Liberal comics free to use rape, abortion gags without fear of P.C. police
By Jeannieology
August 28, 2012

Originally posted at BIG Hollywood

Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood and NARAL/Pro-Choice America's president Nancy Keenan, together with Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown University flunky Barack Obama drags around to help legitimize the contraceptive mandate, are all slated to be guest speakers at the DNC pro-abortion jamboree in Charlotte, North Carolina. The thrust of the message will be that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan dislike all women, including their "mothers and first wives," even though both men love their mothers and both have had only one wife.

In the run-up to the convention, liberal women have been motivated to portray Republicans as Neanderthals who reference rape in a lackadaisical manner and want to deprive women of their right to choose. The goal is to prove to America that those on the right do not take rape seriously and are hostile toward the issues that plague womenfolk.

Yet, a contradiction exists, because if a Democrat comedienne or politician uses violence against women as fodder for laughs, the perpetually offended either say nothing or chuckle right along with the rest of them.

Take for instance shock comedienne Sarah Silverman. In 2008, Silverman worked over elderly Jews, urging them to move to Florida to ensure that then-candidate Barack Obama would secure the Sunshine State and win the election. Silverman is so tight with the President that when the duo met face-to-face and he asked her what was next for her, she told him "I'm going to be naked in a movie!" To which the highly intrigued Obama responded, "You'll have to send me that.

Besides being paid good money to exploit her full frontal nudity in an indie film, Silverman regularly mocks the seriousness of abortion and if need be, to up the ante, will even weave rape jokes into her outrageous comedy routine. The bawdy comedienne actually attempts to get laughs at the expense of rape survivors and aborted babies by making victims of violence the butt of jokes.

One time Silverman tweeted out a before-and-after-abortion picture of her bloated and then flat stomach on Twitter. In some circles, maintaining a lighthearted view of abortion could be considered very 21st century, but one can't help but wonder whether Obama thought her tweet was informative or amusing. After all, the President did stress that besieged Missouri Congressman Todd Akin's view on a woman's right to choose "represented a 'desire to go backwards instead of forwards' ... to fight fights that were settled 20 or 30 years ago."

Utilizing social media to promote abortion on demand is something Richards and Keenan would likely applaud for its creativity. Therefore, it's highly doubtful that contraception doyen Sandra Fluke will be taking Silverman to task during the DNC Convention.

In the movie "The Aristocrats , "a documentary that challenged 100 comedians to offend its audience as ingeniously as possible," Silverman did just that when she said that 79-year-old iconic radio and TV personality Joe Franklin raped her . In response to being welcomed to the stage at the Hollywood Improv while Mötley Crüe's "Girls, Girls, Girls" played in the background she reminisced, saying, "This song brings me back ... I was brutally raped to this song." Playing off the stereotypical Jewish-girl fantasy of marrying a doctor, Silverman shared that her doctor raped her and called it "bittersweet."

In the ever-fluctuating liberal rule book, joking about rape is generally only acceptable if you're a female; men might need to adhere to a different set of standards.

Oh, but then again there's that "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me" Democrat Senator from Minnesota, Al Franken . Before gracing the state of Minnesota with his well-honed political skills , Al Franken, aka Stuart Smalley , was a comedy writer for "Saturday Night Live."

In 1995, a New York magazine reporter wrote that Franken, a man who is currently out there campaigning with Vice President Joe Biden and has joined forces with other liberals to expose the Republican "war on women," joked about raping CBS veteran reporter Lesley Stahl.

Franken's comedic genius was revealed when he said, "And, 'I give the pills to Lesley Stahl. Then, when Lesley's passed out, I take her to the closet and rape her.' Or, 'That's why you never see Lesley until February.' Or, 'When she passes out, I put her in various positions and take pictures of her.'"

In liberal circles, a comment interpreted as minimizing the horror of rape is the perfect vehicle to further a radical feminist platform — assuming it's a conservative male making the remarks. If a liberal, pro-abortion advocate makes similar or worse jokes about abortion or the horror of rape, liberals view it as benign and say nothing.

What is surprising here is not that the left is castigating pro-life Republican leaders for what they call a war on women, but their willingness to overlook jokes about rape if the remark comes from one of their own.

So there it is — once again duplicitous liberals get to make up us-versus-them rules. It's right there in the official War on Women Rulebook. As the left defines the rubric, they also determine when the rules change and who can and cannot change them. If the likes of Silverman, Sen. Franken, and even million-dollar Obama contributor/misogynist Bill Maher make vile offensive jokes about women, rest assured, double-dealing pro-choice liberals will gladly absolve them.

© Jeannieology


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