Larry Klayman
February 5, 2012
Have American leaders been bribed, again?
By Larry Klayman

The more I think about it the more angry I become. Under the "regimes" of President George W. Bush and now President Barack Hussein Obama, the nation has continued to sacrifice the lives of brave military men and women and their families in irrational and stupid politically motivated wars and retreats. Nearly 5,000 dead, tens of thousands maimed and wounded (many with amputated arms, legs and other body parts), over a trillion dollars spent, and all we have to show for it are negative and counterproductive results in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Having "created" so-called democracy in Iraq, its "democratically elected" government — to use the term "democratically" more than loosely — is now controlled by radical Shiite Muslims loyal to the mullahs in Tehran, not the United States. Iraq is in effect an appendage and surrogate of Iran. To make matters even worse at a time when oil prices are about to spike higher — given the degenerating situation with Iran — our "leaders," both Republican and Democrat, never saw fit to have Iraqis pay for their own "freedom" with oil revenues. Instead, the American taxpayer, faced with a deep economic recession, near depression and high unemployment, had to shell over the considerable dough to not only pay for Bush's "war of liberation," but all that came with it afterwards under Hussein Obama. Simply put, why did the United States not take control of Iraqi oil, which is the second-biggest source in the world, to pay for the war and as an oil reserve for our own use in time of dire straits, such as we now face?

And as far as Afghanistan is concerned, that is an equally big disaster. The Taliban terrorists are on the march, American GIs continue to sacrifice, and Hussein Obama, our "mullah in chief," is down on his knees, with the tacit consent of many Republicans, begging the Taliban for forgiveness and wanting to reach a "settlement" with and thus appease these terrorists, who get a cash bounty from Iran for each American serviceman they kill.

Then there is Iran proper. Despite empty American threats that the Obama administration will use force to stop the Islamic state's march to nuclear weapons, the mullahs continue to push forward. Last Friday, it was even reported by the New York Times that Tehran is close to bringing on-line missiles with a range of 6,000 miles, which when armed with nuclear bombs can easily hit the United States.

"A senior Israeli official said Thursday that the missile testing site near Tehran, that was destroyed in a huge explosion three months ago, was developing missiles with a range of about 6,000 miles that could reach the United States.

"The assertion went far beyond what rocket experts have established about Iran's missile capabilities, and American officials questioned its accuracy.

"The Israeli, Moshe Yaalon, a deputy prime minister and minister for strategic affairs, said the blast at a missile base of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps hit a system 'getting ready to produce a missile with a range of 10,000 kilometers.'

"'That's the Great Satan,' he said, invoking a name Iran has used for the United States. 'It was aimed at America, not us.'" [Ethan Bronner, New York Times, "U.S. Plays Down Warning by Israeli Over Iran's Missiles," Feb. 2, 2012]

There you have it. An Israeli deputy prime minister, in effect the nation of Israel, forced to warn Americans of the imminence of a nuclear threat and eventual attack on our soil, as our own government, infested with politicians of both major political parties, keeps this frightening news from us. Of course, the reason this key information has been withheld is that if the American people heard it from their own Democratic and Republican leaders, they might actually demand military action, and not the ineffective and worthless sanctions the "mullah in chief" and bipartisan Congress have "imposed" on the terrorist regime as cover and thus an excuse not to take strong immediate action.

While our political leaders continue to play mind and other games with the American people — mostly dismissing the Iranian nuclear threat as a year or so down the line — the radical Islamic mullahs in Tehran are straightforward and clear. Yesterday, the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, not surprisingly again declared, "I have no fear of saying that we will back and help any nation or group that wants to confront and fight against the Zionist regime (Israel)." And who is Israel's major perceived ally? The United States, of course.

The simple fact that American political leaders have in effect "laid off Iran" and fought stupid and counterproductive wars elsewhere raises the big question — who are these leaders really working for? Certainly not the American people.

It is a known fact that Iran is masterful at spreading money around to suit its ends. As just one example, most of the 30-plus Persian television networks in Los Angeles, the biggest home to Iranian immigrants in the United States, are on the payroll of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, which launders money through Dubai to pay for so-called "advertising." As a result, these cash-strapped Persian stations, which need these advertising dollars to survive financially, in exchange water down their coverage of the atrocities perpetrated by the Islamic regime against their own people and the world.

Remember Chinagate, the scandal I helped undercover at Judicial Watch during the late 1990s? It was about Communist China spreading money all around Washington, D.C. — not just the corrupt Democratic and Clinton political machine — to get what it wanted from our government: highly classified national security information and technology. Remember how the Republican Congress shut down its Chinagate campaign-finance investigation when it was learned that Republicans had also profited from Chinese largesse? Instead, they pursued Monica Lewinsky, whose only threat was to continue compromising more good Cuban cigars.

So why would it be inconceivable now that Iran, which is a close ally to Communist China, would employ these same tactics?

In short, is U.S. governmental "inaction" toward the Iranian nuclear threat due to a similar massive bribery scheme that engulfs both of our corrupt major political parties? In my gut, and if the past is a prologue, I believe this to be true. And, I for one, intend to try to find out before it is too late for all of us!

© Larry Klayman


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Larry Klayman

Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is known for his strong public interest advocacy in furtherance of ethics in government and individual freedoms and liberties... (more)


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