Larry Klayman
July 23, 2011
Political heterophobia and its consequences
By Larry Klayman

In an effort of destroy the presidential campaign of Rep. Michele Bachmann, the only true Christian conservative in the Republican primary race, the activist ultra left gay and lesbian "community" has sharpened its vicious talons. Garnering the complicity and support of the leftist mainstream media, they have been foaming at the mouth about her candidacy, which they see as a threat to their agenda — which in large part is to indoctrinate our children into the normalcy and thus "advantages" of a homosexual lifestyle.

Before I go further, let me make one thing clear. I am not a homophobe. I know and work with gays who are nice, decent, intelligent, hardworking. productive and respectful people. While I do not endorse or condone their lifestyle, my gay friends do not try to push their unfortunate situation — which is obviously both difficult and painful for them and their families — on others. They recognize that life is not perfect, and their lives are a study in this sad fact. Their can be no doubt, contrary to the bizarre analysis of some who seek to explain homosexuality, that God intended sex to be between a man and a woman. Otherwise, He would have equipped us differently. Contrary to the humor of Woody Allen, who once quipped that "there is nothing like love between a man and a woman, it just depends which man and which woman you get in between," God, in my view, the Judeo-Christian view, obviously designed our bodies to accommodate physical relations "between" the opposite sexes. When man has strayed from this anatomical fact of life, bad things health-wise have happened; AIDs is just one example.

Michele Bachmann and her husband, Marcus, have for years tried to help homosexuals find their way to the Lord. While never trying to pressure gays and lesbians to lead a heterosexual lifestyle, Michele and Marcus have tried to have them — on their own — accept God's chosen way. This should not be criticized or vilified, but commended — and if truth be told most gays and lesbians, if their communities allowed them to speak out, would probably praise the Bachmann' s efforts.

The same would be true for one of my private clients, Bradlee Dean, a hard-metal rocker and preacher, who, having lead a very hard life as a child, founded You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International, a foundation dedicated to teaching Christian values to children and our posterity. Bradlee, a very sincere and engaging man, created the group to help kids avoid the pitfalls and harm that he experienced as a youth. Saddled with a father who was jailed and a mother who had more time for her boyfriends than Bradlee and his brother, he fell into a sinful lifestyle — that is, until he found Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International has been diverted from carrying out its mission of late, thanks to having to fend off attacks from the hateful, activist, ultra-leftist gay and lesbian community. Falsely seizing on a remark made by Bradlee during his radio show, sarcastically praising, "tongue in cheek," even Muslims for taking the homosexual agenda seriously, he challenged fellow Christians to do the same, only under our God. (Radical Muslims, such as those running Iran, of course, believe that Allah advocates killing gays under Shariah law.) None other than Rachel Maddow and MSNBC smeared him for supposedly advocating the execution of gays "Shariah style." Other leftist "journalists" gladly have followed suit, spurred on by the "revelation" that Michele Bachmann supported and prayed for Bradlee's ministry in the past. Not coincidentally, Michele happens to be Bradlee's congresswoman in Minnesota.

So, by cleverly smearing Bradlee and You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International, the gay and lesbian community has found a way to falsely link Rep. Bachmann to the ministry. What could be better? "Killing" two Christian birds with one stone. And, of course, the big prize is Michele Bachmann's presidential campaign, since she, if elected president, is seen as a great threat to "gaydom."

Rachel Maddow, of course, is a proud lesbian, and she openly boasts of her sexual preference on her MSNBC show. She, like the other homosexuals and leftists who seek to conveniently destroy Michele Bachmann and Bradlee in one fell swoop, is free to practice her sexuality as she pleases. Why, then, are we conservative Christians and Jews not allowed to express our views about the ungodly pitfalls of the gay political agenda and live our lives as we please?

It is because we have been in an intense culture war in this country; the left — now led ironically by its pro-Muslim president, Barack Hussein Obama, wants to squeeze the teachings of the likes of Jesus and Moses from our public schools and our society in general. By pushing government as our God, and having the government condone and endorse the homosexual lifestyle through such institutions as "gay marriage," they want to squeeze God out of our lives, and instead hand over our mores and values to the "devil."

The destruction of the Michele Bachmanns, Bradlee Deans and other evangelical Christians in particular is necessary for gay activists to take over the country, as they stand in their way. And by destroying Bachmann and Dean, the gay agenda will then have free reign to impose its lifestyle on our youth.

Well, Bradlee Dean and You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International are not going to roll over. Just watch what my clients do in the next week. I can assure you that Rachel Maddow, MSNBC and their ultra-left gay and frequently atheist comrades will see that Bradlee, like Jesus, is no pushover.

Conservative Christians and Jews will win this culture war. But it will take strong and committed action — unafraid of the consequences. Because the future of our nation's youth is at stake — much more society as a whole.

© Larry Klayman


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Larry Klayman

Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is known for his strong public interest advocacy in furtherance of ethics in government and individual freedoms and liberties... (more)


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