Cliff Kincaid
The 'conspiracy' to kill Trump
By Cliff Kincaid
July 1, 2024

Speaking on Fox News the day after the debate, Eric Trump made a comment that reverberates. He said about his father, “He’s getting shot at every single day.” He meant that his father is under verbal and legal attack. But the real threat is physical. Biden’s disastrous debate performance means the only way the Deep State can avoid another Trump presidency is if they take him out, Vincent Foster-style.

The second thing that Eric Trump said that was ominous concerned the nature of the Deep State. He wondered who was running the government while Joe Biden was hiding in Camp David, the military compound in the Catoctin Mountains of Maryland. “Who’s running the government?” Eric Trump asked.

There are two answers to that. One is that Biden’s Administration is staffed by Obama personnel. That’s a documented fact. The other is that federal intelligence agencies like the FBI and CIA do not want Trump to win and will work to make sure he never returns to the White House.

In the wake of Biden’s debate performance, they are desperate.

Andrew McCarthy’s “Conspiracy Theory”

To understand the depth of their hatred for Trump, consider the perspective of former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, a paid contributor on Fox News and a go-to guy for “conservatives” defending Trump. Even Trump cites his articles. But McCarthy can be wrong, and seriously wrong. His recent defense of the FBI raid on Trump’s home is a case study. He whitewashes the FBI’s dirty deeds.

It was McCarthy who defended Special Counsel Robert Mueller, a former FBI director, as an honest professional. That began the Russia-gate hoax that tied up President Trump’s first term with Russian disinformation peddled by Hillary.

Now, McCarthy is saying that the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid, in which agents were authorized to use force, was standard procedure. “All search warrants involve the possibility of forced entry,” he says. He adds, “…as a matter of common sense, the FBI always has an operational plan for carrying out a court-authorized search. That plan customarily involves reminding the search teams of the FBI’s use-of-force policies.”

His article ran under a headline calling the claim about the FBI using “lethal force” at Mar-a-Lago “stupid” and he added, “The claim is political red meat for conspiracy theorists.”

So anybody who questions the honesty and integrity of the FBI is a conspiracy theorist?

On the contrary, the FBI invites “conspiracy theories” based on its track record. It is stupid not to assume the worst about the strategy and tactics of this federal agency, especially when it is targeting an enemy of the state like Trump at his own home.

Mexican Drug Cartels Target Trump

Our special report, “Marked for Death,” looks at Trump’s enemies, including the FBI, left-wing radicals, and the Iranian terrorist regime.

Another threat to Trump comes from the Mexican drug cartels working with the government of Mexico and trafficking fentanyl with the assistance of the Chinese Communist Party that supplies the chemicals.

Incredibly, during the recent Mexican elections, there were more than 30 assassinations of candidates arranged by the cartels, to make sure their drug and human smuggling operations into the United States continue without hindrance.

The dominant leftist Morena Party must be considered an enemy of the United States. Trump, who has promised military attacks on the cartels, is their enemy.

Who Planted the Pipe Bombs?

Before we examine the other death threats against Trump and other Republicans, consider the placement of pipe bombs near the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Republican National Committee (RNC) on January 5, 2021.

Rep. Thomas Massie notes that ATF Director Steve Dettelbach recently refused to answer Congress’s questions about the pipe bombs. “It’s been three years without answers from the Biden administration. What information is Dettelbach hiding?” asks Massie.

Former FBI agent Kyle Seraphin says the FBI obstructed the investigation into the alleged perpetrator, leading some observers to conclude the FBI planted the bombs. It was designed to make the ‘insurrection,” in which unarmed Trump supporters were escorted into the Capitol, look dangerous. In this confrontation, military vet and Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt was murdered in cold blood.

Investigative journalist Jack Cashill noted that the FBI raised the reward for finding the bomber but he “has vanished into the ether as seamlessly as did John Doe #2, Timothy McVeigh’s accomplice in the April 1995 destruction of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.”

The D.C. bomber joins John Doe #2 as being among the “Others Unknown,” as McVeigh’s attorney noted in a book by that name.

We still do not have the full truth about how the FBI and other federal agencies provoked the “insurrection” and planted the pipe bombs.

In the 1992 Ruby Ridge incident, Randy Weaver’s wife was killed by an FBI sniper. Weaver was set-up by federal agents on a gun charge and the FBI and other federal agents surrounded his home, opening fire on his family.

Andrew McCarthy and the Feds

Andrew McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor, completely ignores the circumstances surrounding the raid on Trump’s home. For no legitimate reason, McCarthy is biased in favor of the feds, when federal agencies do not deserve such respect and admiration.

When McCarthy says the FBI plan “customarily involves reminding the search teams of the FBI’s use-of-force policies,” he ignores the history of this agency, including recent history.

In the case of Mark Houck, a pro-lifer, nearly twenty-five FBI agents raided his home on September 23, 2022, arresting him without explanation and taking him to the FBI Headquarters in Philadelphia. The agents had their guns drawn. One agent had a ballistic shield and long gun. Another agent had a battering ram.

Houck was and is a peaceful citizen, a Catholic, a father.

In the court case, which examined whether Houck’s participation in a pro-life protest that somehow was construed by the feds as harassment of abortion workers, Houck was found not guilty. He was defended by the Thomas Moore Society.

The FBI defended the raid, saying their agents employed “standard practices” against Houck.

It sounds a lot like the FBI’s defense of the raid on Trump’s home.

Threatening a Peaceful Catholic Father

Further, court documents in the Houck case reveal the following:

“Mr. Houck observed that the agents were wielding firearms, battering rams, a crowbar, and were equipped with heavily armored vests, ballistic helmets, and shields. Marked and unmarked government vehicles surrounded his home and lined his driveway.

“Mr. Houck also observed rifles, including AR-styled rifles and handguns aimed at him from his porch, his yard, and his driveway. Agents crouched behind their vehicles and aimed their guns at him as if they were arresting a dangerous criminal.

“Two agents were in the rear of Mr. Houck’s home and scared Mr. Houck’s daughter, T.H., when she discovered agents dressed in black behind the home. T.H. observed that the agents were holding rifles and were looking into the Houcks’ home through the back door windows.”

In the Houck case, Senators asked “…what factors led to the Justice Department and FBI executing an arrest warrant against him instead of using less aggressive tactics, including a summons to appear? Please explain how the execution of the search warrant complied with Attorney General Garland’s use of force memorandum.”

There is no explanation, other than a pro-abortion and anti-Catholic bias that guides what the Biden Justice Department is doing.

In both the Houck and Trump cases, the bias involves federal agencies that are heavily armed. That makes Trump a special target.

Now that Biden is toast, the only avenue left for these agencies is to make Trump toast, too. That way, Biden and/or his replacement has a chance.

  • Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

    © Cliff Kincaid


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