Cliff Kincaid
White Reds exploiting blacks in Ferguson
By Cliff Kincaid
December 2, 2014

If Ferguson 2014 is remembered on an objective basis by our media, we will be reminded of an unprovoked attack on a white policeman by a black thug named Michael Brown, who was high on drugs; Michael Brown's stepfather Louis Head (a convicted marijuana distributor) yelling, "Burn the bitch down;" the burning and looting of local businesses, including black-owned businesses; and the indictment of two blacks for plotting to kill St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch and Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson.

Another important factor in all of this has been the constant presence of outside agitators, including members of the white communist-led Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) and the Workers World Party.

Like Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, RCP chairman Bob Avakian is a white communist who came out of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the group that laid siege to college campuses before turning into the terrorist Weather Underground.

Referred to by his followers as "Chairman Bob," Avakian is devoted to "the struggle for a communist world" and wrote a memoir, From Ike to Mao and Beyond: My Journey from Mainstream America to Revolutionary Communist.

One of his big fans is Princeton University's Cornel West, a favorite of the media who declared, "Bob Avakian is a long distance runner in the freedom struggle against imperialism, racism and capitalism. His voice and witness are indispensable in our efforts to enhance the wretched of the earth."

West is honorary chair of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

Rather than expose the outside agitators in Ferguson, The Washington Post ran an article by a black professor named Carol Anderson as the burned out businesses were still smoldering, insisting that, "Ferguson isn't about black rage against cops – it's white rage against progress."

In a rambling and largely incoherent column, she insisted that "the tea party movement's assault on so-called Big Government" was actually "an attack on African American jobs."

If the public gets misled by such reckless and inflammatory coverage, we will be denied an opportunity to understand how our own internal security is at risk through outside manipulation of black criminal elements in our cities and communities.

It is apparent that President Obama and his major liberal and "progressive" allies want to use the damage and destruction in Ferguson for "criminal justice reform" that targets the police as the villains, and seeks to release hardened criminals from jail on the ground that they are "victims" of capitalist society.

The late Larry Grathwohl, former FBI informant in the Weather Underground, understood from personal experience how white communists exploited blacks and other minority groups. Once discussing the significance of a 2009 book by Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn entitled, Race Course Against White Supremacy, Grathwohl said Ayers and Dohrn always regarded Barack Obama, whose political career they sponsored, as a tool – a puppet – to use against white America.

But there's one slight problem: these communists, including Ayers and Dohrn, were white themselves.

During one of several "criticism sessions" when he was in the Weather Underground, Grathwohl said he asked "why we didn't recruit or make any efforts to recruit African-Americans or Latinos. Weatherman doctrine held that minorities inside the United States were actually a colonized people and therefore could fight a war of liberation while we, as white Americans, were part of U.S. imperialism or at least profited from U.S. imperialism."

He never got a direct answer, although the Weather Underground did work later with the Black Liberation Army, a group of black communists who murdered police.

Grathwohl understood the role that blacks were to play in the revolution when he was assigned to Detroit, Michigan, in order to bomb a police station. Shortly after his arrival there in late January of 1970, he was assigned to a cell with four other people, and during a meeting with Bill Ayers they were told "that our objective would be to place bombs at the Detroit Police Officers Association (DPOA Building) and at the 13th precinct."

The DPOA building, Grathwohl discovered, was a converted single-family brownstone that had been built prior to World War II. Next to the DPOA building was a red barn restaurant, located in a predominantly black neighborhood, meaning that that most of the customers were black.

"After a week of information gathering we had another meeting with Bill Ayers and at this time I suggested to Bill that if we placed the bomb in the walkway between these two buildings, the DPOA building would suffer little if any damage while the red barn restaurant would most likely be destroyed. I also concluded that customers in that restaurant would die."

He said Ayers told him, "Sometimes innocent people have to die in a revolution." Grathwohl said, "I was shocked. I couldn't believe that a person who had so eloquently spoken of the black liberation movement could be so callous when it was obvious that the resulting explosion would kill many of the people he claimed to be so concerned about."

This is essentially what has happened in Ferguson, as white-led communist groups had to be fully aware that blacks would suffer the most, when using Michael Brown's death as the main organizing tool.

Obama has played the part well, just as Ayers and Dohrn anticipated. In his remarks after the announcement of the grand jury decision in Ferguson, Obama vaguely referred to "the handful of people who may use the grand jury's decision as an excuse for violence," but never named who they were and why they were in Ferguson. Instead, he focused on alleged problems with law enforcement.

Obama certainly knows a lot about white communists exploiting blacks. But he won't address the problem publicly or call for the federal government – or Congress – to investigate it. That might expose the network that backed him for president.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which once had a friendly working relationship with the Obama/Holder Justice Department, has also played its typical role, publishing a "Hate Watch" report quoting some fringe "white nationalist web forums" as making disparaging remarks about minority groups. The group said nothing about communist manipulation of the Ferguson protests, and urged people to read the article by Professor Anderson about "white rage" being the problem.

Not to be outdone, CNN invited the professor on the channel to claim that "white rage" can be found in common-sense policies or proposals such as "law and order," and even "fiscal responsibility." She explained, for example, that fiscal responsibility "sounds genteel" and "sounds responsible... But underneath it, the destruction to the black community is profound."

The communist role in the protests has been acknowledged by the media in passing but never explored in any detail. The Washington Post on Saturday ran a story under the headline, "Ferguson retailers bruised by protests," about the "Black Friday" agitators who tried to impede business at various department stores. The on-line version carried the headline, "After protests, a quiet Black Friday in Ferguson."

It reported, "A handful of protesters, including members of the Revolutionary Communist Party, were told to leave the parking lot. They stood at the lot's entrance with signs that said 'No Shopping As Usual Black Lives Matter Friday.'"

A photo with the article (not with the on-line version) showed somebody screaming in a store and disrupting shopping with a sign that said, "Ferguson is Everywhere. Police brutality and murder must stop." The bottom of the sign revealed the sponsor of the protests: ""

The website represents the Revolutionary Communist Party.

But one can search in vain in the pages of the Post and other major newspapers for any discussion of who these communists were and what precise role they were playing in the violence and mayhem.

This is a perfect opportunity for the new Congress to investigate communist subversion and agitation. But that would require creation of new committees or subcommittees to examine the idea that the U.S. has an internal security problem that needs to be exposed and addressed.

As long as Obama and the media pretend the problem doesn't exist, it's unlikely Congress will act.

Instead, we are likely to see more cases of libertarians like Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) having meetings with the likes of racial agitator Al Sharpton, who has his own show on the MSNBC cable network.

In a statement, Sharpton, who once falsely accused a group of white men of raping a black woman named Tawana Brawley, said that he and Senator Paul talked about "criminal justice issues" and "mandatory sentencing" as part of "a very candid and courteous conversation." He added, "We pledged to continue to have such conversations where conservatives and progressives can have dialogue and break the log jam in American discussion."

What he's talking about is letting black criminals out of prison or jail because they are supposedly victims of a racist system.

Former congressman Artur Davis, a Democrat-turned-Republican, told Jennifer Rubin of the Post that Sen. Paul shouldn't be meeting with "leaders" of cable shows, but rather with black families "doing the best they can against tough odds," and those who have buried children "who were killed not by cops but by other kids."

© Cliff Kincaid


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