Rev. Austin Miles
Shocking reason Obama skipped Paris anti-terrorism stand
By Rev. Austin Miles
February 9, 2015

Following a vicious attack of a cartoonist' office and a Jewish market in Paris, which killed and wounded innocent unarmed civilians, the top world leaders gathered there to show support for France and to stand with them as a united front against Islamic terrorists. One "world leader" was conspicuously absent – Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama has uttered many incredible babblings, done many outrageous things to totally undermine America, including silencing our churches, as well as shoving all vestiges of Christianity out of view, while also promoting the vilest forms of immorality that only a depraved mind could possibly imagine.

But it does not stop there. Obama introduces perverse behavior to public school children rather than encouraging character! So what else would he do to destroy America that he obviously hates so much that he apologizes for her in front of America's enemies? With that thought came a hunch. Is it possible that Obama is secretly funding ISIS?

Then a friend sent me the text below which, even though it has been around, I chose to use it to show that Obama has a history of funding Islamic extremists since it might provide a starting point to investigate those mysterious billions of taxpayer dollars that has disappeared from government coffers that nobody can account for. We wonder if the billions of dollars went the same route as those millions of missing emails of the IRS?

With this in mind, we need to say, along with the sender of this material, to the imposter in The White House:, Mr. Obama, here is why you did not go to France:

It was you who said at an Islamic dinner – "I am one of you."

It was you who on ABC News referenced – "My Muslim faith."

It was you who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques.

It was you who wrote that in the event of a conflict -"I will stand with the Muslims."

It was you who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that – "I am a Muslim."

It was you who bowed in submission before the Saudi King.

It was you who sat for 20 years in a Liberation Theology Church condemning Christianity and professing Marxism.

It was you who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the rest of us have to pay.

It was you who purposefully omitted – "endowed by our Creator" – from your recitation of The Declaration of Independence.

It was you who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ's Sermon on the Mount, while repeatedly referring to the 'HOLY' Quran.

It was you who traveled the Islamic world denigrating the United States of America.

It was you who instantly threw the support of your administration behind the building of the Ground Zero Victory mosque overlooking the hallowed crater of the World Trade Center.

It was you who refused to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, but hastened to host an Islamic prayer breakfast at the WH.

It was you who ordered both Georgetown Univ. and Notre Dame to shroud all vestiges of Jesus Christ BEFORE you would agree to go there to speak, but in contrast, you have NEVER requested that the mosques you have visited to adjust their decor.

It was you who appointed anti-Christian fanatics to your Czar Corps.

It was you who appointed rabid Islamists to Homeland Security.

It was you who said that NASA's "foremost mission" was an outreach to Muslim communities.

It was you, who as an Illinois Senator, was the ONLY individual who would speak in favor of infanticide.

It was you, the first President not to give a Christmas Greeting from the WH, and went so far as to hang photos of Chairman Mao on the WH tree.

It was you who curtailed the military tribunals of all Islamic terrorists.

It was you who refused to condemn the Ft. Hood killer as an Islamic terrorist.

It is you who refuses to speak-out concerning the horrific executions of women throughout the Muslim culture, but yet, have submitted Arizona to the UN for investigation of hypothetical human-rights abuses.

It was you who when queried in India refused to acknowledge the true extent of radical global Jihadists, and instead profusely praised Islam in a country that is 82% Hindu and the victim of numerous Islamic terrorists assaults.

It was you who funneled $900 Million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas.

It was you who ordered the USPS to honor the MUSLIM holiday with a new commemorative stamp.

It was you who directed our UK Embassy to conduct outreach to help "empower" the British Muslim community.

It was you who embraced the fanatical Muslim Brotherhood in your quest to overthrow the Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak.

It was you who funded mandatory Arabic language and culture studies in Grammar schools across our country.

It is you who follows the Muslim custom of not wearing any form of jewelry during Ramadan.

It is you who departs for Hawaii over the Christmas season so as to avoid past criticism for NOT participating in seasonal WH religious events.

It was you who was un-characteristically quick to join the chorus of the Muslim Brotherhood to depose Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, formerly America's strongest ally in North Africa; but, remain muted in your non-response to the Brotherhood led slaughter of Egyptian Christians.

It was you who appointed your chief adviser, Valerie Jarrett , who is a co-organizer of the Muslim Sisterhood, an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.

It is to be noted in the highlighted sentences above where he has used our taxpayer funds to funnel money to empower Muslim terrorist groups.

Now the big question is being asked again, based upon a hunch: Is Obama using taxpayer money to fund the ISIS attacks? It would fit a pattern as seen above.

We believe that Obama's favoritism to the Islamic cause goes far deeper than anyone expected. It is past time to dig in and find answers, then to take action. The clock is ticking.

" If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." – Samuel Adams


Photo Caption: ISIS Savages on The Rampage

Photo Credit:

© Rev. Austin Miles


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Rev. Austin Miles

Sadly, Rev. Austin Miles passed away on April 12, 2023, at age 89. His memorial service was held June 3, 2023. His obituary can be read here.

He has broken many major stories including the required study of Islam in the public schools, and reviews books, movies and concerts which brought him an award from University of California at Fullerton for Critical Review. He was a writer/researcher and technical consultant for the multi-award winning series "Ancient Secrets of The Bible," which debuted on CBS TV and has been in constant re-runs since.


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