Armand C. Hale
Stop "getting along"
By Armand C. Hale
April 5, 2011

This is the shortest opening line for any of my editorials. I doubt I can put it any more clear. Listen up "we the people." Election 2012 is not far. Our object is not to get along. Our object is to win!

Palin Jumps in Key Wisconsin Race

The critical election for Wisconsin Supreme Court — an election that will determine whether Gov. Scott Walker and Republican legislators win or if Barack Obama and his union bosses will win. To further demonstrate how critically important this election is, consider this: Governor Sarah Palin has now gotten involved in the race urging a vote for Conservative Justice David Prosser.

Here's the report from Politico:

The latest sign that the election has become nationalized came overnight, when @ Sarah Palin USA tweeted support for conservative Justice David Prosser: "Wisconsin, please remember to vote for Justice Prosser on April 5."

The Tea Party Express are one of the few "conservative" groups running ads in this race. You can contribute any amount since it's a State PAC there are NO contribution limits, and corporate contributions ARE accepted. To contribute, just click here. Get cracking now!

Two more tea party groups support Moffett

From Bryan Shroyer, Executive Director Western Representation PAC;

For the last few days we have been telling you about a great patriot who is facing off against the establishment to become the Governor of Kentucky. We've told you how he championed school choice as a private citizen and how he has run a successful business. This election is being held THIS YEAR and is a unique opportunity to flex our Tea Party muscle by once again securing an upset victory for a Tea Party candidate! There are other ways you can help our efforts too! Please visit our blog, forward our e-mail to your friends, and help us spread the word on Face book and Twitter. Contribute whatever you can afford by clicking here.

Wisconsin Reforms In Peril on Election on April 5th

Wisconsin reform bill is in jeopardy. Boots on the Ground are needed. Election on April 5th. What can you do to help? As you are aware, the Wisconsin State Legislature passed the Collective Bargaining Rights Bill. The Unions are NOT happy. Unfortunately, Judge Maryann Sumi has stopped this bill. Read and get involved at patriot action network

Is the Tea Party pooped? It must keep making its case

Do you think the Tea Party is pooped? Do you think we all need to step up our efforts? What can you do to engage? Mr. Barone asks compelling questions and makes some important observations. The movement has to stand strong and continue the pressure we exerted pre-election 2010. Read and heed. Pass on and get involved, read here!

Florida Pastor Burns Koran — Christians Murdered in Pakistan

Another case of Muslims reacting with violence when their religion is attacked, and this is from a country that is supposed to be an ally! Pass this on

Obama's First Ad of 2012

Barry Obama is proud of his record of accomplishment. Watch his first ad of the 2012 campaign. If this doesn't scare you, then you must be dead.

Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA): Tired of Reading Constitution

Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA): Tired of Reading the Constitution, oooh waaaaaaaahhhhhh. What a ridiculous thing to say! GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE! Check out the video

Cut spending or shut it down! Sign the petition!

The Jimmy Z show interviewed me today to assist in bringing some awareness to our urgent petition to Cut Spending or Shut it Down! Use this interview to spread the word. Thanks for ALL YOU DO! Sign the petition here Thanks to Darla Dawald of Patriot Action Network Source material for all above:

Evening With Joes

We've prepared this short video providing highlights from this memorable evening. Please enjoy it and share it with others. And thank you for your continued support. Source: The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

These informational e-mails was sent to me by blogger Errol Phillips.

"Let's see now — The Libs have played the "Race Card" which no longer works and the "Nazi Card," and the "You're Ignorant Card, and the "Killing Seniors Card" all of which no longer work. Now they are introducing a new one. The "Tax Cuts are Extreme Card." Of course in the end, their final line of defense card will be "It's the Jews Fault Card." When a Lib calls you "ignorant" that's when you know you got them. It's their next to last line of defense! Are you kidding me? One of the Leaders (Steney Hoyer) passed Obama-care is "telling" Boehner to choose between the Tea Party and the Left. Talk about chutzpah! If Boehner goes for that, he is toast in my opinion. Shut down the damn Government. Hey, how come NATO Member Turkey is not participating in the Libyan Campaign? Why should Private Citizens pay for the Costs of collecting & Paying Members Union Dues? Isn't Detroit the Poster Boy for Big City Democratic Rule? E-mail or call Boehner's Office. We are not interested in getting along. We are interested in winning. Shut the Government down . Do not raise the debt ceiling without the $ 100 Billion in promised cuts. In fact, DO NOT RAISE the Debt Ceiling." (Errol Phillips)

Just in case you are interested in my Presidential Platform. Here it is: Any additions I should make?

"Turkey out of NATO, Eliminate existing United Nations, Secure Borders with Military, English as National Language, Term Limits for Congress, Repeal Obama-care, Reduce Federal Employees by attrition and freeze hiring, Freeze Federal Pay Raises and in grade increases and promotions, Eliminate the Department of Education, Eliminate or reduce substantially the Environmental Protection Agency, Tort Reform Legislation, Eliminate Affirmative Action, Balanced Budget Amendment, Initiate and expedite Drilling to become Energy Independent, Revamp Rules of Engagement for Military, Audit the Federal Reserve, Investigate and prosecute those that caused the Housing Crash, Mandatory drug testing for all Federal Employees including Congress, Eliminate Congressional Health Care Program, Eliminate Congressional Pension Plan, require Social Security Participation. Enforce Existing Immigration Laws, Reduce Corporate Tax Rate, No Citizenship for Illegal Aliens, Eliminate Death Tax on Estates, Make Bush Tax Cuts permanent, Cut or eliminate Capital Gains Tax, Require increased contributions to Federal Employee Health Care, Reduce 26 day vacation provision to Federal Employees (non-military), Sell off un-needed Federal Assets, Impose penalties for Lobbyists, Drill in Alaska, Drill off the Coasts, Fast-track new refineries, Fast track new nuclear Power Plants, Eliminate Fed subsidies to Colleges that won't allow ROTC, Drill in Dakotas." Read article about oil reserves in the Dakotas.

A few thoughts for the weekend

"Fresh off his big DNC fundraising visit to Harlem this week, President Obama is set to return to New York City on Wednesday, April 6, as a featured speaker at the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network yearly bash. I wonder if Twana Brawley will have a seat at the head table? If an Engineer was making$ 90,000, was laid off for 12 months, and finally found a job at a shoe store in a Mall making $ 11.00 Hour, should this be counted as an "added Job?"

"Generations of young people have asked: "How could the average German citizen not have known about the "Final Solution"? So it will be that someday our children will ask:"With that whole mountain of evidence indicating that Obama was a fraud and a criminal, how could you not know"? Why weren't people marching in the streets? How could this have happened? Why did YOU let this happen to America? ~ A Blog Comment I saw while browsing."

"Ridicule them. Ridicule them hard. They (The Libs) hate it. Don't be intimidated. They have bullied the Citizens for 50 years, and they don't like getting it back. In Obama's words, get in their faces. Punish them:
"Errol Phillips"

From "Conrad the patriot"

The evils of totalitarian regimes at My man Sheriff Joe! A man in this man's world who hasn't gone nuts. Arpaio Launches Operation Desert Sky To Battle Smugglers. 19 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is At The Heart Of Our Economic Problems. Read here. Beware of Homeland Security Training for Local Law Enforcement, by An Insider. Please read here. The Communist Takeover Of America — 45 Declared Goals Read this important message

A friend named "Tom" send me this important message. Please pass this link on! This is a bombshell, go Washington State & the people!

"The federal government is now petitioning to have these signs removed or Washington state will be denied additional monies for interstate highways. The State of Washington replied, they will secede from the Union rather than be intimidated! These are a matter of free speech paid for by a private citizen. It seems the Obama government uses intimidation and ignores the first amendment when they want to silence someone. This will never be reported on the main stream media (MSM). I even doubt Fox News will touch it. Some much for "fair and balance!"

Be vigilant. Do not be arrogant. Be humble. Pray for God's help of good against evil. Ask for God's mercy. Repent of our sins. God will not deny his mercy. The greater the sinner, the more right you have to his mercy. God is not a liar. Trust in his mercy. That pleasing God most. Amen.

© Armand C. Hale


The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
(See RenewAmerica's publishing standards.)

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Armand C. Hale

MSgt Armand C. Hale retired from the U.S. Air Force serving his country for over 23 years. His many tours of duty included the Republic of Korea, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the State of Qatar. He has a Bachelors degree in business & management and has written a book on his experiences in the country of Qatar. You can purchase his book at and Lulu Books.


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