Lloyd Marcus
Post election, Democrats, and the holidays
By Lloyd Marcus
November 11, 2018

Hello America. My wife Mary and I spent much of the past two years traveling state to state campaigning to keep Republicans in control of the house and senate. Along with our team of associates, Mary and I worked extremely hard and passionately for Conservative/Republican candidates and our country.

The day after the election, we were in a Nevada hotel room preparing to fly home. After Mary finished packing our suitcases making sure they weighed less than 50 pounds, the impact of losing the U.S. house hit her. Mary wept. While I am also disappointed, I trust God.

In a just world, the Democratic Party should have been crushed November 6. Americans should have been blessed with a red tsunami.

America's chickens of decades of surrendering our kids for leftist indoctrination in public schools have come home to roost. Consequently, far too many of our millennial voters have disdain for their country. They embrace socialist and Communist candidates who run as Democrats.

Democrats outrageously promote mob violence against Trump supporters and threatened blood in our streets if Democrats did not come out on top in the midterms. https://bit.ly/2PgpVWG

Insidiously evil Democrats plan to continue lying to destroy the lives of Brett Kavanaugh and his family. It has been exposed that Democrats are funding the invasion of our country by illegals. https://bit.ly/2DuJx32

An Antifa mob attacked the home of Fox News' Tucker Carlson. They publicly posted on the internet the home addresses of Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Tucker, his brother and his friends. https://bit.ly/2OzFvaz Antifa publicizing addresses is a clarion call to their fellow Democratic Party anarchists to assault all who dare to disagree with their evil Godless agenda.

The Democratic Party not being punished at the ballot box for behaving like evil divisive domestic terrorists had me feeling a bit frustrated.

Upon our flight landing into Baltimore, we picked up our car and began the 3 hour drive home to West Virginia. My thoughts about the election were all over the place. A country song came on the radio, "You've Got to Stand for Something" by Aaron Tippin. https://bit.ly/1LetPYk The lyrics truly spoke to me, boosting my spirits.

"...you got to stand for something or you'll for fall for anything. You've got to be your own man, not a puppet on a string. Never compromise whats right and uphold your family name. You got to stand for something or you'll for fall for anything." https://bit.ly/1LetPYk

Aaron's song affirmed my God ordained mission to continue "standing for whats right" – to keep fighting to send strong character driven politicians to represent us in Washington DC. Senator Ted Cruz in Texas is one such man for whom I proudly campaigned. https://www.facebook.com/LloydMarcus/videos/10217775055035989/

Ted "stands for something" and that something is constitutional conservatism. Praise God Ted defeated Democrats' $70 million extreme radical leftist golden boy Beto O'Rourke. Thank you God for Republicans keeping the senate.

On the other hand, Utah congresswoman Mia Love proved to be a RINO "puppet on a string" disappointment. Several years ago, Mia spoke at the Republican convention boldly touting Tea Party conservative principles. Along with our Republican base, I was excited about a fellow black constitutional conservative on our side.

Suddenly, Mia scrapped her original team to sign-on with the GOP establishment's team in Utah. Mia began distancing herself from the Tea Party. Aaron song says, "never comprise whats right..." Mia threw the Tea Party under the bus when she thought it would further her political career.

Many of the 45 Republicans who retired causing the GOP to lose the house were cut from the same disloyal and anti-Trump mold as Mia Love. By refusing to embrace Trump's "America First" agenda, these Republicans did not "stand" for the best interest of our country. They "fell" for Democrats' and fake news media's lies. We the People and President Trump deserve much better.

It would be dishonest not to admit that I am suffering a bit of pushing-back-against-evil-Democratic Party burnout. But folks, the Bible says, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Galatians 6:9

We must never grow weary in protecting and saving America. As we enter into the holiday season, I plan to enjoy loving on my wife, family and friends; petting Sammy our elderly greyhound – the smell of Mary baking cookies. Like George Bailey, I am grateful that God has blessed me with a wonderful life.

Meanwhile, I will remain engaged in special elections and recounts, keeping a watchful eye for Democratic Party dirty tricks and mob attacks during the holidays. I will trust in God and keep my powder dry in preparation of stopping Democratic Party attempts to roll back the remarkable unprecedented achievements Trump has made for We the People. Trump has kept his promises, stacking up 289 achievements and counting. https://washex.am/2OSnb0K

I met Aaron Tippin about 10 years ago. We were both featured recording artists at a Gathering of Eagles Troop Support Rally in Washington DC. Aaron is an unpretentious really nice patriotic guy. It is interesting that Aaron's song showed up at a perfect time to encourage me. You got to stand for something or you'll for fall for anything. Folks, please take a stand for America.

Have a happy and blessed holiday season.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth: http://bit.ly/2kZqmUk

© Lloyd Marcus


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Lloyd Marcus

(Lloyd Marcus passed away on July 24, 2020. His obituary can be read here.)

The UK Guardian declared prolific writer, singer and songwriter Lloyd Marcus the Tea Party Movement's most prominent African American, seen on Fox News, CNN and more. Rejecting hyphenating, Marcus is renowned for proclaiming, "I am NOT an African-American! I am Lloyd Marcus, AMERICAN!!!"... (more)


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