Armand C. Hale
We must not retreat
By Armand C. Hale
March 16, 2011

Much is happening this week. The communist/socialists/lefties are up in arms as a few brave patriots confront them in their open attempt to transform our republic into a communist cesspool. These "inforbits" are to enlighten us on the never ending battle. We must all do our part. A single grain of rice can tip the balance right or left. Let us make sure it is tipped the "right" way. (JMJ)

Obama 's Social Security Hoax. An Uninformed population is his ticket for re-election

Tell us your opinion. Is Social Security busted? If so, why? What can be done to fix this situation? Discussion link: OBAMA'S SOCIAL SECURITY HOAX.AN UNINFORMED POPULATION IS HIS TICKET FOR RE-ELECTION!

Muslims now calling for the removal of the statue of liberty. Its offensive to them!

Sickening! Here is the link to the "Sharia" site that is promoting this line of thinking to its followers.

Women's Online Jihad magazine martyr bomb tips

Glossy 'Jihad Cosmo' combines beauty tips with suicide bombing advice By Daily Al-Qaeda has launched a women's magazine. Women's Online Jihad magazine martyr bomb tips

Senator Rubio Comments On Senate's Failure To Rein In Spending "I Did Not Come To The U.S. Senate To Be Part Of Some Absurd Political Theatre

Great comments from Senator Marco Rubio on the spending cuts and the democrats in Congress! Keep up the great work Sen. Rubio!

Senator Rubio Comments On Senate's Failure To Rein In Spending "I Did Not Come To The U.S. Senate To Be Part Of Some Absurd Political Theatre"

Congressman Steve King Socks it to the House and Speaker Regarding defunding Obama care!

Congressman King gives it to them!! Stay tuned for a call to action tomorrow from Grassfire. Video link: Congressman Steve King Socks it to the House and Speaker Regarding defunding Obama-care!

Check out the discussion 'Networks ignore death threats to Wisconsin legislators

Help us and our partners fight media bias! From the Desk of: David Martin, Executive Vice President Media Research Center3/14/2011. Discussion link: Networks ignore death threats to Wisconsin legislators

Solutions for America: The Entitlement Crisis

Please read this report by Heritage Foundation. It will help you to understand the current shape we are in and why. Discussion posted by Darla Dawald, National Director: There is really nothing to add to this as the Heritage foundation has done so. Discussion link: Solutions for America: The Entitlement Crisis

Conyers: Obama-care Is 'Platform' for Creating Single-Payer System

Monday, March 14, 2011 By Nicholas Ballasy ( — Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee. Video link: Conyers: Obama-care Is 'Platform' for Creating Single-Payer System

House GOP sets up committee vote on defunding NPR

The House of Representatives has set up a "committee" to defund NPR. Contact your member and let them know to defund NPR now. Discussion posted by Asst Natl Dir Mellie B: By Jordan Fabian — 03/15/11 02:19 PM ET The House Rules Committee on Wednesday will consider a bill to defund NPR. Contract your house members and tell them to defund NPR! Discussion link: House GOP sets up committee vote on defunding NPR

A Grassroots Call To Action: URGENT, TIME SENSITIVE: House contemplates defunding Obama Care. Efforts are underway to prevent taxpayer money from funding the implementation of Obama care.

A Grassroots Call To Action: URGENT, TIME SENSITIVE: House contemplates defunding Obama Care We apologize if you received this twice. This is an urgent matter that requires your immediate attention! Thank You for your prompt ACTION! Above Source material from: Patriot Action Network. "ONE MAN WITH COURAGE IS A MAJORITY" Thomas Jefferson

Friends of ALIPAC,

Please read and distribute our national press release and open letter regarding US Senator Hatch below. Then proceed to call and write his office to tell him you do not appreciate his contradictory denials, past support for Amnesty, and current support for Utah's historic Amnesty bill HB 116!

Release (post and send to favorite talk radio shows) Conflict Between ALIPAC and Utah Senator Orrin Hatch Escalates ALIPAC's Open Letter to Utah Senator Orrin Hatch ALIPAC Supporters from all states please contact Senator Hatch to share your feelings after reading our release and letter. Let's hold Herbert and Hatch accountable today!

Senator Orrin Hatch
Washington DC Office
104 Hart Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Tel: (202) 224-5251
Fax: (202) 224-6331

Emergency Alert: Illegal's Poised to Win In-state Tuition

Friends of ALIPAC,

Sorry for the short notice on this one. Better late than never. We have so many fights going on right now. We need everyone to drop what you are doing and get on the phones with us right now! We only have about 3 hours before the Maryland State Senate will vote on a bill to give in-state tuition benefits to illegal aliens. ALIPAC has helped defeat this kind of legislation in 20 states in the last five years, but we are told this bill is likely to pass unless we step in fast. We must flood the MD Senate offices with calls, followed by emails and faxes using our own messaging. I am personally leading the charge on this one and will pick up my phone right after sending you this EMERGENCY MESSAGE. Staff should still be in these offices.

Emergency Procedure. 1. Call and ask to speak to the Senator. 1. If denied leave a message with staff, (3)if no staff leave a voice-mail, (4)then send in your email and or fax! Sample Message:

"I'm calling/writing to ask Senator _____ to oppose SB 167 and vote no on SB 167 the in-state tuition for illegal aliens bill. In-state tuition for illegal aliens replaces innocent American students in the limited seats in our colleges with illegal aliens at taxpayer expense. Why would Maryland lawmakers force taxpayers to pay to harm our own students who need those limited college seats? This bill would also attract more illegal immigration into America and Maryland by rewarding families who broke our laws."

Maryland Senate Contact Link STATE SENATE: Please spread the word and join me on the phones. Source: William Gheen AMERICANS FOR LEGAL IMMIGRATION PAC The ALIPAC Team

The Stand Starts Here!

Call your representative make sure that they are going to Vote "NO" on the Continuing Resolution, and ask them to Vote "No" on raising the debt ceiling. This is the time that the Conservatives have to quit compromising, quit playing the political games and actually Stand Up for their promises and commitments to the American people. Call the Speaker of House, Boehner, call the Majority Party Leader, Cantor, call of the Budget Chairman, Ryan. In addition to making phone calls to both their D.C. offices and local offices; reach out and find your representative on Face book, believe it or not, they are on face book. How do you contact them? You can use this link or The spending by our Government and the dire condition of our Nation is Black and White, there is no place for Compromise nor for backing away from what the American people called for November 2010. Share this with as many friends, family, and groups as you can. We can make a difference by pushing the rejection of the C.R. and refusal to raise the debt ceiling. Source: Stephanie Jahn, Kristine Cassady, Jay Znamirowski at

Drill Here! Drill Now!

With gas prices expected to continue to rise this issue isn't going away. We are working on a new radio and television ad to highlight the conservative position on energy production (drill HERE, drill NOW). By producing this ad now, we will once again be the organization that gets out in front of the national dialogue to help lead the conservative movement. To produce the ad we need to raise $5,000. You can help us lead the way by making a contribution of $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford, by clicking on this — LINK — . You can publicly comment on this article on our blog at Please forward this email to your like minded friends to help spread the word. Source:

Tea Party Takes on The Corrupt Union Bosses. Help Gov. Walker

Dear Friends, This is Amy Kremer, Chairman of the Tea Party Express.

Even as we celebrate the victory over the corrupt and politically entrenched union bosses in Wisconsin, the far-left has begun reorganizing by the thousands. Even the White House joined the cacophony of screeching from the left, falsely saying that Gov. Walker was trying to "denigrate or vilify public sector employees." Labor unions have become a political machine that is blind to the true needs of its members. This crooked alliance between money and political power is living in the past. Help us fight back against the mob tactics of the Obama campaign team and organized labor unions — and make the most generous contribution you can afford to the Tea Party Express. You can contribute any amount up to the maximum allowed limit of $5,000.

Ground Zero Mosque hearing, add your voice now!

The ACLJ will be delivering oral arguments to stop the building of this Islamic victory mosque in the New York State Supreme Court. This hearing marks the first stop in a lengthy legal process, and we need your voice to be heard with ours. Thousands have already joined our <NOSPAM>">Committee to Stop the Ground Zero Mosque, and today I am asking you to join, too, if you have not done so already. Our team should walk into the New York State Supreme Court hearing tomorrow able to say that 300,000 Americans have joined our Committee to stop the mosque's construction. so many innocent Americans were lost in cowardly terrorist attacks. In fact, at this very site, part of one of the hijacked planes crashed into the building itself. Equally as troubling is that the mosque is financially backed by groups with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, a radical Islamic group that promotes acts of terrorism across the globe. New York City, and the people of this nation, should not permit the construction of a mosque to spread Islamic extremism at the sacred ground of the 9/11 attacks. Source: American Center for Law and Justice

From "Blogger Errol Phillips"

Friday night two Palestinians murdered an entire Israeli family in their house while they were sleeping: Rabbi Udi Fogel (36), his wife Ruth (34), 11-year-old Yoav, four-year-old Elad and three-month-old Hada.' Can you be anything other than speechless!? Errol Phillips

From "Conrad the Patriot"

This is an interesting 2 and a half minute snippet on voting machines from America Freedom To Fascism. As the man at the end says, "anybody trusts electronic voting machines, should have their head examined." Starts with Constitutional Law Professor Edwin Vieira Jr.

Indiana Protests — Communist Video A little bit of hardcore rhetoric here, especially from Democratic Socialists of America supporter and Steelworkers Union president Leo Gerard.

The Betrayal Of The American Right. Murray N. Rothbard's book is readable online for those who wish to, you can read it here:

Maine Town Declares Food Sovereignty. I think the local communities are finally getting a clue!

Be vigilant, do not be arrogant, be humble. Pray for God's help of good against evil. We must ask God's mercy and repent of our sins. God will not deny his mercy. The greater the sinner, the more right you have to his mercy. God is not a liar. Trust in his mercy. That pleasing God the most. Amen.

© Armand C. Hale


The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
(See RenewAmerica's publishing standards.)

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Armand C. Hale

MSgt Armand C. Hale retired from the U.S. Air Force serving his country for over 23 years. His many tours of duty included the Republic of Korea, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the State of Qatar. He has a Bachelors degree in business & management and has written a book on his experiences in the country of Qatar. You can purchase his book at and Lulu Books.


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