Michael Gaynor
Paging Michelle Malkin to write Culture of Deception
By Michael Gaynor
May 27, 2014

It was readily foreseeable that a Culture of Deception would be the bad fruit of the Obama Administration's Culture of Corruption.

Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_Corruption):

"Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies is a book written by conservative author Michelle Malkin.The book claims that the Barack Obama administration has had dozens of instances of corruption.The title is a reference to 'culture of corruption,' a political slogan used by Democrats to refer to events that happened during the presidency of George W. Bush.

"The book spent six weeks at #1 on the hardcover non-fiction section of the New York Times Best Seller list.

"In August 2010, an updated paperback edition with three new chapters was published.

"Liberal Steve Almond of Salon Magazine gave the book an unfavorable review, describing it as a 'transparently mercenary clip job patched together via large doses of Red Bull and Google.'

"Conservative Michael Gaynor of Renew America wrote, 'The Far Left finds Ms. Malkin far too formidable and thus reflexively resorts to baseless personal attacks against her because they can't refute her on the facts and don't want people paying attention to her."

Those who read Culture of Corruption learned that a look at President Obama's background and cronies showed what his administration would be like.

On July 28, 2009, the day after Culture of Corruption was released, Glenn Beck interviewed Michelle Malkin and focused on the chapters involving ACORN and SEIU, the connection between them and their roles as providers of the "civilian soldiers" to implement the Obama plan to remake America.

The following excerpt from Beck's radio interview highlights the importance of ACORN in understanding how President Obama came to be elected and to his plan to transform America from a capitalist country into a socialist country:

MALKIN: ...the book has only been out a day and there's been a lot of traditional interest in looking at the cabinet and looking at the czars. But there are two important chapters on ACORN...as well as the SEIU, their twin, and

GLENN: Yeah, they are one and the same.

MALKIN: And the family with Barack Obama that dates back...20, 25 years really needs...much more mainstream public light. You've done a fabulous job of that and I think that including these two chapters of the book and putting it in the context of the larger Culture of Corruption and the Chicago way is a good start towards helping people enlighten them about it.

GLENN: Michelle, you and I talked about this during the election.


GLENN: I mean, you knew what was coming, I knew what was coming. I didn't realize it would come this fast. I mean, this guy is amazing....most people don't understand....You they look at ACORN and they are like, it's a stupid group and everybody knows what it is. No, no, no. Community organizers are so unbelievably well funded. When you see how much distance we have made here or how much distance has been put between us and the Constitution since Obama got into office, are you as concerned as you were for our country or more so? And if so, how much time do you think we have before you just are not turning this car around?

MALKIN: I think we're already at an inflection point, Glenn, and I think that it calls for fueling even more curiosity and scrutiny on these meadow organizations. I quote Andy Stern, the president of the SEIU, the Service Employees International Union on his organizing philosophy and it is this: We prefer to use the power of persuasion but if that doesn't work, we use the persuasion of power. And it is the same theme and like motif that infuses the ACORN MO, the persuasion of power, the muscle for money program that whistle blower and, you know, [Anita] Moncrief blew the whistle on. And I dedicate the book to the whistleblowers out there. You know, it's not just us on the right who are exposing this.

GLENN: Oh, no. Oh, yeah.

MALKIN: The fact is that we owe. We owe so much to very brave people on the other side, some of them who have come over, ex liberals like Anita who understand the depths and the intricacy and the intimacy between and among those groups. But also between them and Barack Obama.

EXACTLY!The liberal media establishment and most registered voters have themselves to blame for the election and reelection of Barack Obama as President of the United States.


Her book was much more than fair warning of the bad things that would happen during the Obama administration and that his reelection would.compound the mistake of his election.

It was readily foreseeable that a Culture of Deception would be the bad fruit of the Obama Administration's Culture of Corruption.

A Culture of Deception is exactly what the Obama Administration has cultivated, especially in order to win reelection and "fundamentally transform" the United States for the worse.

Let's take Obamacare, the IRS scandal, the Benghazi attack, voter identification is unneeded and racist slander and the VA scandal.

The selling of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) was the first great President Obama deception.

To get it passed by Congress (without any Republican support), it was packaged as "not a tax."

To keep it from being declared unconstitutional, the taxing power was invoked.

President Obama's promise that insurer persons could keep their doctors if they wanted to was a whopper and documents show that his administration knew it.

So was his promise that insurance premiums would be substantially reduced.

Relection was first priority, so the IRS scandal resulted and when it broke (AFTER relection), it was explained away as the work of rogue agents in Cincinnati.

Obama Administration deception was shameless, but essential to secure reelection, so the Benghazi attack shortly before Election Day 2012 was excused as an unforeseeable result of a video.

If the truth had come out before Election Day 2012, President Obama would be a one-term President and Eric Holder would not be the Attorney General of the United States and working assiduously to stop voter identification.

Recently I walked into the Southern District Court of the United States. To pass through security, I not only had to provide photo identification, but to take off my belt with a metal buckle and pass through a metal detector.

Voting is a fundamental right, but so is going into a federal courthouse. The Obama administration requires photo identification as a condition of entry into a federal courthouse, so it should not be telling the states that they should not protect election integrity by doing the same with persons coming to vote.

No wonder President Obama doesn't want us to look back.

Suddenly it became obvious that then presidential candidate Obama's professed concern for providing proper medical care for veterans was sheer political showmanship.

That's disgusting!

It's time for Michelle Malkin to write and release Culture of Deception: The Legacy of Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies!

Preferably a bit before Election Day 2014.

© Michael Gaynor


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Michael Gaynor

Michael J. Gaynor has been practicing law in New York since 1973. A former partner at Fulton, Duncombe & Rowe and Gaynor & Bass, he is a solo practitioner admitted to practice in New York state and federal courts and an Association of the Bar of the City of New York member... (more)


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