Gina Miller
School kids targeted by federal pro-homosexual legislation
By Gina Miller
April 2, 2012

We have been watching a prolonged assault on the hearts and minds of our nation's kids for several decades now. We have seen the standards of education lowered to the point that many kids leave school unable to even write a grammatically correct paragraph, but with a firm grasp of "self esteem." This is, of course, by design. The communists who have wormed their way into positions of power in all our institutions and government have as a goal the "dumbing-down" of our young people. Why? Because an uninformed, undereducated electorate is like a malleable herd of sheep, and that is precisely what the communists need to retain their power.

This dumbing-down not only applies to the intellects of our nation's students, but also to their moral bearings. As you know, hand-in-hand with the ignorance being promoted by the forces of Hell is the campaign to abolish God's truth and morality. Nowhere can this be more clearly seen than in the diabolical push to indoctrinate our kids with the agenda of the radical homosexual movement, which seeks to gain public acceptance and approval of degenerate homosexual behavior and also to redefine marriage to be an abomination it was never intended to be, and indeed, never could be.

There are numerous fronts in this militant homosexual assault on the hearts and spirits, not just of our children, but on society at large. Since Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) was imposed on our nation as "President," we have seen a ramping-up of the homosexual radicals' activity in our schools, courtrooms, the military and federal government.

There are currently two bills pending before the Senate and the House of Representatives in Washington. S. 555 and H.R. 998 both have the Left's typically deceptive wording in their title, "Student Non-Discrimination Act of 2011." What makes the title deceptive is that this is not so much about "non-discrimination" as it is about forced homosexual indoctrination and the theft of freedom of conscience and religion for students and teachers in our nation's public school system.

Former comedian, now Senator, Al Franken, is heading up the aggressive push for this detestable legislation. He is the sponsor for the Senate version. He is recruiting both House and Senate members to support these bills. Openly homosexual Congressman Jared Polis is the sponsor of the House version of the bill.

The family activist website, Pray in Jesus Name Project, is leading a fax petition campaign to Congress asking members to reject this awful legislation. Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt has written a Call to Decision piece asking Americans to stand with traditional values and reject this terrible attempt by the radical homosexual movement to force homosexuality down the throats of our school kids as young as kindergarten-age. His petition campaign does charge money to send faxes to members of Congress, but it looks like a convenient setup for those who may not otherwise have time to send individual faxes.

He writes,

Last month California became the first state to mandate all public schools, teachers, and textbooks must teach and promote "Gay History" lessons to kids. The bill passed last July went into effect in January 2012. Proud of their victory, homosexual activists are skipping state by state votes, and now plan to force their message on kids in all 50 states.

Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) has gained 5 Representatives and 2 Senators since last week, now with 155 House co-sponsors and 36 Senators supporting two truly demonic bills, S. 555 and H.R. 998. These bills violate public school children in all 50 states by requiring mandatory pro-homosexual lectures to kids of all ages (including kindergarten and 1st grade). Schools that decline will lose funding. Franken is gaining steam! We cannot let him win this battle for the hearts and minds of our kids.

We must win the fax war to petition Congress. If the church is silent, and homosexuals petition more than we, Congress may cave to their demands. We can't let their side win!

Many Christians in California thought they would be able to "opt out" their children from pro-homosexual lectures, but sadly, because the lessons were considered "social science" and not "health education," students were given no choice but to attend. Even worse, children who voice anti-homosexual views are labeled 'bullies' and can be punished (by grown-ups who bully kids into rejecting their parents' faith.)

Religious Freedom is also under attack from the left. James Madison, a father of our Constitution, referred to the right of conscience as "the most sacred of all property." Our kids will lose any right to their own conscience, if S.555 or H.R. 998 are passed. Christian kids will be punished, and publicly ridiculed by pro-homosexual teachers. This persecution will not only be legal, it will be required by law.

Bottom Line: If these bills make to Obama's desk, they will effectively end First Amendment rights for our children, and "re-educate" kids to accept homosexuality starting in kindergarten. Kids will be [encouraged] to find their "sexuality" in the 1st grade. If your child is approached by a pervert they could be punished if they respond in a "mean way."

Let's take a stand, to protect our kids from Al Franken's abuse.

The "anti-bullying" platform is just another deceptive tool to promote the radical homosexual agenda. Bullying, harassment and assault are already against the rules in our schools and society. This is not about bullying. It is about pushing homosexuality on our children.

The attempt to add yet another protected class of people to the ever-growing list of "non-discrimination" groups is now to include homosexuality in all its various manifestations in our nation's public schools. Lost in this is the fact that homosexuality is a behavior, not an immutable characteristic like skin color or sex.

The militant homosexual campaign against our society is one that seeks to destroy the Christian moral foundation upon which this nation was built. That foundation is hanging by a thread, and the homo-radicals are wielding hell-sharpened scissors. If Christians and others — who know the ugly truth about the destructive, immoral homosexual lifestyle — stand silently by, the militant homosexuals will succeed.

You must understand that these people are deeply committed to their dark cause, and they will not stop until they own your children's minds and hearts in the public schools, until they codify marriage abomination in all fifty states, and until they outlaw any objection to their perverse behavior by squashing our freedom of conscience, religion and speech. Do not doubt it for a minute.

We must continue to pray for our nation and firmly resist the vicious efforts of the radical homosexuals in our schools and our local, state and federal governments. As it stands, we are cruising for the horrible bruising of God's righteous judgment on our land for our many, egregious, collective sins. A nation that rejects the Lord and embraces, and even celebrates, all manner of degenerate, despicable behavior — from abortion to homosexuality and every other kind of sexual depravity and greedy sloth — is not long for this world as a free and sovereign country.

May the Lord have mercy on America and stop the diabolical enemies within from prevailing in their wicked schemes.

© Gina Miller


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