Kevin Fobbs
Texas sized GOP Senate nomination captured by Cruz -- shows Palin power!
By Kevin Fobbs
August 2, 2012

The anointed Texas political establishment contender, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, was leading in the GOP runoff race to capture the GOP nomination for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison. He had a who's who list of solid republican mainstream backers. Most state and national election experts had already inked Dewhurst into the senatorial win column.

Yet, in the conservative voter trenches of Texas, the real who 's who that truly counted was the voters and a Tea Party movement that would not say die or give up. In their corner was the former Alaskan Governor named Sarah "I'm Not Afraid to Fight" Palin. Palin endorsed Ted Cruz, and Ted Cruz won! Boy did he win.

But that is not the whole story. GOP insider politics in Texas had Dewhurst leading comfortably. In fact, in one corner of the political ring was Dewhurst, and the royalty of Texas politics who came out in a big way for the 66-year-old Dewhurst. The Lt. Governor even loaned $24 million from his fortune to his campaign to insure his win.

In the other corner of the political ring was Cruz, who had been the former state solicitor general and had never run for office. He was the proud son of a Cuban immigrant, and was without GOP mainstream support. Therefore he was like Rocky Balboa entering the heavyweight fight with little experience but a lot of heart and most importantly he had lots and lots of conservative grass roots Texans in his corner.

This was the runoff election and in round two, Ted "Rocky Balboa" not only got his second wind, but he received conservative Tea Party support from Texas and around the nation. He also obtained conservative organizational backing, and endorsements from several U.S. Senators like Rand Paul of Tennessee and from former U.S. Sen. and GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum. So the stage was set, or was it?

There had been news accounts circulating that Sarah Palin was leaning toward support of Cruz's campaign effort which was endorsed by the Tea Party. Yet in a supposedly unrelated way comes an unsolicited announcement from former Vice President Dick Cheney, that Sarah Palin was supposedly not qualified to be president, when GOP presidential candidate U.S. Senator John McCain selected her in 2008.

Somewhat convenient and coincidental that Cheney's announcement comes out in the period that Palin's endorsement for Cruz is given, in one of the most important GOP backed establishment elections in the nation. One could speculate that this may have been a way to neutralize her endorsement's effectiveness or create an air of diminishing importance? In other words they wanted to wish her and the Tea Party into the cornfield or cow pasture never to be seen again. Well it seems the Texas voters have already decided that one on Tuesday night. Texas endorses the Tea Party and Palin's leadership.

When will these political dinosaurs understand that there is a new day in America? It would certainly be wise for the old style Washington insider political backroom deal makers to understand what incumbent U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana found out earlier in May, first hand.

The Tea Party movement did not fade away but moved to unseat Lugar. They worked tirelessly to support Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock and meanwhile, Mourdock received the backing and endorsement of Palin. Mourdock beat Lugar who had not lost a U.S. Senate race since 1976. Another Tea Party and Palin win on the books.

So much for the media and the GOP establishment doubters and the Dick Cheney's who are trying mightily to discard Sarah Palin's leadership and influence with the conservative heart and soul of America's heartland. Now Texas is added to this roster as well.

The insiders within the Washington Beltway just simply do not get it. Sarah Palin has an ability to connect with people who not only want change but demand changes, in Washington as well as in their state capitols. The Tea Party is now the rightful army of political change in this nation. Of course the Tea Party had been discounted in 2010, and everyone knows how those congressional elections turned out for Tea Party supporters, and their candidates who unseated Pelosi's democrat majority.

The Texas race should be a crucial reminder that the Tea Party and Sarah Palin have remade the political campaign mapping strategy used in the good old days before the Tea Party. Now, freedom of political choice tied to conservative political principles is much more important as an election determiner than the millions of dollars spent to bury those principles, ideals and a single, sincere political leader called Sarah Palin.

How interesting, right? It may take a Texas sized shellacking to wake up the GOP establishment in Washington and America to the vibrancy and vitality of a supposedly dead Tea Party movement. How interesting indeed. They do things bigger in Texas. Texas heard Palin's message, now it is America's turn at the GOP national Convention in Tampa. Let Palin speak Mitt Romney. The Texas victory is real and so is Sarah Palin's leadership. Conservatives can see the Tampa Convention from their living rooms. Romney are you listening?

Let me know what you think:

© Kevin Fobbs


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Kevin Fobbs

Kevin Fobbs Media Bio: 05-21-2021

About Kevin Fobbs: Kevin Fobbs, a native Detroiter, is Chairman of the American Christian Civil Rights Movement (ACCRM), President of NAACP2021: National Association for the Advancement of Canceled People, Managing Partner of Ascension Entertainment Productions, and director of RTL Productions. He is a producer of the Holocaust-themed movie drama "Never Again," collaborator on the 2018 police documentary "Bleeding Blue" and producer/director of post-Civil War - World War II historical Christian southern civil rights drama "Johnathan - Living on the Edge of History," and Exec/Director-Producer of the film version of his soon to be released book a modern Christian fairy tale "Bernadine and Winston the Crooked Worm's Four Seasons of Life."

In the 1970's Kevin became a professional journalist and attended Wayne State University Law School. His written work has appeared in the New York Times and he has written for The Detroit News, The Michigan Chronicle, Clash Daily, Renew America, Communities Digital News (CDN) among others.

Kevin is co-writer of "Sandy Hook Massacre: When Seconds Count - Police Are Minutes Away In 2014 Kevin, together with his grandson, co-authored the Christian children's book "Is There a Lion in My Kitchen? " He is co-author of "Shut Yo' Mouth! How the Left Plays the Race Card to Silence Conservatives and How to Stop It.

He is co-host of New Right Network's "American Exceptionalism" and upcoming "American Correct" podcast shows.


For nearly 40 years, Kevin's personal devotion to Christian conservative values and principles has guided his public service in both state and national government, as well as private sector and media leadership roles, including elected and appointed positions. The primary Biblical verse that guides Kevin is: Isaiah 6:8 (NIV) 8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"


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