Jenn Giroux
Ohio Catholics forgive and embrace Donald Trump for President
By Jenn Giroux
October 11, 2016

As a Catholic wife and mother of nine with many other friends and family members who feel the same, we would like to speak out from Ohio to tell the world that we forgive Donald Trump's inappropriate comments and embrace his sincere remorse.

And we want him to be our next President.

Our families choose to lock arms with Donald Trump and Mike Pence to help America become great again for our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren who will suffer persecution long after we are gone if the next four years go to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

To the Republicans and others who say "Never Trump" or "pull your support from Trump" I say that you hate your country and want to see it perish as your actions could contribute to the election of Hillary Clinton.

To Congressman Paul Ryan I say: "Please stop it!." You have failed us and sold us out worse than John Boehner. How dare you demand full support from your party before being elected Speaker yet now continue to be one who divides and hurts our chance to elect Donald Trump to be President, the only one who can stop the frightening policies of Hillary Clinton. You, Mr. Ryan, are part of the problem, not the solution.

To the Bush family and Republican friends that say you will not vote for Trump I would like to say: "You betray all of us and the unborn if you do not vote for Donald Trump. Many had hesitations about both Bush Presidencies but you were supported to defeat the democrats."

It is in these moments of history that we are seeing the true colors of men.

Hillary Clinton is and always has been a public activist for Planned Parenthood and all their deadly, immoral deceptions that hurt women every day. Hillary Clinton is for removing God from our history, and from all school books, public events, laws, policies and monuments.

And without God, there is Chaos.

Hillary Clinton wants open borders and wants to allow 60,000+ more Muslim/refugees of unknown backgrounds to freely enter our country if she gets elected. Mothers like me pray every day for the safety of our adult children who travel by air for business, ride the subways of New York, or the "L" of Chicago. Allowing open borders will only decrease the safety for our families. It is not immoral or uncharitable for Donald Trump to protect our country from Jihad predators who wish to see America bloodied and in chaos from their aggressive infliction of pain, suffering, and death all in the name of Allah.

Hillary Clinton stands for everything that we as Catholics oppose while Donald Trump has made a promise to Catholics: "I will be there for you. I will stand with you. I will fight for you," he wrote Oct. 5. "I am, and will remain, pro-life. I will defend your religious liberties and the right to fully and freely practice your religion, as individuals, business owners and academic institutions."

It is often at the time of greatest personal humility that we find our greatest point of conversion and grace. We pray that this recent public humility for Donald Trump will somehow affect him for the good and that God will allow it to help refine his spiritual side while increasing his reliance on Him in order to help form an even stronger moral leader in defending America as our next President.

The hour is late. The next President will shape the U.S. Supreme Court for generations to come. Though the national media will not report accurately the tens of thousands of us who show up at his rallies nor the millions who cheer him on at home, Catholics support Donald Trump because he is the moral choice in this election for our future. He, like every one of us, is not perfect, but he gets it. He gets the fear of job loss for workers, he gets the importance of family and the worries of moms, he gets the damage of bad trade deals, he understands the tragedy of 50,000+ abortions and the lost children of our time, he gets the needs of the middle class and he gets the cry of the poor.

Most importantly, he gets that without God we, as a nation, are done.

Please Mr. Trump, win on November 8 and lead us out of this Chaos.

© Jenn Giroux


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Jenn Giroux

Jenn Giroux has been a Registered Nurse for 29 years, where she has witnessed firsthand the physical, emotional, and spiritual fallout of the women's movement, especially in the areas of contraception and abortion. In response, she has answered God's call to be a witness to the hidden truths on these subjects... (more)


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