Donald Hank
A sister in Christ admonishes me
By Donald Hank
March 23, 2015

I received an email from a sister in Christ just now. It seems when she saw that I did not wholeheartedly suspport John Hagee, she assumed I had lost my faith and lamented that America had lost its faith in God. This is the trouble with slick talking pastors. They often succeed in making their followers conflate them with a deity. Rejecting the pastor on the grounds that he is distorting the Bible is tantamount to rejecting God in their eyes. This worship of men borders on blasphemy and is a great sin.

I wrote the following response:

Hello R.,

You can go through all my writings, several hundred articles, and you will find that I too have written about and mourned the loss of faith in America.

Our problem in a nutshell is that we have accepted sinful men as substitutes for the living God.

Our Christian "leaders" have been propagandizing for the godless Neocons for decades, sincerely believing that they are doing God's work. Neoconservatism specializes in cooperating with religious leaders and their followers. Here is a quick overview of Neoconservatism, which is not conservative at all, but pretends to be to ensnare Christians.

Leo Strauss' Philosophy of Deception

Many neoconservatives like Paul Wolfowitz are disciples of a philosopher who believed that the elite should use deception, religious fervor and perpetual war to control the ignorant masses.

Here is a question for you, and I ask it in all sincerity and in Christian love, not to be a smarty pants:

When GW Bush was campaigning for reelection, there were pastors all over America who campaigned for him from the pulpit, suggesting he was a godly man. My pastor was one of the many. These pastors also supported Bush's war effort and even wove into their sermons stories of how US soldiers and Marines had become impermeable to bullets as they invaded Baghdad.

About a week after we "won" the war in Iraq, the indigenous Christians – our brothers and sisters in the Middle East – started leaving their Iaqi homeland, a country that had sheltered them for 2 millennia, in droves. Their churches were burned. They were persecuted like never before.

Today almost all of the Iraqi Assyrian Christians are living in a town in Sweden.

This was a war supported wholeheartedly by American conservative Christians who were told that Bush was a godly man and we should follow his call for war. This deception followed the pattern of Neoconservatism as described in the article above.

My question for you, R. is this:

Were American Christians really led by God Almighty in this war on Iraq?

And if so, why were the Iraqi Christians the ones who were hurt the most by it?

John Hagee has urged the US government to attack Iran. Yet Iran is the Muslim country with the most Christian churches, about 600, and allows Bibles to be brought into the country (as opposed to our "ally" Saudi Arabia, which bans churches and Bibles)! And Iran is the only country whose military is partnering with the Iraqi government, sincerely trying to defeat ISIS. What American Christians ignore to their peril is that, despite its blemishes, Iran is SHIITE, the more tolerant of the main 2 Islamic sects, while Sauid Arabia is Sunni and belongs to the subsect of Wahhabism, the most violent and anti-Christian sect of all. The Neocons and Democrats and their minions in media have succeeded in blotting out that vital fact from our consciousness. The Syrian Christians are quaking in their boots and crying out to God to let the Iranian militias defeat ISIS so that they will not be slaughtered. Bashar al-Assad, the man the Neocons hate, is the only thing standing between these Christian brethren and certain death. The fact is, there are NO SHIITE GROUPS RUNNING AROUND BEHEADING PEOPLE FOR NOT BEING MUSLIMS! So the Iranians, while Muslim, are much more tolerant than the SUNNIS we support (under the petrodollar agreement with the Saudis, as I carefully documented here

Here is another question:

If you were a Christian living in Syria, would you really be praying that Iran should be bombed, as Hagee urges, or would you pray for the Iranian militias to come and defeat your mortal enemies?

And if they truly defeated ISIS, would you thank God or be angry that the Iranians won the war against your mortal enemies and saved your life and the lives of your brethren? And do you really believe that GOD wants the Middle Eastern Christians to be killed and banished?

The biggest sin of American Christians is not a lack of faith in God. It is their lack of knowledge, and that, unfortunately, is a sin.

Jesus said He was the TRUTH. Hosea 4:6 says My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Any Christian who closes his eyes to the truth and refuses to seek knowledge is not following Jesus. He is following the father of lies.


Don Hank

© Donald Hank


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Donald Hank

Until July of 2009, Don Hank was operating a technical translation agency out of his home in Wrightsville, PA. He is now retired and residing in Panama with his wife and daughter.

A former language teacher, he holds an undergraduate degree in French and German from Millersville State University (PA), a Master's degree in Russian language and literature from Kutztown State College (also in PA), has studied Chinese for 3 years in Taiwan at the Mandarin Training Center, and is self-taught in other languages, having logged a total of 8 years abroad in total immersion situations.

He is also the founder of Lancaster-York Non-Custodial Parents, a volunteer organization that provides Christian counseling for non-custodial parents.


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