Larry Klayman
December 10, 2013
The 2nd American Revolution has begun!
By Larry Klayman

"The bells rang all day and almost all night. Even the chimers chimed away."

– John Adams describing the reaction to the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, 1776

Last Thursday, I traveled to Ocala, Fla., to honor a great fallen hero and patriot, Steve Hunter, a former leader of the Tri-County Tea Party and someone who has worked with Freedom Watch and me in fashioning and implementing citizens' grand juries there – Steve died in a car crash Nov. 22 of this year. I used the travel time to read the early chapters of the Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of Thomas Jefferson, by Jon Meacham. "Thomas Jefferson, The Art of Power" (Random House 2013). At the conclusion of his chapters detailing the years leading up to the Declaration of Independence ratified on July 4, 1776, in my native town of Philadelphia, Meacham analyzes the root causes of the "First American Revolution." I would like to share this with you, because it underscores, going on 238 years later, why we again, as Americans, must take great risks and pledge our sacred honor, "fortunes" and lives to wage a Second American Revolution, to reclaim our freedoms. Here is what this formidable historian concluded:

"There was no mistaking how significant Jefferson and his colleagues believed the scale of the American struggle to be. One of Jefferson's duties in Philadelphia was the design of a seal for the new nation, a task he shared with Benjamin Franklin and John Adams.

"Reacting to a proposal of Franklin's that invoked the parting of the Red Sea, Jefferson suggested 'Pharaoh sitting in an open chariot, a crown on his head and a sword in his hand passing through the divided waters of the Red Sea in pursuit of the Israelites: rays from a pillar of fire in the cloud, expressive of the divine presence, and command, reaching to Moses who stands on the shore and, extending his hand over the sea, causes it to overwhelm Pharaoh.' Motto: Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. The Founders were Moses, George III was Pharaoh, and Americans were the Israelites being led from bondage.

"In truth, the British demands on the colonies were hardly outrageous. The expense of defending the borders (born by the mother country) was considerable. American wealth was substantial; and Edmund Burke (a prominent and respected colonialist) made a compelling case in London for 'virtual representation' ... the argument that the king and Parliament were stewards of the whole empire whether particular colonies could vote for members of the House of Commons or not.

"So why did the colonists take such extreme steps – arming themselves and putting their lives and their families' lives at risk? There is no single answer.

"... The classical Republican ethos that centered on virtue, harmony, balance, and fear of corruption had come to the Anglo-American world through Renaissance Florence, where Machiavelli and others sought to preserve the best of the ancient republics. The revivals of the First Great Awakening were critical too, for the preaching of the mid-18th century tended to focus on the centrality of the individual soul in relation to God. ... Then there was capitalism. ... Americans were blessed with enormous natural resources and endless economic energy, yet many, including Jefferson, found themselves in perpetual debt to British creditors.

"Succeeding generations have sometimes tried to isolate one of these phenomena as the origin of the Revolution. It seems most convincing though to think of Lockean Liberalism, classical republicanism (via the Renaissance), the Great Awakening, the promise of capitalism, and the hatred of debt (and the British merchants and banks who were owed the debts) as tributaries that all helped form the larger rushing river of the American Revolution." Id. at 112-113.

In short, what Meacham is describing is an unbridled optimism that freedom and its attendant prosperity and well-being, free from excessive debt, will revert to the colonies once the governmental bondage placed upon them by King George and his corrupt Parliament are removed with the help of God's divine intervention and grace.

The parallels to the even direr situation the United States now finds itself in today are striking. We are ruled by someone who is in effect the pharaoh and at the least a Muslim at heart who disdains the Judeo-Christian heritage and foundations upon which our nation was forged and who has rung up extreme national debt and loathes capitalism, instead seeing it his "duty" to redistribute wealth to "his" people for years of their slavery. President Barack Hussein Obama and his compromised if not corrupt enablers in Congress and in the judiciary, like a time warp, have thrust We the People back to 1776 and provoked our Second American Revolution. And, the current revolutionary climate is even more severe, since unlike the colonies, contemporary America is on the steep decline. Our resources, wealth, ethics, spirituality and liberties are being stifled by a socialistic choke hold on our economy and lives, where our "Muslim" president and the government, not God, is to be worshiped and obeyed – else authoritarian henchmen and thugs at the NSA and IRS will destroy you.

To seek redress for our grievances, as our forefathers attempted leading up to independence day on July 4, 1776, the Reclaim America Now Coalition gave notice in front of the White House on Nov.19 of this year that if the people's freedoms were not restored by the day after Thanksgiving, the Second American Revolution would begin in earnest. True to the predictions of anyone living in our times, our grievances went unanswered by our illegitimate government usurpers, and now we must make good on our threats of non-violent, civil disobedience to attempt redress.

In this regard, as we mourn the death this week of Nelson Mandela, a great man who, like his American counterpart Martin Luther King, used civil disobedience successfully to bring freedom to his people and by definition all people (who are created equal with certain unalienable rights, as Jefferson put it), let us take Mandela's achievement in liberating South Africa from bondage as a further example of what we can accomplish in freeing our own nation from the choking despotic governmental slavery of Obama and his pliant Democratic and Republican minions in Congress and the judiciary.

We will soon be announcing the date to convene the Third Continental Congress in Philadelphia early next year where, taking a page from the Founding Fathers, we will meet to plan the next steps of our Second American Revolution, with delegates from all 50 states.

We will also use the occasion to appoint committees to coordinate the revolution and to elect a government in waiting to take over on the day when our current corrupt leaders are forced by the citizenry to leave their thrones and freedom is restored to our shores.

Like our Founding Fathers in 1776, the time is now to risk all we have to save the nation from government tyrants before all is lost.

© Larry Klayman


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Larry Klayman

Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is known for his strong public interest advocacy in furtherance of ethics in government and individual freedoms and liberties... (more)


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