Modern and Current History at the University of Bremen.

It is Machtan's well-documented contention that Hitler himself was homosexual, and that he had Rohm assassinated during the infamous "Night of the Long Knives" in 1934, not because Rohm was gay, but because he feared Rohm was about to out him to the German people. Hari agrees: "Hitler's main reason for killing Rohm was unrelated to his sexuality."

Bottom line: homosexuality is not a benign alternative to heterosexuality. Even the Huffington Post says so. You could look it up.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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