Pete Fisher
December 16, 2005
Latinos not happy about immigration reform?
By Pete Fisher

A group calling itself the Latino Roundtable held a protest in southern Illinois December 14th in response to legislation sponsored by Republican James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin that would for the first time make it a felony for illegal immigrants to live in the United States. They claim it will do nothing to curtail illegal immigration, but will just create anxiety among illegals already here.

Anxiety among criminals, this has to be a first. I would logically assume that ANY criminal on the lam and hiding from capture would be anxious. Not that logic plays any role in politics or fringe group agendas, but walking around awry of the law is something that naturally creates higher blood pressure and paranoia.

But here is what bothers me the most. Whatever the lame statements of support groups for illegal activity claim, would it NOT be easier to rid these people of their anxiety by capturing them and sending them back to their homes at their home countries expense? After all we would not want to raise their anxiety levels by allowing them to return knowing the fares were taken from the pockets of hard working American citizens, do we? To leave this place as sponges and free loaders would take their dignity.

Claiming that enforcing laws that make the acts of these illegals well...illegal, is like saying that Jeffery Dahmer did not deserve prison just because he had a slight eating disorder, isn't it? Why punish the criminals? Why put these poor law breaking, social burdens under undue stress? Would it not be better if we simply paid for their housing and food, and helped them start their own businesses?

Why create anxiety by calling a spade a spade after all, and how dare we actually not treat a criminal like one of the family? What has become of this nation? Our forefathers would cringe in their graves if they knew we actually punished international criminals on our own soil. What will the world think of us? Oh the shame, the horror! How can we walk through our embassies and look U.N. members in the face? How can we be accepted by our European counterparts if we behave in such a barbaric way? Look at France as a shining example! They opened their doors to the Muslims from various nations, treated them as their own, and so a few cars got broken into, right?

Maybe it is about time that we crack down in ways that will be effective in keeping our borders protected and legal. These illegals want to work so much? I say let them work. At half the wages they would receive in their home country. Why make it attractive to walk around as criminals and mock the laws of America? What are they going to do? Call the police?

And if we catch them being illegal, is there not enough work to be had so they can provide restitution? Just think of all the public swimming pools to clean, the sewers to be cleaned out, the widows' houses that need painting and landscaping.

Think of all the litter to be cleaned, the graffiti to be eradicated. Not as free slave labor either. Restitution for costs associated with hunting them down, arresting them, and flying them back home with a lunch bag filled to the top.

We make our own citizen criminals perform restitution, and we can make them pay for sheriffs' fees and such when they are arrested. Even when an American citizen is innocent, they are forced to pay fees and costs associated with being arrested. Why should foreign criminals be treated better than our own home grown miscreants?

I think actions like this will cause anxiety in American criminals and should be addressed immediately by massive protests and empty ideology! Our own American criminals must be appalled that foreign criminals are treated better. Think of the emotional damage we can do to our Red White and Blue citizens who broke the law. How the depression must settle to the bottoms of their hearts as they pick litter off the roads and wipe gang symbols off of walls, knowing their foreign counterparts are ducking the law and have to live with the anxiety of hiding from the police.

Restitution for illegal deeds, payment according to their homeland scales, excessively huge fines for anyone hiring these criminals. All great beginnings for stemming the tide of those who do not even have respect for our nation and its' laws that they nonchalantly walk through our borders and act as if nothing is out of whack. And then whine and stomp their feet when they get caught or when laws begin to be enforced. And the nerve of these support groups who cry about the stereotypes Latinos live with, and yet do everything they can to perpetuate them.

Am I just the only cold hearted American in this nation who thinks like this?

© Pete Fisher


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Pete Fisher

Pete Fisher is a concerned citizen in the Chicago area who has written several articles on the economy, educational system, politics, and religion... (more)


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