Michael Gaynor
Read J. Christian Adams' Obama Justice Department expose now
By Michael Gaynor
October 17, 2011

The ugly truth is that in 2008 most voters were conned and America's government has been corrupted since the Obama Administration began.

Laura Ingraham's latest "must read" is J. Christian Adams' Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department.

It is a "must read" for all who care about America's future, but not what President Obama and the liberal media establishment supporting him want you to know about.

Adams is the former career United States Justice Department lawyer who resigned because under President Obama and his Attorney General, Eric Holder, the rule of law was abandoned in favor of race-based prosecutorial discretion. Adams served for five years as an attorney in the Voting Section of the Justice Department and in that capacity brought cases to protect a wide variety of racial minorities, including blacks, Hispanics, and the first ever application of the Voting Rights Act to protect white voters.

This customer review by "Noelle" tells us what we need to know about the book's value:

"I expected a biased viewpoint that would suggest the experience of a Caucasian man who used to live in South Carolina or a disgruntled former DOJ employee, but Adams admirably succeeds in presenting a genuinely objective and race-blind narrative free of any bias and retaliatory motive. As a minority female attorney, I found Adams' account refreshingly honest. His viewpoint speaks from the perspective of an American without regard to race, and an attorney committed to upholding the Constitution and the principles of our judicial system. Adams summoned significant courage in coming forward to share the truth of what he has witnessed in the Justice Department's Voting Rights division, despite his obvious reluctance to disparage an institution he genuinely respects and whose principles he clearly takes to heart. The compassionate tone of this book actually gave me faith that there are decent, principled government employees who are willing to make personal sacrifices in an effort to help make America a better place for future generations by letting the truth be heard.

"This book provides an in-depth and factually accurate account of not only the history of civil rights in America, but the history of voting in America — a lesson that resonates even more fervently today as many countries around the world struggle to achieve fair and open elections. I would never have been aware of the voting abuses that occur on our own soil, and not in some distant infant democracy. Adams provides gripping portrayals of real-life, modern instances of voting abuses, not just to the system as a whole, but also speaking to the impact on individual voters, of any minority, and the dangers that lie in institutionalizing behavior that undermines every citizen's Constitutional right to vote. This book is a recommended read for anyone who has ever voted and who values the right to vote, which so many Americans (be they revolutionary colonists, Founding Father statesmen, suffraging women, or African-American civil rights leaders) fought so valiantly to secure."

The ugly truth is that in 2008 most voters were conned and America's government has been corrupted since the Obama Administration began.

This customer review by Arnold S. Trebach tells us what Abraham Lincoln told us: you can't fool all of the people all of the time:

"In this powerful book, Injustice, Christian Adams presents a scathing indictment of the racial grievance industry which is in the process of tearing asunder the great values of equality and fairness at the core of American society. It should be read and acted upon by all those who care about preserving our wonderful nation. University professors with some guts should make it required reading in all classes dealing with these issues, whether in social science departments or law schools.

"There is a great danger that the book will be dismissed by the mainstream media as a right wing racist attempt to destroy the administration of the first black president along with the first black attorney general. It will also be dismissed on the basis of a suspension of belief: this cannot have happened.

"However, speaking as a liberal Democrat during most of my life, who voted for candidate Obama in 2008, and a former civil rights protester and a former federal civil rights official, I can testify that the indictment appears to be based upon solid fact. Attorney General Eric Holder allowed his Civil Rights Division to ignore blatant violations of civil rights in some cases when the victims were white and the defendants were black, such as in the infamous New Black Panther case. It also appears that these illegal actions were taken primarily because the Justice Department officials, both black and white, wanted to show favoritism to the black miscreants.

"I happened to show up at the hearing before the Civil Rights Commission on July 6, 2010 when Mr. Adams testified for the first time in public about his involvement in the New Black Panther case. He explained that he had been an experienced Voting Section litigator and assumed that the actions of the Black Panthers in threatening potential voters outside a Philadelphia polling station in 2008 constituted a clear case of violation of the voting rights laws. Mr. Adams was appalled over the fact that even though a default judgment had been secured, justice department leaders let the thugs off with a slap on the wrists. Mr. Adams swore that this was only one example of racial bias in the enforcement of the civil rights laws by officials in the inner sanctum of the justice department who are sworn to enforce the law in a race neutral fashion.

"Such appalling behavior led Mr. Adams to resign his governmental position and to write this book. That behavior was one of many causes that led me to move to the conservative side of the political spectrum. It should lead all decent people to support rational changes in the way we approach race in this society."

Amazon.com also posted these three tributes to Adams' Injustice by prominent commentators:"Injustice is a whistleblower's explosive exposĂ© into the rancid world of Obama's Justice Department. Adams shows how the institutional Left has turned the power of the Justice Department into a weapon against the rule of law." — Andrew Breitbart, publisher of Breitbart.com and bestselling author of Righteous Indignation

"Christian Adams is a truth-teller, whistle-blower, and American patriot. With great courage and investigative skill, this former Department of Justice attorney single-handedly exposes how Barack Obama and Eric Holder have systematically perverted the rule of law — for patently unjust, un-American, race-based ends. Adams witnessed first-hand the hijacking of the DOJ by radical leftist ideologues and interest groups. Now he reveals everything: the full story of Holder's coddling of New Black Panther Party poll thugs, corruption run amok in the Civil Rights Division, open borders advocacy, selective law enforcement, and much more. If you care about justice for all, Injustice is hands-down the most important book you'll read this year." — Michelle Malkin, bestselling author of Culture of Corruption

details how the Obama Justice Department has lost its moorings and become politicized. With vivid details gleaned from his insider perspective, Christian Adams names names and holds officials to account. Those who want the even-handed administration of justice from the federal government need to know what's in this book." — John Fund, senior editor of The American Spectator and author of Stealing Elections

Adams' Injustice is the best expose book since Malkin's Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies.

Breitbart is right that the Obama Justice Department smells (as many having been realizing as the truth about Operation Fast and Furious has come out), but the odor emanating from the Obama Administration and its "Justice" Department is the stench of corruption, not staleness. (Rancid refers to "having an unpleasant stale taste or smell as the result of decomposition.)

Malkin is clear, concise and compelling: read this book.

Fund treats the matter about which Adams wrote as "politics" and thus misses the main point: the Justice Department did not "los[e] its moorings"; it was targeted and taken over by radicals intent on implementing their agenda instead of following the law and respecting the Constitution and they have been imbedded.

Amazon's product description explains what a reader can learn from reading Injustice:

"The Department of Justice Watches Over the Law But Who Watches the Watchmen?

"The Department of Justice is America's premier federal law enforcement agency. And according to J. Christian Adams, it's also a base used by leftwing radicals to impose a fringe agenda on the American people.

"A five-year veteran of the DOJ and a key attorney in pursuing the New Black Panther voter intimidation case, Adams recounts the shocking story of how a once-storied federal agency, the DOJ's Civil Rights division has degenerated into a politicized fiefdom for far-left militants, where the enforcement of the law depends on the race of the victim.

"In Injustice, Adams reveals:

  • The inside story of how the Obama DOJ spiked the voter intimidation lawsuit against the New Black Panther Party — and the Panthers' little-known public appearance with Obama

  • How the Obama administration changed DOJ hiring policy to ensure radical leftists would dominate the Civil Rights Division

  • The Obama DOJ's bizarre agenda, from insisting on kids' rights to attend school dressed as transvestites, to litigating for teachers' rights to take paid vacations to Mecca

  • How the DOJ has repeatedly sided with political bosses who flagrantly disenfranchise entire communities of white voters

  • Why the DOJ's fixation on racial grievance threatens the integrity of the 2012 elections

"If you thought the federal government was dedicated to race-neutral equal protection, Injustice will set you straight. This searing indictment of government malfeasance unveils the astonishing political extremism and outright lawlessness that now infects on of the government's most powerful agencies. With everything from civil rights laws to America's voting system at risk, Adams sound the alarm on a gathering threat to our nation's future."

That threat is grave and must be dealt with by putting an end to the Age of Obama by electing a new President.

© Michael Gaynor


The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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Michael Gaynor

Michael J. Gaynor has been practicing law in New York since 1973. A former partner at Fulton, Duncombe & Rowe and Gaynor & Bass, he is a solo practitioner admitted to practice in New York state and federal courts and an Association of the Bar of the City of New York member... (more)


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