Lloyd Marcus
Restoring what it means to be an American
By Lloyd Marcus
July 30, 2017

Even though I am black, I was raised on Superman's; truth, justice and the American way. I always believed Americans were the world's good guys. As a kid, I watched my mom cry over "I Love Lucy" TV stars Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz getting a divorce.

I remember our entire family, mom, dad and five kids gathered around our single television; nail-biting tension in the air as we nervously awaited the final out for our Baltimore Orioles to win the World's Series over the Pittsburgh Pirates. Despite our country's racial issues, we patriotically embraced the distinct American culture. We were Americans.

When President JFK said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country," I believe a majority of Americans agreed with him.

For years, I sang my song, "Celebrate America" http://bit.ly/2h0Swyv at Naturalization Oath of Allegiance Ceremonies. I thought it was pretty cool that mine was the first song new Americans heard after taking their oath of allegiance. I witnessed thousands of immigrants who jumped through all the hoops, learned our language and history and tearfully pledged their allegiance.

I still remember a gentleman who appeared to be in his 90s, raised to his feet from a wheelchair by a grandchild on each arm. Their entire family wept as he took his oath. Clearly, it meant something extremely special to become an American.

It pained me deeply watching Obama lower the bar, redefining and dumbing down what it means to be an American.

Obama rolled out the red carpet welcoming tens of thousands of illegals to invade our country for welfare benefits; even benefits unavailable to American citizens. http://washex.am/2eL6TGl For immigrants legally becoming new citizens, Obama made pledging to defend our county optional. http://bit.ly/1MkmOmR

Assuming Hillary would win the WH, Obama figured his illegal invaders would eventually be gifted voting rights. It did not matter to Obama that they had no desire to embrace our culture, respect our flag or learn to speak English. In essence, Obama took the majestic shine off of becoming an American.

The late queen of cosmetics, Mary Kay Ash said the speed of the leader is the speed of the gang. Unarguably, Obama's disdain and disrespect for Americanism trickled down infecting our country. Public schools banned the singing of "God Bless the USA/Proud to be an America." http://bit.ly/2mFeyFG Students were barred from wearing t-shirts to school featuring the U.S. flag on Cinco De Mayo http://fxn.ws/2ojaNGY, claiming it was hateful and insensitive to illegal Mexican students. Multimillionaire pro athletes refused to stand for our national anthem, proclaiming themselves victims of America. Their example of dissing our flag trickled down to high and middle school athletes across America. http://bbc.in/2uuuyAu

Under Obama, JFK's words inspiring Americans to strive for excellence for the good of their country were thrown on the junk-heap of forgotten history. Obama's new Americanism was about demonizing and punishing self-reliant achievers, pandering to lazy parasites and addicting as many Americans as possible to big government dependency.

Due to decades of our Leftist controlled public schools abandoning teaching U.S. history, far too many Americans quickly surrendered their precious God-given and fought for freedom and liberty for a free Obama phone and his promise to Robin Hood the rich. Ben Franklin said, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Obama actually launched an ad campaign begging illegals to apply for food stamps. http://dailym.ai/1PPPdR1

Using a Hispanic soap opera , Obama told illegals that applying for as many U.S. government freebie programs as possible was the honorable thing to do for their families. http://bit.ly/2tH14AA

It was also painful watching Obama insidiously divide Americans into supposed victimized voting blocs; blacks, Hispanics, women, transgenders and so on. Suddenly, we became an entitlement-minded gimme-society; everyone running around claiming America abused them and therefore owed them a living.

I kept thinking what the heck is going on. We are better than this. I wanted to scream from the roof tops, "This is not who we are. Darn it, we are AMERICANS!!!" In my song, "We Are Americans" http://bit.ly/1AIVqp6 , I ask my fellow Americans to repent and return to our founding principles.

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Mark Levin recently penned a book in which he brilliantly articulated the source of my heartache for my country; the well-orchestrated cultural and moral decline of America.

Levin's book is titled, "Rediscovering Americanism And The Tyranny of Progressivism" http://amzn.to/2udTux9

The good news is Trump winning the WH in an electoral landslide proves that despite decades of Leftists trying to convince Americans that we are the greatest source of evil in the world, the masses still love our country and long to see her made great again.

And for that, I am extremely hopeful and grateful. Prayerfully, Trump will usher in us becoming Americans again.

© Lloyd Marcus


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Lloyd Marcus

(Lloyd Marcus passed away on July 24, 2020. His obituary can be read here.)

The UK Guardian declared prolific writer, singer and songwriter Lloyd Marcus the Tea Party Movement's most prominent African American, seen on Fox News, CNN and more. Rejecting hyphenating, Marcus is renowned for proclaiming, "I am NOT an African-American! I am Lloyd Marcus, AMERICAN!!!"... (more)


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