Donald Hank
WSJ warns of Putin's 'ominous' new internet law
By Donald Hank
May 13, 2014

A friend just shared with me an introduction to an article in the Wall Street Journal whose title suggests that Putin's new internet law banning certain types of content, is 'ominous' and will surely lead to tyranny. (Reading the entire article requires paying the WSJ $4 for a brief subscription. Naturally I rushed right out and didn't subscribe).

Alluding to my recent articles insufficiently harsh on Putin, the friend writes:
    How do you feel about your blogs being monitored by 'good guy' Putin?
My response:

I hope Putin does read my blogs actually. I don't think he would try to censor them, whereas our current government does monitor my blogs and all other electronic communications of everyone reading this and would do anything to silence me and many of the rest of us, for nothing other than being dissidents in today's Brave New America. Our government and its willing stooges in the media, including the WSJ, also have a filter. This filter removes the vital facts from our news input that would help us make informed decisions about world and domestic affairs. They tell us that recognition of the referendum in Crimea was illegal but fail to remind us that the Clinton administration did the exact same thing in Kosovo, ultimately carving out a theocratic Muslim state in Serbia, in contravention of international law. Christians are no longer safe in that new "state" (, whose flag is designed, ominously, to imitate that of the EU.

It would be interesting to read more of this article if you can send me a copy but I will not on principle subscribe to the supremely pro-establishment neoconservative WSJ.

Their journalistic legerdemain makes Russia's new internet law seem ominous but consider the following.

The US government, media, education system, professions, Hollywood and an army of useful idiots have worked hard for decades to bankrupt America both spiritually and economically. All the Russians want to do is avoid becoming another failed nation, i.e., having the usual US and EU NGOs – the ones who wreaked havoc in Ukraine, Syria, Kosovo and most likely Chechnya – infiltrate the minds of their kids and adults, with two kinds of communications:
    1 – Anti-Russian propaganda aimed at taking down the government (the kind of neocon propaganda that we are bombarded with constantly. In reality, while these propagandists insist that Russia has imperial ambitions, the US-backed EU has swallowed up 28 once-sovereign countries by use of stealth and outright fraud and is the most ambitious and dangerous empire on the planet, while the US constantly intervenes militarily to bomb cities in various parts of the world on the flimsiest of pretexts. In the last twenty years, the West has caused genocide of Christians in several Middle Eastern countries. Has Putin done any of this? No, he actually protested it in each case)

    2 – smut and propaganda that promotes sick, perverted lifestyles and godlessness to children (the people who do that in the West ought to be sentenced to hard labor on the rock pile)
Don't forget that one of the Tsarnaev brothers who bombed the Boston marathon was trained by the CIA in one of the former Soviet republics and the US establishment is using the internet and other communications in Russia and the former bloc countries to foment revolt there. I would filter out US government propaganda too. It is dangerous to the Russian people.

In fact I wish I had a filter for my TV and computer to block all the neocon and leftist propaganda and the smut that is threatening my children's minds. When my wife and daughter turn on the TV, it sometimes seems that all I hear is the F-bomb and all I see is promotion of freakish lifestyles like whole body tattoos and gay adoption and they are now virtually inured to it, but it outrages me because it is part of the Left's social Marxist campaign to destroy clean cut American culture. Americans put up with this only because they are brainwashed by an uncensored media machine.

Further, Hollywood's dominant theme has long been the strong individual who overcomes all odds all by themselves, without God's help. Notice that these superheroes never pray, just use their wits and muscle and miraculously escape harm and save humanity. There is no God in establishment Hollywood. One leaves the cinema with the unescapable sense that man is the ultimate power in the universe.

But note that this fairy tale is far from reality. People have shown time and time again that they are not gods. Both of the actors who portrayed Superman were struck down in the prime of life. Cassius Clay, who made it clear he worshipped himself and became a Muslim to pubilcly cast a vote against Christianity, is now a near-vegetable and can't talk plainly. Another demigod, Mike Tyson, once owned 12 mansions and lived with a harem of 20 girls but is now struggling to pay his bills and has been in jail for rape. Bonaparte died in lonely exile. Hitler swallowed his piece. The names Stalin and Mao are now universally repugnant.

Both of them lost their armies in Russia. (Keep the name of that 'local' power in mind).

What's that you say? The 24-7 stream of leftist and neocon propaganda and perversion are all about freedom and democracy?

If being exposed to a constant torrent of lies and smut, which completely filters out the truth, is democracy, you can keep your democracy. However, know that the US is in fact an oligarchy ( The WSJ and the NYT are the left and right propaganda arm of that oligarchy.

Purchasing either one of these publications is donating to the cause. The poor willingly giving their sustenance to the feudal overlords.

We are getting the government we deserve, good and hard.

© Donald Hank


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Donald Hank

Until July of 2009, Don Hank was operating a technical translation agency out of his home in Wrightsville, PA. He is now retired and residing in Panama with his wife and daughter.

A former language teacher, he holds an undergraduate degree in French and German from Millersville State University (PA), a Master's degree in Russian language and literature from Kutztown State College (also in PA), has studied Chinese for 3 years in Taiwan at the Mandarin Training Center, and is self-taught in other languages, having logged a total of 8 years abroad in total immersion situations.

He is also the founder of Lancaster-York Non-Custodial Parents, a volunteer organization that provides Christian counseling for non-custodial parents.


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