James Lambert
Bronze star recipient faces court martial over eligibility question stance
By James Lambert
December 6, 2010

On Monday supporters for Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin will be staging a protest in the front of the Phoenix offices of Senator John McCain and Jon Kyle regarding the impending court martial / trail of the Bronze Star recipient. The event sponsored by www.Safeguardourconstitution.com seeks to bring public attention to the Lakin's effort to question Obama's constitutional eligibility as President.

In March, Lakin was asked by the U.S. Army to present his birth certificate when given deployment orders to go to Afghanistan. Lakin "refused to go to Afghanistan for a second tour until Obama releases his birth certificate showing he was, in fact, born in the U.S." (NY Daily News) Now the Lt. Col. is facing a court martial in a few weeks and possible jail time.

Such action has alarmed other military veterans who support what Terry Lakin is doing. One, retired Captain Neil Turner, has even personally notified, per official server, key members of Congress (both Democrat and Republican) over this apparent violation of Article 2, section 1 of the U.S. Constitution. Turner explained his reasons in a recent television interview:

Candidly even former NBC anchor Tom Brokaw admitted several years ago, on the Charlie Rose show that "we don't know much" (PBS) about our 44th President. Almost all of Obama's records are sealed and cannot be verified. Such is the case with his birth certificate. That is why the Certificate of Live Birth (his campaign supplied in 2008) does not show the hospital of the birth and doctor attending his birth. What most people do not realize is that in the early 1960s relatives (in Hawaii) could 'report' a birth without providing full documentation of that birth. Remember, during that time, Hawaii was a new state and had a large number of undocumented residents living within its borders prior to statehood (in 1959). Such is the case with the newspaper reports also. If a relative called in the data, it would just be reported, as stated. No questions asked. However, it has been recently discovered that the home address reported in the local newspaper at that time was instead occupied by a University of Hawaii Professor (WND), not Obama or his parents. Also, it has been verified from University of Washington records dated September, 1961, just several weeks after Obama's declared birth that his mother (Ann) lived with her son in Seattle while she was attending the Pacific Northwest school.

Still, Lt. Col. Terry Lakin was required to provide his full birth certificate (for deployment) and his 'Commander in Chief' was not. Don't you ever think it is curious that young boys are required to provide their full birth certificates to play Pony League baseball, yet the Congress of the United States will not fully vet the Constitutional requirement of candidates for the highest office in the land?

Unfortunately media groups like CBS news continues to report on this issue saying that "extensive evidence" has been provided to the contrary. That simply is not true. Why is it that Columbia University, Occidental College and Harvard University will not open up their books on this man? Certainly, Obama's college entrance application would go a long way to prove his residency. The state of California at one time showed on their website that Obama applied for a foreign scholarship to attend the school in the late 70s. (I saw this report with my own eyes.) Why is it that we cannot see copies of his passport? Why so many secrets? And why did he apply (for college) as a 'foreign' resident?

Yet, the media continues to defend this form of secrecy. When some members of the media thought that George Bush was dumb and not intelligent enough to be President (in 1999), it didn't take long for the New Yorker magazine to get transcripts of Bush's Yale University grades. Nevertheless, the media continues to defend a man who has known ties to radical leftists throughout most of his life time. Sadly, Terry Lakin will most likely have to pay the ultimate penalty of violating the Uniformed Code of Military Justice by violating an order from a Commander in Chief who may be illegitimate.

© James Lambert


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James Lambert

James Lambert has a broad business background. After receiving his undergraduate degree from Linfield College (McMinnville, Oregon), Lambert pursued a career in banking by working in various management capacities for Crocker Bank, San Diego Trust & Savings Bank and First Interstate Bank (between 1973 and 1995). By 1990 Lambert received his Master in Business Administration from National University (San Diego). For 3 years, Lambert also taught Finance at Mira Costa Community College... (more)


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